2022-05-18 All Members Meeting Notes

2022-05-18 All Members Meeting Notes


2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeJudith Fleenor
1 min Agenda ReviewJudith Fleenor
1 minWelcome New MembersJudith Fleenor
50 minWorking Group Updates
3 minOpen Discussion


  • Recording


  • Presentation (Google Slides)


Judith Fleenor introduced the meeting with the Anti Trust rules governing our ToIP Foundation and then walked the members through the agenda and she shared the updates on our new members. Judith Fleenorshared the new contributor memberships and our new Steering Committee member and updated our Foundation updates regarding the conferences. She shared the update for EIC and mentioned that it was well attended with lots of actively questions post panel. Judith Fleenor went on to share the up-coming conferences that are on the calendar for RSA June 6th-9th in San Fransisco (no formal attendance/presentation, but some members are attending), Identiverse June 20th-23rd in Denver, My Data June 21st-22nd, London Identity week June 28th-29th. Hyperleger Global Forum in September in Ireland and Open Source Summit Europe for a mini ToIP Mini Summit September 14th. Kalin requested to publicize a calendar or wiki page to highlight the up-coming events to provide visibility across the community.

Judith Fleenor shared the update for next month's special topic meeting regarding IAM and SSI: A Combined Approach to Digital Identity with Gabe Albert (Security/Digital Identity) and Lexi Ashpole (Tech Innovation/Digital Identity). Jessica Townsend offered additional insight and committed to share additional resources for the up-coming presentation by the folks from Accenture. Next All members meeting is on June 15th.

EFWG Update:

Steve Magennis shared the new case studies and YouTube channel with presenter content that's rapidly growing, as well as the new resource directly and learning pathways to help articulate what you're doing to support the community. They're looking to recruit new members to help grow their efforts. They're currently working with GSWG to combine what they're doing at the Ecosystem level with what's happening at the Governance level. They're looking for a resources that does not require much knowledge, but is able to project manage the collaboration between governance for the task force. The Biological Ecosystem Whitepaper is almost complete, but they're encourage engagement and support. EFWG has an up-coming presentation regarding Decentralized Identitification using Verifiable Credentials on May 26h. Carly shared a link here, she went on to mention that presenters are always welcome - everyone likes to see what others are presenting so if you have any leads please contact us.

GSWG Update:

Scott Perry provided an update regarding the Governance Template Documents for Use at All Layers with the Primary Documentation/Companion Guide and Requirements/Companion Guide. Additionally, they have a Governance 101 Webinar - from Conception through Governance Documentations and provided a recording you can reference here. He encourages everyone from our ToIP Community to review the video to better gain a greater understanding of the layer level for governance stack. He went on to share the updates regarding the Governance Stack WG: They launched Layer - Specific Governance Task Force, Layer One - Alex Tweeddale , Layer Two - unassigned, Layer Three- Kyle Robinson and Layer Four - CarlyStephen Curran. Upcoming meeting Thursday 5/19 11AM Pacific.

TSWG Update:

Judith Fleenor mentioned that their current focus in the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification V1 and that the ToIP Technology Architecture Task Force is meeting twice each week. They have developed a generalized reference architecture for defining the four layers of the Technology Stack. Wenjing Chu mentioned the TF is actively working and mentioned that the feedback he's getting for his presentations are assisting in the ability to better understand and view them as they apply the application and technologies to a wider audience. They're currently in the process of adding the details and requirements necessary to complete the V1 spec. Judith Fleenor shared a diagram that references a generalized reference architecture that has been shared in previous presentations. Wiki link here

UFWG Update: 

Lynn Gray Bendixsen shared that the on-going work they're doing is the Public Utility Directory which includes the Lyer1 utilities which currently represents members of ToIP and encouraged folks to reach out if they want to be included here. They're also working on A Framework for Evaluating Layer 1 Utilities - Overview document. They're currently working on a new collaboration to focus on Layer1 Governance Task Force that intend to put together a template for Layer1 Governance Framework. Jessica Townsend shared that last week they sent an email to the All Members regarding the evaluation criteria section of their document to collect feedback from the community in advance of publishing the document. 

ISWG Update:

Paul Knowles mentioned that they're in a bit of flux right now, but they're continue their work on Alignment of Dynamic Data Economy (DDE) models, connected and technologies with the more familiar Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) models. They continued to work on use case alignment with KERI (Input domain), OCA (Semantic domain) principles and Data governance administrations. DDE v1.0 and OCA v1.0 due for internal review end of May/early June which will likely trigger a migration of Decentralized Semantics to a more data-centric community to maintain momentum. He went on to mentioned that the Data Governance Compliance - impact on SSI/DDE as a potential solution. Neil Thomson mentioned that there's new penalties for data governance at 5% and 10% in default that has a lot of attention because the financial impacts are significant and impactful. The newt ISWG meets on June 14th and their task force meetings are the last week in May. 

HXWG Update:

Kalin mentioned that the HXWG has kicked off an expert series that's been extremely successful and engaging that can be reference here. They're currently working on deliverables like the video introduction to HXWG, an Introductions to Building & Using Scenarios. They're also working on a LinkedIn Events + YouTube Channels are now up and referenced on our ToIP Wiki and ToIP YouTube. They have an up-coming interview with Dan Gisolfi and asked folks to add questions on their HXWG Slack channel, scheduled TBD. February: Lisa Talia-Moretti, Digital Sociologist, ‘Dear Human, the Future Needs You’, Practical EthicsMarch: Amber Case, HCI specialist, Calm Technology’, designing for the next generation of devicesMay: Arianna Rossi & Xengie Doan ‘How Might we Design Consent Experiences for Data Sharing?’ (editing in progress). 19 May:  AGENCY Project: Reducing complex online harms using user-centred tech and governance. Dr Karen Elliot (Associate Professor & Senior Lecturer in Enterprise/Innovation (FinTech)) & Professor Aad van Moorsel (Professor of Distributed Systems) both from Newcastle University (UK). Kalinwent on to share the updates for the BGBU meeting cadence to join the conversations and engage to help them deliver the WhitePaper. Nicky Hickmanmentioned that she really enjoy these exploratory discussions - taking time is important and bridging the data vs identity community gap is the place to be - there was a MEF event last week which focused this 'meeting of the waters' as Michael called it, I don't really get the division - but I see the problem it creates in the community & for our work.

CTWG Update:

Judith Fleenor shared the update on this working group and informed the members that they're currently working on the ToIP Core, CTWG, GSWG and Yoma. They're planning to backfill the ToIP Core and GSWG glossaries all terms used the GSWG deliverables, and ToIP Tool V2. They're still working on the continued collaboration with eSSIF-Lab Glossary and  reviewing proposals for second generation functionality.