Meeting Date
- This meeting was recorded on Zoom. View the recording <here (placeholder until the recording is available)>.
Main Goal of this Meeting
To make final decisions about our terms wiki strategy and next steps.
Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Time | Agenda Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min | - Start recording
- Welcome & antitrust notice
- Introduction of new members
- Agenda review
| Chairs | - Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
- New Members: none
5 min | New streamlined meeting page and notes format | | - This page illustrates the new streamlined format.
- The goal is to simplify and standardize both creating agendas and taking notes.
- Please feel free to add any comments or ideas about this proposed format.
- The goal is to propose it as a ToIP Foundation-wide best practice.
2.5 min | "terms wikis" or "term wiki"— which do you prefer | Drummond Reed | - Should it be singular or plural?
- Judith Fleenor Is the plural for all of the different wikis?
- Daniel Hardman The question is: what does an individual wiki contain? But will go with what actually feels more natural.
- Brian Dill Okay with "terms wikis"
- Rieks Joosten Thinks that for accuracy, "terms wiki" is fine. But whatever we decide is fine. Agreeing on the concept is most important.
- Drummond Reed shared that "terms wiki" feels awkward. The singular felt more natural.
- Judith Fleenor people will shorten it the way that we will.
- line.kofoed noted that "-terms" is the suffix already being used.
- Drummond Reed noted that W3C specs are able to auto-link terms based on a separate terminology document that accounts for plurals—we could eventually do the same here
- Rieks Joosten noted that this auto-linking can work 95% percent of the time but can also be faulty, so authors need to be able to override it
- DECISION: We will adopt the term "terms wiki"
20 min | Terms Wikis: current state and next steps | | - Daniel Hardman to report on his progress on defining Terms Wikis
- His first step was to rename the main page from "Glossary Wikis" to "Terms Wikis"
- He also created four sub-pages with instructions
- He suggests that we record a <10 min video of orientation and instructions
- Rieks Joosten also did more work on the content of the pages Daniel added
- He started creating links to the CTWG terms wiki
- This led to an expansion of some terms on the CTWG's own terms wiki
- Authors are going to want to link to terms across multiple terms wiki
- So what is missing right now is the loop that will import that terms they need from all relevant terms-wikis
- That will be provided by the ToIP Term tool
- The ultimate links that authors should use should not be to the terms wiki
- Daniel Hardman restated the concern that authors will link to a page on a terms wiki vs. linking to a term definition in the ToIP corpus
- Drummond Reedsaid that he's fine with temporarily linking to the terms wikis as long as we have a clear plan and roadmap for migrating to permalinks to our terminology corpus as soon as possible.
- Daniel Hardman showed an example of the DIDComm spec at DIF (see screenshots #1 and #2 below) and authors having to cite files in GitHub until they had a generated document to link to.
- Daniel suggests that we should quickly solve this problem by adding a scripting capability to generate the permanent glossary with the associated permalniks.
- The first step in the ToIP Term tool could start with the assumption that all the terms in a particular term wiki are the complete glossary (ignoring cross-linking of glossaries for now) in order to solve the permalink problem.
- Nicky Hickman liked the idea of a "quick-and-dirty" solution for permalinks. But she warns that we need to keep the editing and viewing processes that are simple as possible to use.
- Rieks Joosten feels it is another positive step.
- Rieks Joosten introduced another idea, which is thinking about new works starting with a glossary and then adding the ideas behind the terms vs.
- Brian Dill reminded us of his favorite quote about "quick and dirty": "The dirty remains long after the quick has been forgotten" – Steve McConnell from Code Complete
- Drummond Reed asked if terms wikis will make it easier to finalize the spec for the ToIP Term tool?
- Daniel Hardman felt it would make it easier
- He suggested that he would rather had tech debt in code vs. tech debt in humans
- Rieks Joosten also agreed - behavior that is taught
- Nicky Hickman have you considered an open source dictionary tool like this one on Wikipedia? instead of creating a separate tool? I think there is a bigger challenge in terms of human readable vs machine readable 'dictionaries'
- ACTION: Daniel Hardman will write a script hooked up to GitHub Actions that will auto-generate a glossary artifact that will be suitable for hyperlinking and permalinking by authors - by the next meeting
- Brian Dill asked about how version control would be managed - he wants to avoid "versionitis"
- Daniel agreed that's a key question and he needs to think about it. Since it's all on GitHub, there's going to be a way to do it.
- Rieks Joosten wondered if we could do the same to output a glossary on the Confluence wiki?
20 min | Concepts and mental models: how do they fit? | | - Is a rich mental model itself a scope? Should it have its own term wiki?
- How should the diagrams and "core conceptual model' be handled in relation to a term wiki?
- Rieks Joosten shared that "a pattern is not very different from a terms definition" - it just has other content
- For the moment he doesn't expect these models to need the same machinery
- The challenge will be the pictures - how do you capture the diagrams
- That's a general problem that we will need to solve
2.5 min | "yoma-gf-terms" or "yoma-terms" | | - Does the YOMA GF need its own term wiki? Or could the name be simplified (to avoid confusion)?
- We ran out of time to discuss this, but Nicky indicated a preference to "keep it simple" and just got with "yoma-terms"
- ACTION: Drummond Reed to confirm this with Nicky Hickman
10 mins | Next steps | Chairs | - What are our specific next steps?
- At what point should we update our ToIP Term tool spec and RFP?
5 mins | - Review decisions/action items
- Planning for next meeting
| Chairs | - The next meeting will focus on a demo of Daniel Hardman's proposed glossary artifact generation script.
- Assuming that goes well, we will then focus on two areas:
- Remaining steps to putting terms wikis into full practice.
- Remaining steps to finalize the ToIP Terms tool specification and bounty description
Screenshots (numbered for reference in notes above)


- DECISION: The CTWG will adopt the term "terms wiki" (in the plural form) as the name for this new method for a group to curate a set of terms.
Action Items
- ACTION: Daniel Hardman by the next meeting (if not earlier) will write a script hooked up to GitHub Actions that will auto-generate a glossary artifact from the current state of a terms wiki that will be suitable for hyperlinking (and ideally permalinking) by authors who need to reference these terms.
- ACTION: Drummond Reed to confirm with Nicky Hickman that the YOMA terms wiki will use the prefix
instead of yoma-gf-terms