2021-11-22 CTWG Meeting Notes

Meeting Date


Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


Main Goal of this Meeting

Review Scott Perry's and Drummond Reed's experience using the ToIP Core terms wiki and the GSWG terms wiki and discuss the new ToIP Term Tool Requirements document.

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members: None
5 minReview of previous action itemsChairs
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to determine where to move Daniel Hardman's documentation of how to use the ToIP Term Tool.
    • CTWG repo is where it needs to go (the "User Guide"). This is where we should keep all of our core documentation. 
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to contact Judith Fleenor to confirm that the $20K bounty is still available to put towards ToIP Term Tool V2.
5 minCTWG Slack discussionsAll

We have had some very robust discussions in our Slack channel. How do we want to continue these?

  • Naming terms and defining concepts
  • "Trust" and "transitive trust"


10 minTerms wiki user feedback

Sharing feedback from using the ToIP Core terms wiki and the GSWG terms wiki to prepare the glossaries for the ToIP Governance Architecture Specification, the ToIP Governance Metamodel Specification, and the ToIP Governance Metamodel Specification Companion Guide.

  • Scott shared that we want to see ToIP-wide policies requiring ToIP deliverables to have glossaries.
  • One of the key questions was what term should go where across multiple terms wiki options.
  • Rieks agreed that it is good for us to have this experience.
  • By default each terms community will define a term in its own terms wiki.
  • But if the term is defined in another terms wiki, then you have two choices:
    • You can include the term from the external terms wiki in your glossary (and participate in that other terms community if you want to influence the definition)
    • You can use external link markup syntax "term(term@scope)"
  • The ToIP Core terminology is a challenge because it is a superset terms community.
    • The curation of this terminology is the responsibility of the CTWG.
5 minsReferencing eSSIF-Lab Glossary termsRieks Joosten

Seeking Rieks recommendation as to how ToIP terms wikis should reference eSSIF-Lab Glossary terms until they are in a terms wiki. 

  • Rieks would like the ToIP Term Tool to not refer exclusively to terms wiki pages, but to glossary entries.
  • Terms wikis are one form of ingestible input for the CTWG corpus.
  • So ideally links would be to glossary entries.
  • Daniel Hardman's feedback was that it will be necessary to refer to the default glossary for any scope.
  • Rieks said that referencing the eSSIF-Lab Glossary in the short term should be a matter of "stuffing" the eSSIF-Lab Glossary into a ToIP repo.
  • ACTION: Rieks Joosten to determine the best way to make the eSSIF-Lab Glossary available for other ToIP terms wikis to reference terms in.
25 minToIP Term Tool Requirements documentAll

Review the new ToIP Term Tool Requirements document that proposes features for the V1.x, V2, and V3+ versions of the ToIP Term Tool.

  • We had a good discussion about the various features listed in the document.
  • Daniel Hardman and Rieks Joosten have added numerous comments.
  • Further discussion is needed in future calls to determine the full set of features and feature priority.
  • ACTION: ALL to review the ToIP Term Tool Requirements document and propose features for the V1.x, V2, and V3+ versions.

  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 
ChairsOur next meeting will be Monday Dec 5.


  • None.

Action Items

  • ACTION: Steven Milstein to help us bootstrap the first CTWG discussions in GitHub Discussions.
  • ACTION: Rieks Joosten to determine the best way to make the eSSIF-Lab Glossary available for other ToIP terms wikis to reference terms in.
  • ACTION: ALL to review the ToIP Term Tool Requirements document and propose features for the V1.x, V2, and V3+ versions.