2023-10-18 All Members Meeting Notes


1 minAgenda Review
1 minWelcome New Members
5 minFoundation Wide Updates and Annoucements

Open Discussion

  • Recording




Judith Fleenor  kicked off the meeting with the AntiTrust policy and shared the agenda with the members. 

Welcome New Members: 

Contributor Organizations

Contributor Individuals

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Bo Harald 

Foundation Wide Updates and Announcements

New Task Forces

TSWG - Credential Exchange Protocols TF Wednesdays 01:00 pm UTC Lead: Mathieu Glaude 
GSWG - Issuer Requirements TF Wednesdays 02:00 pm UTC Lead: Neil Thomson 
TSWG - did:webs TF Fridays 02:00 pm UTC Leads: Lance Byrd, Markus Sabadello, more


Linux Member Summit - October 24th - 26th ToIP panel session  

Defining the Protocol for Internet-Scale Digital Trust  Thursday, 25th, 3:10 pm  

Plus SC members are giving 2 presentations on Wed:    

* What is a Digital Trust Ecosystem?     

* OpenWallet: Why it holds the Key to Democratizing Digital Trust

What Makes a Great Working Group

DIF requested a Linux Foundation  WG Chair Training Session called:
  What Makes a Working Group Great?  

If you would like a link to the recording reach out to Claire.

Next All Members Meetings

November 15th, 2023  Working Group Updates 
December 20th, 2023  Annual Zoom Holiday Party

IIW Recap

  • The Trust Spanning Protocol, Trust Registry Protocol, did:webs, and ToIP governance were all strong topics at IIW.
  • ToIP related sessions included:

ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol for Muggles

ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol Deep Dive

Did:webs for Muggles

Lessons Learned from the GLEIF vLEI Ecosystem Governance Framework

ToIP Glossary

Other Links of interest: 

Simplifying the Selection Process for Credential Issuance and Presentation Protocols - Blog

Hyperledger Identity SIG - Update to Wallet Report

Governing digital legal ID systems effectively to ensure inclusion and respect for human rights - Link

Energy and Mines Digital Trust - Link

Wendy Seltzer - Link

Subscribe on the ToIP Meeting Calendar
