2022-05-09 CTWG Meeting Notes

2022-05-09 CTWG Meeting Notes

Meeting Date


Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


Main Goal of this Meeting

Talk about the progress of the Terminology Toolbox proposal, based on the formalized terminology model and the diagram #1 (see below):

  • understanding what it's going to look like/how it works, etc.
  • feedback on (un)supported use-cases, design choices, missing things, etc.

At the end of the meeting, participants should have a proper/good understanding of where this is going, what it means for them, if/how to contribute, etc.

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
5 minGeneral announcementsAll

Any news and updates of general interest to CTWG members

  • Nicky Hickman  Do we need different glossary templates for a gov. fw? Not really.
2 minReview of previous action itemsChairsLeave this for the next meeting when Drummond is back
30 minTerminology Toolbox ProposalRieks

of the Terminology Toolbox proposal, based on the formalized terminology model and the diagram #1 (see below)

Nicky Hickman A lot of (good) work has been done, but it's a lot to get your head around. The technical work needs to be made understandable for non-tech-savvy people, too. We need to experiment and get to it.

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

ACTION: Nicky Hickmanto help complete the notes from this meeting.

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)

#1 Overview



  • None

Action Items

  • ACTION: Nicky Hickmanto help complete the notes from this 2022-05-09 meeting.

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