2023-06-21 All Members Meeting Notes


1 minAgenda Review
1 minWelcome New MembersJudith Fleenor 
2 minFoundation Wide Updates and AnnoucementsJudith Fleenor 

Working Group Updates

Open Discussion

  • Recording




Judith Fleenor kicked off the meeting with the AntiTrust policy and shared the agenda with the members. 

Welcome New Members: 

Contributor Organizations

Contributor Individuals

Steering Committee


Clare Nelson

GS1 US (upgrade from General)


Gabriel Marquie

Sloan Safety Development

Limari Navarrete

Digital Identity Laboratory of Canada

Jonathan Poulter


Ryan Thorburn


Xingjian Xu


Jim St Clair

Contributor Organizations


Boris Mulder


Adnovum Informatik AG

Dmitri Zagidulin


Passive Bolt

Fayyaadh Adams

Data Storage Research, LLC


Tony Sandler

Findynet Cooperative


Artur Philipp

Tangle Labs UG

Trust Alliance New Zealand

University of Guelph

New Task Forces

TSWG - Credential Exchange Protocols TF
Wednesdays 01:00 UTC
Lead: Mathieu Glaude

GSWG - Issuer Requirements TF
Wednesdays 02:00 UTC
Lead: Neil Thomson

Working Group Updates

Concepts and Terminology Working Group

Terminology Engine V2 (TEv2)

  • We are making steady progress on TEv2 but it is not finished yet
  • TEv2 will enable any terms communities (e.g., ToIP WGs or TFs) to generate a glossary from one or more terms wikis
  • It will also automate hyperlinking terms within a specification, white paper, or other deliverable to their glossary definitions
  • Several TSWG TFs are planning to use TEv2 to publish the terminology for their specifications and papers

Developing New Mental Models

  • Mental models explain how a set of concepts are related within a specific domain—a “mini-ontology”
  • They are usually documented both in writing and in UML diagrams
  • They add much greater depth and cross-conceptual understanding than glossaries alone
  • Co-chair Rieks Joosten of TNO is leading the work on developing several foundational new mental models

Meeting Times - CTWG

Every other Monday

10:00 Pacific / 13:00 Eastern / 17:00 UTC

Technology Stack Working Group

Six Active Task Forces

1. Technology Architecture Task Force

2. Authentic Chained Data Container (ACDC) Task Force

3. AI & Metaverse Task Force

4. Trust Registry Task Force   ⇐ SECOND GENERATION

5. Trust Spanning Protocol Task Force    ⇐ NEW THIS YEAR

6. Credential Exchange Protocols ⇐ NEW THIS MONTH

Technology Architecture Task Force

a. Public review still underway

b. Working asynchronously — only meeting as needed

  • Three primary tasks left

a. NEW: Canonical Use Cases for the ToIP Stack

b. IN PROGRESS: ToIP Glossary Workspace

c. Revision to our Conceptual Diagram of the ToIP stack

Trust Registry Task Force 2.0

Meeting every Thursday (NA/EU & APAC)

Deliverables Planned:

  • Trust Registry Protocol Specification
  • Trust Registry Protocol Companion Guide

In the protocol design proposal stage — proposals coming from:

  • Andor Kesselman
  • Mathieu Glaude
  • Darrell O'Donnell

Trust Spanning Protocol Task Force

Meets every Wednesday (both NA/EU and APAC)

Deliverable is the ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol Specification

Now in the consolidation stage — see our discussions:

Other TSWG Task Forces

ACDC (Authentic Chained Data Container) TF

Meets every other Tuesday, 07:00-8:00 PT / 14:00-15:00 UTC

AI & Metaverse TF

Meets every other Thursday, 09:00-10:00 PT / 16:00-17:00 UTC

Credential Exchange Protocols TF

Meets every Wednesday, 06:00-07:00 PT / 01:00-02:00 UTC

Now Making Extensive Use of Github Discussions

  • As our Task Forces are having deeper discussions and doing more asynchronous work, we are relying more on Github Discussions
  • This is a very easy-to-use feature than can be turned on for any ToIP GitHub repo (you just need a free GitHub account)
  • If you can use Google docs, you can use Github Discussions — see this excellent tutorial: https://github.com/features/discussions
  • Join these discussions to see it at work:



Meeting Time -TSWG

Once a Month

TSWG Plenary Meeting

NEW MEETING TIME BEING SELECTED FOR SECOND HALF OF 2023 — see email later this month

