2022-02-15 Meeting Page

1, February 2022  — 11:00 PT, 14:00 ET, 19:00 UTC, 20:00 CET

Send an email to utility-foundry-wg@lists.trustoverip.org to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org).

RECORDING GOES HERE (North America / Europe):



Jessica Townsend

Alex Tweeddale Lynn Gray Bendixsen

Judith Fleenor Markus Sabadello Andre Kudra


  • Assign action items for next meeting
  • Establish work plan for WG deliverables and workflow guidance
  • Gather agenda suggestions for next meeting

Antitrust Policy

Agenda Items

1 minWelcomeJ. Townsend
2 mins

Antitrust Policy Notice

J. Townsend
5 minsAnnouncementsChairs & All
10 minsAction Item ReviewChairs
  • Engagement with Tech Arch Task Force - working on tech stack for ToIP; layer specific specs for overall stack - Darrell O'Donnell/Drummond Reed co leads
  • Outreach to KochiOrgBook point of contact to obtain updates given time zone challenges; incorporate into UFWG updates; "Vinod Panicker (iCORE-CRS)" <vinod.panicker@wipro.com>
  • Cross reference the Public Identity Utilities for Digital Trust Ecosystems document against the ToIP formal best practices and table for Layer 1
  • Follow up with rj.reiser@liquidavatar.com on Glossary Task Force progress
15 minsDeliverable OverviewJ. Townsend

Public Identity Utilities for Digital Trust Ecosystems - an Overview

Assessment on several layer ones - existing research activity merge; solid set of criteria under UFWG

SBA Research (cyber security) - didn't even criteria, used W3C document - rubric for evaluating DiD methods. took criteria to evaluate

level of decentralization but expanded to security, privacy et al; criteria has adapted since evaluation

would be good to build upon - questions as to which DiD method should be used; work has concluded did once based on research collaboration

15 minsWhat's Next

A. Tweeddale

  • Finalize deliverable - Public Identity Utilities for Digital Trust Ecosystems - an Overview
  • New Deliverable Recommendations
    • KERI acting as layer one
    • Architecture and Compliance - deep dive on layer one set up (GDPR/Data)
    • Broader set of Layer 1 utilities, including DeFi, payments for identity 
    • How do we work towards interoperability in the space of Layer 1s?
  • Education sessions - which layer ones do we want to feature/learn more about?
    • KERI
    • EBSI
    • GLEIF
    • cheqd
    • Sidetree and ION
    • Kilt
    • Native Governance chains: Solana/Polkadot/Cosmos/Aleph Zero
0 minsUpdates on UtilitiesL. Bendixsen

includes those not in run phase

  • ID Union
  • Bedrock
  • KochiOrgBook 
  • cheqd
0 mins





Task Force SOS (Scrum of Scrums)

TF NameMissionMembersStatus

Utility Project Implementation Guide Task Force

Create the getting started guide for prospective Utility Projects.

IG0029: Utility Project Guide

A new repo has been created and the TF has issued its first objective. Lynn seeks assistance on repo publishing with Mac.

TF is discussing outline and questions to be answered for prospective projects. 

Draft Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zysi79y5vxNBxhL7yI0M6FAViC_E2VUutUfT5Eac7CA/edit?usp=sharing

Initial released version: https://trustoverip.github.io/IG0029-utility-project-guide/

Best Practices Task ForceAnalyze Project Interviews, establish list of Best Practices and submit each BP using ToIP Deliverables Process.
  • Drafting framework for evaluating public identity utilities (BP0014) (v2)
  •  Drafting v1 of three BP documents (based on feedback from interviews with decentralized PIU conveners/providers)*
    • BP0015 - Assessing Sustainability of a PIU (v1)
    • BP0016 - Determining Affordability of a PIU (v1)
    • BP0017 - Assessing Alignment to a PIU
  • Backlog
    • Dashboard Health / Network Monitoring (Example)

*At future point, consider consolidating all best practices into one comprehensive document

SUGGESTION: Interlocking with Saturn-V TF as a first user of these Best Practices.

Decentralization Task Force

Submit a BP deliverable and a design principle for what it means to be Decentralized.

Jessica Townsend  (lead) 


Glossary Task ForceGenerate a UFWG Glossary in collaboration with the CTWG.RJ Reiser (lead) Still pending CTWG process. Submissions under review.

Decision Points

Discussion Items

  • W3C DiD Rubric working group follow up - need to make connection - Joel Andrew/Daniel Harden (invite to next call for update)
  • Keep existing document (look to publish); follow up deliverable - expand criteria and compare to Markus and team - comparison framework to map against different utilities and W3C DiD Working Group method (more visual document) make reference to prior work as part of deliverable (alignment with other community efforts)
  • Review original analysis and DiD Rubric; cross reference
  • Terms in deliverable - bold and input definition; likely close out the Glossary Task Force unless further update provided - any unique terms in UFWG should be added into ToIP General Corpus
  • Layer 1 Framework with Tech Arch Taskforce; Alex to join call
  • Create a blog to attract new members - new leadership, 2022 initiatives, who to contact and get involved to be posted to website
  • what other utilities are out to join in members - register with ToIP; target specific people with specific request for input 
    • make list of utilities up and coming - contacts - strategy for discussing to become members
  • Utility overviews - schedule for introducing other utilities/guest speakers; update and newly featured - work through updates of DiD Utility Comparison document
  • DiD Utility Comparison - add a descriptor and purpose of the network to help in evaluation of networks
  • Priority Deliverables  - Public Identity Utilities for Digital Trust Ecosystems, Comparison document, DiD Utility Comparison
  • Relay to broader ToIP the other deliverables we have targeted to garner interest in carrying forward; how do deliverables use artifacts, order to be read - someone comes in new as a beginner and needs to get educated

Open Items

Low priority items that failed gain volunteers to champion cause.