2022-06-20 CTWG Meeting Notes

2022-06-20 CTWG Meeting Notes

Meeting Date


Zoom Meeting Recording


Main Goal of this Meeting

Meet our new volunteers for the Terminology Toolbox project and discuss the development roadmap and project plan.

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members: Prashant Rahulkar.
5 minGeneral announcementsAll

Any news and updates of general interest to CTWG members

  • Drummond Reed noted that Identiverse and MyData conferences are both happening this week.
2 minReview of previous action itemsChairs
  • ACTION: Sid Haniff will work with Rieks Joosten to write up a description of the skill set(s) that will be most helpful with the next set of "bricks".
    • The announcement at the ToIP All-Member Meeting on Wednesday June 15 resulted in two additional volunteers: Prashant Rahulkar and Partha Pal.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to connect Sid Haniff and Rieks Joosten with Daniel Hardman to help with the transition from Terms Toolbox 1.0 to Terms Toolbox 2.0.
  • ACTION: Nicky Hickman will recruit at least one additional curator for the HXWG glossary.
    • Nicky reported that she's still looking for that other volunteer.
10 minMeeting our new volunteersAll

Introduction of Prashant Rahulkar (Partha Pal was able to attend the meeting).

  • Prashant has 18+ years in technology. He has been running his own company called RI Equation (Real and Imaginary Equation). It provides services to startup companies, especially Web3. He has been involved with ToIP for the last year, and this is a project that is interesting to him.
5 minCTWG Glossary Template & ManualNicky Hickman 
  • Nicky has  created folder in the G-Drive and more or less completed the template as a G-Doc.
  • This will be a generic guide for creating any glossary, e.g. for white paper as well as for a ToIP specification or a governance framework.
  • Instead of another document, she proposes doing a Learning Pathway that links thinks like the terms wiki guide as part of the glossary and CT process.  She checked with Scott but thinks we can go UDI on this.  
  • Currently we have a G-Doc, but I wonder if Kyle Robinson or others in GSWG template TF are moving directly into GitHub?
  • Question - do you agree that we do a learning pathway instead of a companion guide?  This means in confluence wiki with links to the GitHub toolset and some narrative specifically for a GF.
    • Drummond Reed felt that a Learning Pathway published as a branch of the ToIP Confluence wiki would be perfect.
    • Rieks Joosten noted (later) that it would be good to specifically include the guidance of the terminology process paper in the learning pathway, and guidance regarding the re-use of terms from other (existing) terminologies.
30 minTerminology Toolbox Development Roadmap and Project Plan

See the eSSIF-Lab Terminology Engine V2 (TEv2) on GitHub: https://essif-lab.github.io/framework/docs/tev2/tev2-overview

  • Rieks began by showing the diagram in screenshot #1 below.
  • Sid Haniff then explained that he just got the first component of the Curation toolbox, i.e. the machine-readable glossary tool or MRGT, working about an hour ago.
    • It is a command-line utility.
    • It still needs several more steps, including adding error messages, Dockerizing, add support for GitHub credentials (so the tool will not be rate-limiting).
    • Would like to move to ToIP github
    • The first gemerated MRG was shared on slack

ACTION: Sid Haniff to send Drummond Reed an email describing what he needs as a ToIP repo for the Terminology Toolbox.

    • Rieks and Sid then discussed what components could be in the eSSIF-Lab repos.
    • Sid explained the current flow of the MRGT component.

We heard from Prashant Rahulkar about the aspects of the Toolbox that he is interested in working on.

Then we moved to next steps in the process.

ACTION: Sid Haniff to connect with Prashant Rahulkar to discuss how they want to divide up the work.

Rieks then discussed the generation of a Human Readable Glossary (HRG) formatted in HTML, from an MRG. A simple version would constitute of setting up the header and footer info in an HTML file, building the capability of converting an arbitrary MRG entry into an appropriate HTML format, using that on the (alphabetically sorted set of) entries from the MRG, and then concatenating header, sorted entries and footer into a single file. For the very first version of the HRG tool, term references may be ignored, to be resolved in a subsequent version.

Nicky Hickman next brought up the possibility of a tool that could analyze a proposed document, such as a white paper, to create a list of the key terms and then create an up-front mini-glossary that can help the reader orient to the content of the paper.

  • Nicky pointed out how important that convergence on those key terms are for the the stakeholders in that terminology community.
  • She explained that in the current project she is focused on, which is the SSI Harms white paper, the collaboration on terms is a key part of the process. So Nicky is interested in how the tools can be used in this generative process.
  • Rieks noted that the 

Nicky proposed another Terminology Toolbox V2 feature, which would be the ability to import into a glossary all the terms associated with a particular mental model. Rieks said that this is being thought of, and there are various ways that this could be accomplished. It should not necessarily be all that difficult, but will be deferred until after we can create glossaries (MRG and HRG). Nicky said that would be really useful because "you start with the pattern".

  • Rieks pointed out that the kind of ingress tools that will be needed depends on the terms community. For example, an academic community needs different tools than a developer community.
5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

Our next meeting falls on July 4th, which is a holiday in the U.S.—and Rieks will also be on holiday. So our next meeting will be Monday July 18.

DECISION: No meeting on 4 July 2022 due to holidays.

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  • DECISION: No meeting on 4 July 2022 due to holidays.

Action Items