EFWG 2022-09-15 Meeting
EFWG 2022-09-15 Meeting
Meeting Schedule
- Bi-Weekly at 8:00-9:00 am PST / 11:00-12:00 am EDT / 15:00 – 16:00 UTC / 17:00 - 18:00 CET
- https://zoom.us/j/95389236256?pwd=RFErMm9SS0tBenA1Q0dSYlpXK3Bqdz09
Agenda Items & Meeting Notes
- Welcome & Introductions
- EFWG Community Topics & Announcements
- Q1-3 Quick Recap
- Speakers & Presentations
- Ecosystem White Paper, Components Framework, Matrix, Learning Pathways
- Q4 Focus
- Governance Architecture Task Force and Use Cases
- New Task Forces?
- What would the WG like for 2023?
- Q&A / Discussion
Presentation Files
Admin Reminder : remember to re-subscribe to new meeting calendar
If you want your name on the invite, reach out to Elisa Trevino (on slack), she will put your name in the calendar invite to make sure that the invite is sent out each time.
Coming up
- Resuming regular schedule Sept 15
- Next presenter, Sept 29: Trinsic Trust Registry solution
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