2024-09-03 TSWG Meeting Notes
Meeting Date
- The TSWG holds a plenary meeting once every four weeks on Tuesdays. The 2024 meeting dates are: 23 Jan, 20 Feb, 19 Mar, 16 Apr, 14 May, 11 June, 9 July, 6 Aug, 3 Sept, 1 Oct, 29 Oct, and 26 Nov.
- The meeting is at 08:00-09:00 PT / 15:00-16:00 UTC.
- See the ToIP Calendar for all meeting dates, times and logistics, including Zoom links.
Zoom Meeting Recording
(These links will be replaced with a link to the recording of the meetings as soon as they are available.)
Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Time | Agenda Item | Lead | Notes |
3 min |
| Chairs |
5 min | General announcements | All | Judith Fleenor said that we are migrating from our current Confluence wiki to an Atlassian cloud-hosted wiki. The new URL will be different. People will need to update local bookmarks. |
2 min | Review of action items from the previous meeting | Chairs | None. |
20 min | Task Force Reports | TF Leads | Technology Architecture TF — Wenjing Chu Drummond Reed
ACTION: Drummond Reed to work with Wenjing Chu to finish the remaining formatting and editing tasks on the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification Public Review Draft 02 and then send an email by Friday 06 Sept to the full ToIP mailing list requesting a 7 day review period. Our goal is to have this fully published by the LFDT announcement on Sept 16th. Drummond will do his best to move through these steps in time to have it fully published by Sept 16th (and ideally have a blog post out by then). ACTION: When all reviews are finished, Drummond Reed to produce a PDF of the final version of the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification Public Review Draft 02 for posting on the website. Trust Registry TF — Andor Antti Kettunen Darrell O'Donnell
ACTION: Darrell O'Donnell to make sure the GitHub spec is updated with the new name for the Trust Registry Query Protocol. Trust Spanning Protocol TF — Drummond Reed Wenjing Chu Sam Smith
ACTION: Drummond Reed to check with Wenjing Chu about having the next blog post about the Trust Spanning Protocol ready for posting prior to Sept 16. ACDC TF — Sam Smith Philip Feairheller
AI & Metaverse (AIM) Technology TF — Wenjing Chu
Credential Exchange Protocols TF — mathieu
ACTION: Drummond Reed to remind Wenjing Chu that the Credentials Exchange Protocols TF would like to have a presentation about the Trust Spanning Protocol. did:webs DID Method TF — Lance Byrd Philip Feairheller Markus Sabadello
X.509 VID Task Force — see agenda item below |
5 min | Call for New Co-Chairs | Chairs | Darrell O'Donnell needs to step down due to new full-time responsibilities. Kevin Griffin would like to continue as a co-chair. Drummond Reed is willing to continue as a co-chair. Wenjing Chu and Daniel Bachenheimer are willing to join as co-chairs. Are any other TSWG members interested in becoming a co-chair or vice-chair? ACTION: Drummond Reed to send an email asking to see who else may be interested in joining as a Technology Stack Working Group co-chair or vice-chair. |
5 min | ACDC moving to a new KERI Suite WG | Judith Fleenor announced this at the All-Members Meeting. This new WG should start up in September. Kevin Griffin explained that the full suite of KERI work has all been done in the ACDC TF. That resulted in pressure to consolidate specs that may in fact be better separated out. This new WG would be able to do that. The KERI Suite WG would keep the same IPR licensing as the TSWG has, i.e., the Open Web Foundation copyright and patent license. Judith Fleenor said that the approval of this new WG is scheduled for the ToIP Steering Committee meeting tomorrow. these are the steps that need to be followed: Following the SC Approval of the KSWG the following steps will need to be completed.
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5 min | Rechartering TSWG | Chairs | With the KERI Suite WG starting, it is proposed for the TSWG to move back to the W3C Patent License for compatibility with DIDComm and other W3C CCG and WG specs. Kevin Griffin brought up that some aspects of the work remaining at TSWG work draws from KERI Suite work and what that might mean after contributions that have been made under the Open Web Foundation license. ACTION: Drummond Reed and Judith Fleenor to contact Scott Nicholas to get instructions about how to proceed with the rechartering of the Technology Stack WG to use the W3C Patent License option again. ACTION: Once we have the answers from Scott Nicholas, Judith Fleenor to convene a meeting of the TSWG chairs and KERI Suite WG (KSWG) chairs to discuss the formation of the KSWG and the IPR transition of the TSWG. |
5 min | Trust DID Web (did:tdw) TF moving to DIF/W3C CCG | This TF never started up and decided to move to DIF/W3C both for spec licensing reasons and to maximize synergy with did:web. | |
5 min | Rechartering of X.509 VID Task Force |