EFWG 2022-05-12 Meeting - BC Gov
EFWG 2022-05-12 Meeting - BC Gov
Meeting Schedule
- Bi-Weekly at 8:00-9:00 am PST / 11:00-12:00 am EDT / 15:00 – 16:00 UTC / 17:00 - 18:00 CET
- https://zoom.us/j/95389236256?pwd=RFErMm9SS0tBenA1Q0dSYlpXK3Bqdz09
- Steve Magennis
- Carly
- P Subrahmanyam
- Eric Drury
- Phil Wolff
- Bill Carroll
- Ross Power, product manager, Cheqd
- Suma
- Nick Main
- Nicky Hickman
- Kimberly Linson
- Stephen Curran (BC gov)
- Jorge Flores
- Vikas Malhotra
- Karla McKenna
- Vladimir Zubenko at ETS
- Kyle Robinson
- anirao
- Karen Hand
- Sam Rookard
- Trinh Nguyen
- Brian
- Scott Perry
- Tim Bouma
Agenda Items
- Welcome & Introductions
- EFWG Community Topics
- Presentation - Stephen Curran, Ecosystem Governance model
- Q&A
Presentation Files
- From today's talk
- Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1B1uB6kbpKjJG3stNG5mY6rvgt_WZsG_99RTHiUyv3EU/edit#slide=id.p
- repo: https://github.com/cloudcompass/demo-pancdn-toip-gf
- demo site: https://pcgf.cloudcompass.ca/ (needs username/password)
- White Paper working draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Q8Q8EwV0Ok_AKlTyR0BSWLRASjekwD2OCIDaPV3haA/edit
- Blog post
- Learning Pathways Taskforce
Meeting Notes
Welcome & Introductions
- Notes
EFWG Community Topics
- Invitation to all members to join the task force for the Ecosystem Governance Template (especially to find a task force leader)
- There is a published governance meta-model which is the table of contents for a governance framework for all layers of the trust over IP stack
- Task forces are being launched for each layer so we can become more specific in the governance specification at each layer of the stack
- We are looking for a leader of this task force to drive the creation of the layer 4 specific governance framework
- Deliverable - specific governance framework - timeline: none specific, time is of the essence.
- To be a viable organization we need to lead and the marketplace needs this deliverable. The market will develop their own otherwise.
- We have already implemented guidance around risk assessment and the governance will address specific risks at the ecosystem layer and that will drive requirements of the governance
- A great education opportunity for members
- Business model and UI/UX - we are seeking ideas from members for possible presentations which are of interest to the community
Presentation - Stephen Curran
Slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1B1uB6kbpKjJG3stNG5mY6rvgt_WZsG_99RTHiUyv3EU/edit#slide=id.p
Where on the centralized-vs-decentralized spectrum does ecosystem governance operate? An "anchor tenant" defines the rules vs. emergent governance that's independent of a "key species" participant.
How to do the governance.
- A website as Source Of Truth.
- Decision making. (committee of member participants)
- Proposals to publish changes to website via decision makers.
Demo of site:
- Q&A
- Great effort.
- Documentation and security to manage RISK. Implemented well, you remove risk.
- How much of this can be automated, DAO-like?
Admin Reminder : remember to re-subscribe to new meeting calendar
If you want your name on the invite, reach out to Elisa Trevino (on slack), she will put your name in the calendar invite to make sure that the invite is sent out each time.
Coming up
- Next presentation: Tkyn - 26 May 2022
, multiple selections available,