2022-07-20 All Members Meeting Notes

2022-07-20 All Members Meeting Notes


2 minAntitrust Policy NoticeJudith Fleenor
1 min Agenda ReviewJudith Fleenor
1 minWelcome New MembersJudith Fleenor
2 minFoundation Announcements
3 minWorking Group Updates
TBDOpen DiscussionAll 

  • Recording

Link of entire meeting

  • Presentation (Google Slides)


Judith Fleenor introduced the meeting with the Anti Trust rules governing our ToIP Foundation and then walked the members through the agenda and she shared the updates on our new members. Judith Fleenorshared the foundation wide announcements.

Foundation Announcements: Judith Fleenorshared the update regarding our ToIP Mini Summit at the OSS Europe in Dublin. She provided the registration details to the members and the mini summit details with the group. She went on to share that we will be shared our Public Review of the Technology Architecture Specification to share and announce and the rough draft of our agenda. We're encouraging folks from the community to contribute ideas and recommendation for engagement at the event. Judith Fleenor shared that in conjunction with the OSS, there is the Hyperledger Global Forum simultaneous to the OSS; she shared the registration details and a promotion code (HGF22TOIP) for folks to reference. Furthermore, Judith Fleenor shared the IIW Half Day Workshop, SSI and Digital Identity Across Asia upcoming Conferences. Kaliya Young shared another event called Exploring Digital Identity for Decentralized Societies on August 16th -18th (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/exploring-digital-identity-for-decentralized-societies-tickets-385643188157?mc_cid=2321939e22&mc_eid=UNIQID). Elisa Trevino shared a brief update for the industry events on our wiki (Industry Events). 

New Task Forces: Judith Fleenor shared the updates for the three new task forces--TSWG- Artificial Intelligence and the Metaverse; GSWG–Governance Architecture Task Force and CTWG–Mental Models Task Force. 

EFWG Updates: Carly shared the Whitepaper - Biological Ecosystems and encouraged folks to join their slack channel. She shared an update on the Learning Pathways the group is working with a focus on Ecosystem Definitions, Ecosystem Mental Model/Components and Use Cases. #ecosystem-foundry-wg slack is the best forum to engage in conversation regarding Use Cases. This is the most distinctive use cases will be summarized for ToIP Technology Architecture Specification. Additionally they are working to create this content and information in the two working group meetings during the EFWG regular meetings times in August 8/4 and 8/18. Additionally they have a discussion regarding Drone Pilot Credentials for Air Safety July 21st. Carly encouraged community engagement to help diversify the work they're doing and she shared the details for their work group meetings. 

GSWG Updates:  Drummond Reed provided a brief updates on the Governance 101 Webinar from May for folks to review and reference (in deck). He went on to share that they are working on the Technology Architect Specification and mentioned that they are working on Layer specific templates to provide the community. However, they realized that we need component-based templates, rather than layer specific templates. They are working to launch a Governance Architect Task Force on September 7th to meet this need for a component based template. He shared the current meeting cadence and let folks know they will be back up and running in September. 

TSWG Updates: Drummond Reed shared that they are currently focused on the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification and the cadence for their meetings. The major progress of the spec is being reviewed by the end of the month. They are working to resolve issues in GitHub for markdowns. They aim to launch the first public review draft at the ToIP Mini Summit in Dublin this September, he's asking folks to review and provide feedback to ensure we have comprehensive perspective and feedback across the community. Drummond Reed shared the Concentputal Model and the ToIP Layers and the Hourglass Model that Bette depict the layers and the purpose across each layer. Additionally, he shared a Summary of Functionality at Each Layer. This articulates the Layer by Layer functionality and examples to help illustrate the work they're doing and the goals they're working to achieve. They will be reviewing feedback in August with the goal to publicly share in September. 

UFWG Updates: Judith Fleenor shared that they are on-going work on the Public Utility Directory and the Framework for Evaluating Layer 1 Utilities - Overview. They new and future work items are the Combine efforts with the Layer 1 Governance Task Force  and the Specific deliverable on Decentralized Identity Architecture and Regulatory Compliance. They are working to update their meeting cadence so please subscribe to the calendar so that you receive the most up to date calendaring events. 

ISWG Updates: Judith Fleenor shared that they are taking a summer break and mentioned that we are in the process of identifying new leaders to help drive the efforts of the Inputs and Semantics Working Group. She asked folks to reach out to her if they're interested in participating in these groups. Neil Thomson shared updates on the Task Forces working underwear this WG. Storage and Portability TF is working on processing a community list of Storage and Portability topics with the flexibility to address current events in the space. The Notice and Consent TF with working on a first draft of the Privacy Controller Credential specifications for Decentralized Governance due in Q1 2023. The Privacy and Risk TF is working to process a community list of Privacy and Risk topics with the flexibility of current events in this space. 

HXWG Updates: Kalin shared updates from last month and provided the presentations for folks to go back and reference for the Expert Series. He shared the up-coming series that focus on Reflecting on Expert Series and Completing blog post on Consent doesn't Scale.  Palm Touchstone story link . Phil Wolff shared the SSI Harms Task Force updates and the Whitepaper they're working on and practical tools/guidance for ToIP members. 

CTWG Updates: Drummond Reed shared the updates for Concepts and Terminology WG, he shared that they continue to work on the terms wiki and glossaries based on the Terminology Toolbox framework. They are focused on the Terminology Toolbox 2.0 and they're seeking resources to help engage and participate in the efforts. They have three new volunteers who are helping architecture these resources. He provided an illustration of the Toolbox Architecture diagram that's included in the deck. He shared the New Mental Model Task Force that focuses on the mental models explain in detail how a set of concepts are related within a specific domain - a "mini-ontology". He shared a mental model that illustrate an example of parties, actors and actions mental model developed by eSSIF-Lab. It enables very precise descriptions of what types of entities take what types of entities that what types of actions in what kinds of relationships within a Digital trust ecosystem. 

Open Discussion:

Judith Fleenor closed the meeting right at the top of the hour.