2021-09-15 All Members Meeting Notes


5 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeJudith Fleenor
5 min AnnouncementsJudith Fleenor
40Special Topic -
Ontario Government – Digital Identity Technology Roadmap

Tim Bloomfield,
Lead Technology Architect for the Digital Identity Program at the Ontario Digital Service.

Omar Shabbir,
Senior Advisor for the Digital Identity Program at Infrastructure Ontario.

40 minQ & A with presentersAll

  • Recording


  • Presentation (Google Slides)


Judith Fleenormade made the following announcements:

  • Foundational White Paper Review - Introduction to Trust Over IP
    Drummond Reedexplained the community wide review process for the Introduction to ToIP V2 white paper
    Each Working Group should have a discussion about the white paper over the next week and provide feedback 

  • Human Experience Working Group’s (HXWG) first meeting was this morning. 
    If you are interested in that topic, ping Slack Channel #human-experience-wg

  • Hospitality Addendum Task Force - will have their first meeting this Friday.
    If you are interested in that topic, ping Slack Channel #ghp-wg-hospitality

  • ESWG will be having a presentation from a Jan Geluk, and David Bakker from Underwriters Laboratories to present the work they have been doing on the ISO mobile driving license standard (ISO/IEC FDIS 18013-5) on Sept 23rd.

  • Coffee and Conversation to learn more about how to engage with ToIP and meet other members, email judith@trustoverip.org or ping her on Slack.

  • Next All Members meeting has been rescheduled to October 20th, so not conflict with IIW.  This will be a Working Group Updates session and highlights from IIW.

John JordanIntroduced our speakers:

Tim Bloomfield,
Lead Technology Architect for the Digital Identity Program at the Ontario Digital Service.

Omar Shabbir,
Senior Advisor for the Digital Identity Program at Infrastructure Ontario.

Special Topic - Ontario Government – Digital Identity Technology Roadmap:

  • At the request of our presenters, this portion of the meeting was not recorded. 
    To learn more about the Ontario Government – Digital Identity Technology Roadmap visit:

    A 40 minute Q & A period followed the presentation, this portion of the meeting was recorded.

Watch the recording for the rich discussion.