Governance Stack Working Group

  • The GSWG continues working on a whitepaper comparing and contrasting its Governance metamodel with the IEEE Blockchain for Governance.
  • The Governance Architecture TF, created Gov Arch Methodology draft (incl. Outline deliverables, Governance Requirements, Arch Structure). Partitioning Operations from Governance. Use cases. Draft Mental Model
  • The GSWG “Museum Pass” -> “Attraction Pass” (broader topic). This is coordinating with the DIF Hospitality & Travel SIG. Current “AtPass” focus is Use Cases illustrating Governance and other specific ToIP WG/TF issues;
  • The Issuer Requirements TF - focus is on requirements related to the issuance (1st), plus it’s role on interacting with Holders, Verifiers and interop of VCs. Highlighting what are tech/governance vs. human issues/requirements (cross jurisdiction (interop), criteria for trust, …) and how tech/gov can support human trust decisions. (lively discussions)

Meeting Time - GSWG

GSGW - alternate Thursdays

  • 11: Pacific / 14: Eastern / 18:00 UTC

Governance Architecture TF - alternate Wednesdays

  • Americas: 16: Pacific / 19: Eastern / 23: UTC
  • APAC/EU: 01: Pacific / 04: Eastern / 08: UTC

Issuer Requirements TF - alternate Wednesdays

  • NA/EU: 7: Pacific / 10: Eastern / 14: UTC
  • APAC: 21: Tues EST/ 6:30 Weds IST/ 11: Weds AEST

Attractions Pass TF - alternate Tuesdays

  • 8: PT / 11: EST / 15: UTC

Utility Foundry Working Group

Ongoing work items (Unchanged since the last report):

Public Utility Directory:

  • This is a list of all the active Layer 1 utilities which currently have representative members at ToIP
  • Looking forward to including the Candy network if they are interested in being part of this chart.

A Framework for Evaluating Layer 1 Utilities - Overview

  • This document identifies the key differences and considerations between the core Layer 1 utilities for clients/customers looking to adopt a ToIP compatible SSI solution
  • Final review is complete - formatting and delivery to TSC remains.

New/Future work items

  • We are currently contributing all of our ongoing efforts to the Governance Architecture Task Force.
  • Will resume with UFWG items when that effort scales back.

Meeting Time - UFWG

The UFWG is currently contributing all of its efforts to the GATF so meetings are currently suspended. UFWG meetings will resume when that work is complete.

Ecosystem Foundry Working Group

Goal is to gather ‘real world’ feedback, perspectives and insights from future trust-tech adopters at the business/organizational level

  • Initiated survey

Working on analyzing results (84 responses)

Challenge - results still very tight within the community

  • Currently analysing survey results to formulate into shareable story

Join the EFWG and let us know if you would like to contribute to this

Ecosystem Components

  • We’re moving at a snail’s pace to develop and present “Digital Trust Ecosystem Components” for review and feedback by the ToIP Community, before developing Learning Pathways based on those components.
  • But we’re getting there!

Meeting Time - EFWG

Every Alternate Thursday

8am PDT / 11am EST / 15:00 UTC / 17:00 CEST

Data Modeling and Representation Working Group

Working Group and Task Forces

  • Data Modelling & Representation WG Chairs (N.Thomson, S. Milstein) - meet bi-weekly

Focus on data, modelling & representation

Governance (Issuer Req, Attraction Pass, VC exchange)

  • Recent work

Trust Registries - Data considerations, including TRs for published Datasets

Sam Smith: ACDC walk through - Authentic Provenance Chains w ACDC for general data provenance

Versioning issues with Data and Schema evolution & Authentic Data

Trust Establishment WorkFlows - Data Considerations

Meeting Times - DRMWG

DRMWG - Every 2 weeks/bi-weekly (Next Jun 27, 2023)

9:00 Pacific / 12:00 Eastern / 16:00 UTC

Current Topics:

  • Authentic Data - requirements (data “root of trust”?)
  • Authentic Provenance Chains


  • General data structures - Chains, Trees vs Mesh Distributed, Centralized
  • Data Modelling for Governance

Human Experience Working Group

Last Month

  • Approval of Harms White Paper and Practical Steps - now part of ToIP deliverables
  • Interaction Patterns Task Force progress = main HXWG focus
  • Reviewing existing wallet practices
  • Developing a framework to describe interaction patterns

Next Month

-Publish harms blog posts a) business value of overcoming the harms & b) applying the harms principles to look at personal data against the backdrop of AI

-IP TF work continuing…

Seeking contributors to Interaction Patterns TF - designers, psychologists, human resource experts…

Meeting Times - HXWG


NA / EU  First Thursday of each month at 16.00 UTC = 9.00 PT.

Next call is Thursday 6th July 2023 at 9.00 PST

Task Force Interaction Patterns

2nd and 3rd Thursday of the month at 16.00 UTC = 9.00 PT.

First call is Thursday 29th June at 9.00 PT

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