2022-12-05 CTWG Meeting Notes

2022-12-05 CTWG Meeting Notes

Meeting Date

  • The CTWG meets bi-weekly on Mondays at 10:00-11:00 PT / 17:00-18:00 UTC. See the ToIP Calendar for the full schedule.

Zoom Meeting Recording


Main Goals of this Meeting

1) Check on Rieks Joosten and Brian Richter meeting RE $20K Terminology Toolbox 2.0 bounty
2) Game plan for ToIP Technology Architecture V1.0 Specification glossary
3) Holiday meeting schedule

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
    • Chadha Degachi recently started working with Rieks in the ____ Ecosystems Group. She is working on the Term Reference Resolution tool.
5 minGeneral announcementsAll

Any news and updates of general interest to CTWG members

  • None today
2 minReview of previous action itemsChairs
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to offer a meeting on terminology and mental models to the ToIP Technology Architecture V1.0 Spec Editors team.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to introduce Brian Richter to Rieks Joosten via email or Slack so Rieks can explain the scope of the Terminology Toolbox 2.0 work.
30 min

Check on Rieks Joosten and Brian Richter meeting RE $20K Terminology Toolbox 2.0 bounty

Drummond Reed 

The $20K bounty is still in the ToIP 2022 budget and is being carried over (pending approval) to 2023. The following was Brian's proposal based on the meeting he had with Rieks last week:

Bounty Proposal

  1. 3 MRG Tool github issues https://github.com/trustoverip/ctwg-toolkit-mrg/issues?q=label%3A%22good+first+issue%22+is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen
    1. Better guidance for generated errors
    2. Heading-ids in MRG Entries should be useable as fragments
    3. Feature request - have documentation on the main page and a link to the actual tool
  2. HRGT (Human Readable Glossary Tool)
    1. This github action seems to be attempting the beginnings of this https://github.com/trustoverip/ctwg-sandbox/blob/main/.github/workflows/ctwg-sandbox.yml
    2. What specifications need to be drafted?
  3. 1 Ingress Tool
    1. Is this sort of in place? See here https://github.com/trustoverip/hxwg/blob/main/.github/workflows/glossary.yml
    1. Wiki files to curated texts

Timeline: ~90 days (End of February)

  • Rieks appreciates Brian's proposal and would like to set up another meeting.

ACTION: Rieks Joosten and Brian Richter to set up another meeting to review the technologies to be used in the project and agree on the statement of work (SOW).

ACTION: Judith Fleenor to work with Drummond Reed and Rieks Joosten to determine was is necessary to put the SOW in place considering the following two inputs: 1) https://essif-lab.github.io/framework/docs/tev2/miscellaneous/tool-development, 2) https://essif-lab.github.io/framework/docs/tev2/miscellaneous/tool-development#tooling-status-as-of-

  • Rieks explained (see screenshot #1) that the current Terminology Toolbox 1.0 glossary tool generates glossaries directly from terms wikis, whereas the Terminology Toolbox 2.0 will first use the MRGT to convert a terms wiki (or other input format) into a machine-readable source, then the HRGT is used to produce a human-readable output format.
  • Chadha explained that she has talked to Sid Haniff about his work on the MRGT.

ACTION: Chadha will share with Brian Richter information about the MRGT.

  • Chadha said that she is working on the Term Ref Resolution Tool, which is the second tool int he suite. 
  • Rieks suggested that the full tool suite be tested in the TNO environment first, 
  • Nicky feels this is a wonderful opportunity to marry the social side of glossary development with the technical/mechanical side.
  • Rieks has created a new branch of the eSSIF-Lab glossary work on terminology design. This is highly aligned with the mission of the CTWG, so this should be a very exciting project to support.
  • Nicky shared that it is critically important that ToIP deliverables not be derailed by disputes on terminology, because that can happen if the group does not align early and make a priority of doing terminology design.
  • What worries Nicky Hickman slightly about "cool tools" for terminology is that the tooling does not actually solve any of the problems that can only be solved by people. The questions of meaning and definition can only be agreed upon by the community members.
10 minGame plan for ToIP Technology Architecture V1.0 Specification glossary
  • Drummond summarized that the Technology Architecture TF knows that it has a big job on its plate to prepare a complete glossary (and possibly one or more mental models) for the ToIP Technology Architecture V1.0 Specification (TAS).
  • Neil Thomson says that we need to go about a real process of what Rieks calls terminology design for the TAS glossary. It will be a great litmus test for the process we are working through here.
  • Neil has some specific suggestions for how to go about this process.

ACTION: Drummond Reed and Neil Thomson to read this real example prior to arranging a meeting with Rieks Joosten

ACTION: Drummond Reed and Neil Thomson to arrange a planning meeting with Rieks Joosten and Neil Thomson on terminology design for the Technology Architecture Task Force.

ACTION: Drummond Reed and Neil Thomson to develop a plan to present a terminology design plan to the Technology Architecture Task Force.

10 minGlossary composing tool fixNicky Hickman 
  • Antti Kettunen and Henk van Cann have been helping Nicky to debug the reasons that the Harms glossary (in the HXWG terms wiki).
  • The problem has been identified as the need for EasyCLA to be activated.

ACTION: Nicky Hickman to follow up with Elisa Trevino on fixing the Terminology Toolbox 1.0 glossary publishing issue that appears to be about EasyCLA installation (https://github.com/trustoverip/hxwg/actions/runs/3514201668/jobs/5887924832#step:8:23).

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

DECISION: Our final meeting of 2023 will be our regular meeting on December 19. Our first meeting of 2023 will be January 16 (as Jan 2 is a holiday).

ACTION: Drummond Reed to request Elisa Trevino to remove the Jan 2 meeting from the ToIP Calendar.

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  • DECISION: Our final meeting of 2023 will be our regular meeting on December 19. Our first meeting of 2023 will be January 16 (as Jan 2 is a holiday).

Action Items