2024-05-14 TSWG Meeting Notes

2024-05-14 TSWG Meeting Notes

Meeting Date

  • The TSWG holds a plenary meeting once every four weeks on Tuesdays. The 2024 meeting dates are: 23 Jan, 20 Feb, 19 Mar, 16 Apr, 14 May, 11 June, 9 July, 6 Aug, 3 Sept, 1 Oct, 29 Oct, and 26 Nov.
  • The meeting is at 08:00-09:00 PT / 15:00-16:00 UTC.
  • The TSWG holds an APAC meeting every Wednesday at 18:00-19:00 PT / 01:00-02:00 UTC. This meeting is a consolidated report-out and discussion across all TSWG Task Forces.
  • See the ToIP Calendar for all meeting dates, times and logistics, including Zoom links.

Zoom Meeting Recording


  • Drummond Reed
  • Darrell O’Donnell
  • Neil Thomson
  • Dan Bachenheimer
  • Ed Eykholt
  • Sam Smith
  • Steven Milstein
  • Phil Feairheller
  • Mathieu Glaude
  • Charles Lanahan
  • Kevin Griffin

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members: none
10 minGeneral announcementsAll

Updates from TSWG members of general interest to the group.

Judith Fleenor reminded everyone that the ToIP All-Member meeting one hour after this meeting would be a presentation by Findynet.

2 minReview of action items from the previous meetingChairsNot covered as the Confluence wiki was down for the 24 hours before the meeting.
25 mindid:tdw Task Force (DTTF) ProposalAll

The proposed charter of this new TF for the did:tdw DID method is here. It is based on a draft spec here: https://bcgov.github.io/trustdidweb/. TSWG members were not able to review the charter in real time as the Confluence wiki was down. However we had the following discussion:

  • This DID method is another approach to using self-certifying identifiers (SCIDs) in a web context
    • It maintains the key event log (KEL) as a JSONL file with JSON Patches for each update.
  • Drummond explained that Stephen Curran was on vacation and not able to attend today's meeting, but wanted the discussion on the proposed charter to proceed.
  • There is an "overlap" with did:webs - need to delineate things more clearly (in spec, not charter?)
    • did:webs uses KERI AIDs
    • did:tdw uses simpler way of generating the SCID and maintaining the KEL.
    • Sam Smith: 
      • Gave background about how did:webs evolved with KERI and GLEIF
        • Stephen Curran  was a did:webs co-chair until last December
        • M. Sabadello was brought in by GLEIF to add did:webs support to the Universal Resolver
      • Sam disagrees with Darrell’s “leveling up security” comment. Sam does not agree that security is a gradient.
        • Sam ToIP “doesn’t have standards”
      • Interoperable Security - “designer security” (20 years ago, NIST build ECDSA using “designer security”).
        • “Let the adopter decide” is the antithesis of interoperable security.
        • At some point ToIP must decide “none shall pass”
    • Summary: Sam does not support for DTTF formation until did:webs fracture is resolved.
    • We agreed that we consensus was reached to support formation at this meeting, but what was needed was the following:

ACTION: Drummond Reed and Darrell O'Donnell to work with Judith Fleenor to arrange a special dedicated meeting after Stephen Curran has returned to discuss the reasons for stepping back from the did:webs effort and creating did:tdw.

20 minTask Force ReportsTF Leads

Technology Architecture TFWenjing Chu  Drummond Reed

  • Work is underway on the second public review draft; moving it into SpecUp; goal is still to publish it by the end of the month.

Trust Registry TFAndor Antti Kettunen  Darrell O'Donnell

  • No major edits
  • One learning - TRP is NOT a trust registry
    • See screenshot #1 below for clarifications
  • TRTF call 2024-05-16 - Sam Curren presenting DIF's Trust Establishment

Trust Spanning Protocol TFDrummond Reed Wenjing Chu Sam Smith 

  • Implementers Draft is in review; implementation projects are underway.

ACDC TF — Sam Smith Philip Feairheller 

  • Sam: completed public review, resolved major issues, barring one (RFC 2119 normative wording and conformance criteria)
    • There were several offers to assist Sam Smith in the normative/non-normative delineation.

AI & Metaverse (AIM) Technology TFWenjing Chu 

  • Creating risk assessment related to C2PA/CAI
  • C2PA guidance work underway

Credential Exchange Protocols TFmathieu 

  • No report

did:webs Task Force  Lance Byrd Philip Feairheller Markus Sabadello 

  • No report

X.509 VID Task ForceEric Scouten Wenjing Chu

  • Taking a breather (chair out of town) - plan to look at IIW SAN (subject alternative name) concept.
10 minEuropean Identity Conference preparation
  • Judith is leading ALL coordination efforts for EIC panels and discussions
  • Judith is moderating 2 panels:
    1. The Emerging Trust Layer for the Internet: Using Minimum Viable Protocols to Achieve Maximum Interoperability - https://www.kuppingercole.com/sessions/5643/1 
      1. This will focus primarily on TSP and also on TRP
    2. Why Collaboration is Needed — this will feature the EDs of industry orgs focusing on collaboration between them (such as SIDI Hub).
5 min
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  • None

Action Items

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