2021-11-10 All Members / Steering Committee Special Topic Meeting Notes


2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeJudith Fleenor
5 min AnnouncementsJudith Fleenor
35Special Topic -
Beyond Credential Exchange - Daniel Hardman, SICPA

Daniel Hardman 
Principal Ecosystem Engineer at SICPA

Acts as an outward-facing ambassador to standards bodies and community organizations. Teach and advocate for decentralization.

10Open Discussion

  • Recording


  • Presentation (Google Slides)


Judith Fleenormade the following announcements:

Foundation Wide Announcements:

  • If any member would like to be invited to a small group “Coffee and Conversation” send judith@trustoverip.org a note, or ping me on Slack
  • Steering Committee members, if we haven’t already set-up a time for an end of year one-on-one meeting, please reach out to me with your best availability.
  • Utah Identity Gathering
  • APAC 2022 Meetings
  • End of Year Members Survey 
  • Virtual Holiday Gathering… keep an eye out for for announcements.

Working Group Announcements:

  • IWG-GHP - Meeting tomorrow, Thursday Nov 11th at 11 am PT to approve deliverables

  • EFWG - Karl had to step down as chair due to commercial concerns.  There is a small group working on setting up new leadership and planning for 2022.  They are meeting tomorrow at Nov 11th at 9am PT if you’d like to join them.

New EFWG - Task Force for PCDS - See their wiki page: PCDS Ecosystem Task ForceTheir first meeting is Next Thursday, 8 am PT/5pm CET

  • TSWG - has begun an intensive Technology Architecture Task Force effort. This group (more welcome!) is aimed at defining the 4-layer ToIP Stack in detail. They  are meeting weekly at 10am ET (1500h UTC) on Thursdays.

  • GSWG - ToIP Governance Architecture Specification headed for final review by Thanksgiving — goal of ToIP SC approval in December.

    Help Needed with Graphics 
    • Introduction to ToIP V2 white paper going into final production pending graphics — goal of ToIP SC approval 11/17.
    • Design Principles for the ToIP Stack in final Community Review — goal of ToIP SC approval 11/17.

Daniel Hardman, SICPA 

Special Topic - Beyond Credential Exchange