2024-09-09 CTWG Meeting Notes

2024-09-09 CTWG Meeting Notes

  • Meeting Date
  • : ToIP Concepts and Terminology WG Bi-Weekly Meeting  10:00-11:00 PT / 17:00-18:00 UTC. 
    See the 
    ToIP Calendar for the full schedule.

Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members: 
5 minGeneral announcements

ToIP Glossary V1All
  • Kyle RobinsonConcerning last week's question: Keep the reference the old one, there's now a large banner at the top of the previous ToIP Glossary. What happens to github.io page when you archive the repo? 
    Ammar:  A quick Google search seems to indicate that it's possible to show the GitHub Pages of an archived repo. Since archiving is basically just making a repo read-only.
  • Kor Dwarshuis pointed out that the GitHub API can throttle requests if there are too many filtering requests. I'm not sure whether this point persists, have to ask Kor Dwarshuis.

  • Kyle Robinson asked if there was a way to reference a specific "version" of the ToIP Glossary as of a specific point in time (and not just to specific definitions within the ToIP Glossary at that point in time). He shared this link as an example: Tenure and Resource Stewardship Branch Governance Framework | Digital Trust Toolkit (bcgov.github.io) → Issue Time-travel
  • Action: Kor Dwarshuis A Youtube instructional video on how to set up a spec-up-t project from the beginning would be great.
  • Neil Thomson gave the example of being able to look at the whole set of definitions that are present in the ToIP Glossary at a point in time.Henk van Cann I agreed with this functionality, as it would be a "game changer" because it would enable a specification or other document to fully externally reference those definitions in the ToIP Glossary as of that specific date and time. → Issue Time-travel
  • ACTION: Henk van Cann and Kor Dwarshuis to propose a design for this functionality to be able to reference a term—or an entire version of the ToIP Glossary—by a date, such that all glossary items have at most that date in their GitHub date-time stamp, i.e., it is a historical lookup. They will also look at the option of creating periodic versions as "snapshots" of the ToIP Glossary (as HTML and/or PDF) with their own URLs. The Snapshot and Timetravel are strongly related. We have to look into the use cases of both.
  • Neil Thomson brought up the option of taking snapshots of the ToIP Glossary for "official major releases" periodically, such as quarterly. Kor agreed that such snapshots could be "frozen snapshots." What is the use case?
    In the discussion that followed, it became clear that the expectation is that only a few people will use a Markdown editor to write proper Spec-Up-T def, refs, and xref.
    • We won't force the use of a mark-down editor; instead, we will look into self-explanatory URL config.
  • Action: We need links that are self-explanatory with version numbers in them. Because those links are what people are going to use to refer to the glossary as a whole and to specific terms. @kordwarshuis and @henkvancann could look into how the current fundamental tracking of commits could add to this concept.
  • Judith Fleenor "I always thought that was in the design.  But that was before we went to spec up.  The author of a document, when they make a ref to a def, need to know that def will not change later." Henk van Cann clarified that this will be true for specifically xrefs; refs to def within one terminology repo have to be kept in sync with the concepts in the specification by hand.
1 minReview of previous action items
  • URL Configuration
    • Henk van Cann said this is possible in a few ways, including a DNS CNAME. Asked Brian Richter for help.
    • Drummond Reed said that any link to the first URL, including an anchor, should redirect to the second URL, plus the anchor. Forwarders have to be designed and made operational, which also burdens future maintenance?
  • Concerning this, there was a question of Brian Richter 

A. whether we'd prefer to use glossary.trustoverip.org rather than trustoverip.github.io/glossary and onwards glossary.trustoverip.org/#term:acdc for the permanent links to the latest version of that term definition (example 'acdc').
B. Note: currently, we use https://trustoverip.github.io/ctwg-main-glossary/#term:acdc . We'll try to redirect this URL to the URL chosen under A.

Slack discussion
@DrummondReed: Elevating our glossary to the DNS subdomain level would — I believe — give us the best chance at long-lived links (because that link doesn’t rely on github). If you and other CTWG members agree, then my vote would be for glossary.trustoverip.org/#term:name. What does everyone think?
@EricScouten: I'm a big fan of this approach. Own your own data, my friends!
@HenkvanCann: I am a proponent of glossary.trustoverip.org/#term:name if it's doable.
Decision: glossary.trustoverip.org is preferable
@DrummondReed:What do we need to do (technically) to “make it so”? Also, in addition to http://glossary.trustoverip.org/#term:name, it would IMHO be ideal if http://glossary.trustoverip.org/#name worked as well. I believe the latter could just link to the heading for the term (if all headings were automatically bookmarks, which I believe is how Spec-Up works).


15 minSpec-Up-T
  • Do we have a standard procedure for:
  • Proposing edits to existing terms in the ToIP Glossary? - see last meeting
  • Proposing new terms to be included in the ToIP Glossary? Same, PRs or directly when user right sufficient (with great power comes great responsibility)
  • Never delete a term definition, just revoke the definition and forward to new terms that cover the concept. How? Edit the term, including an optional link
  • Discuss what steps remain to publish an official ToIP Glossary V1 specification by the end of August
    The remaining issues in Issues here: https://github.com/blockchainbird/spec-up-t/issues. August is too enthusiastic. Let's try to make IIW autumn 2024.
    Note: the home of Spec-Up-T might become trustoverip or DIF. Temporarily at Blockchainbird.org.
  • Decision: Move Spec-Up-T to trustoverip username on github.
  • ACTION: Henk and Kor need a Spec-Up-T repo at trustoverip

15 min

Main ToIP Glossary

  • How to cope with multiple / singular versions of terms, with/without dashes. etc TEv2 tooling?
    Rieks has put a proposal in Slack July 1 CTWG chat. Already added in draft to Terminology Governance Guide. We will discuss this.
    This is the Also Known As challenge.
 5 minSpec-Up-T User Guide

Spec-Up-T User Guide

  • RESCHEDULE: Governance Guide.
  • We never actually discuss the Guide. We skip the agenda-point in the future. Because it's still a Henk-only registration of where we stand with the governance of terms within ToIP. If something is worth mentioning → Announcements
? minSpec-Up Use
  • Spec-Up tips & tricks As we have many specifications in flight I have been compiling some SpecUp tips & tricks
  • ACTION: Coordinate with Darrell O'Donnell on a "cheat sheet" for Spec-Up with input from Drummond Reed and Neil Thomson
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to start the Spec-Up conversion process for the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification and record any key questions or issues.
    Decision: Label this issue as won't fix. We have the Spec-Up-T user guide and the new action point to record a video. 
2 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

Files/Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)

#1 meeting_saved_chat.txt



Decisions, see inline + wrap up:

  • Archiving a repo is no problem for the connected GitHub.io pages.
  • Label this Spec-Up Use issue as a "won't fix." 
  • RESCHEDULE: Governance Guide.  We will skip the agenda point in the future.
  • We won't force the use of a mark-down editor, instead will look into self-explanatory URL config.
  • Move Spec-Up-T to trustoverip username on github.

Action Items, see inline

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