EFWG 2022-01-06 Meeting

Meeting Schedule

  • Bi Weekly at 11am EST / 


Agenda Items

  • Welcome & Introductions
  • EFWG V2.0 - Steve / Carly
  • Presentation Series Preview - Eric / Subra
  • Task Force Updates - Carly

Presentation Files


Meeting Recording

Meeting Notes:

Kick-off by Subra : EFWG Redux! And thanks to Karl Kneis for leading the WG since its inception

Introduction of new leadership team for 2022: Steve Magennis, Carly Huitema, P.A. Subrahmanyam, Eric Drury ... and new priorities:

  • Presentation series
    • Expand presenters, invite external parties into ToIP
    • Address business challenges
  • Learning Pathways


    • ToIP has a lot of outputs, so we point people in direction of specific documentation, with specific learning objectives.
    • Benefit : addresses gaps in knowledge, can feedback to other working groups
    • Ad-hoc/informal creation, anyone can propose
    • Pathway = Webpage, for specific audience
    • Nicky Hickman: might be worth putting questions to broad ToIP channels, give examples to find out the demand, the burning questions from different perspectives: CTO vs CEO vs CMO... The pathways need to address business challenges – engage people / companies that will lead to learning pathway / discussion, i.e. “Point me to the 2 or 3 things I need to read to get my head around this concept.” This puts the outputs we’re writing into specific context.
    • Steven Milstein: nobody says ‘I don’t understand ToIP.’ We need to identify target audience, find out their frustrations, problems, and perhaps the solution may be ToIP. EFWG is the environment to find out what the problems are , i.e. let outsiders define the problem. EFWG Group has success because it’s away from the tech, it’s top of the sales funnel, good group to understand what the problems are, customer discovery journey.
  • Business Challenges:
    • Steve Magennis : the goal is to enhance the connective tissue, make calls to businesses to understand what their problems are. The Presentation Series will have good input
    • Subra : would love big companies that are foundational members of ToIP to come and speak to us
    • Judith: they have knowledge of what the problems are, so maybe do interviews (education, healthcare, ...). Shift the way we talk about things, language alignment – why did these people join Trust over IP (don’t use VC, etc. terms). EFWG needs to do outreach for interviews, re-engage.
      • They may find it easier to volunteer what their problems are – communicate via Slack: who should we target for interviews? Where’s the list? Will increase Slack activity. Need engagement from our own ecosystem
  • Case Studies
    • Goal: To provide tangible reference points to organizations thinking about a move into digital identity and credentials
    • Format: Point in time exploration of how digital identity and credentials are being implemented by a specific ecosystem or ecosystem participant. Focus on the problems being solved and struggles being faced.
  • EFWG will also support active and new task forces


Task Force Updates

 1. YOMA – see slide

  • Have created Governance Framework, excellent feedback, draft for approval
  • UNICEF and Proto-Youth Council are both very happy
  • Want to work on Human Experience for Governance alongside machine-readable governance
  • Subra: Yoma’s focus on governance - was that foresight, or prompted by issues in the Yoma ecosystem?
  • Nicky: MVP working first, then need for Governance was driven by technical team – to achieve Yoma, you need not just tech, but Governance. It was a design requirement.
  • Lean iterative approach to governance, to manage risk
      • Interim GF
  • Another Yoma presentation? – YES! Yoma is open to feedback
    • Open source tech, open source governance – looking for opportunities to adapt/adopt, get moving more quickly


2. PCDS Update - See slide


3. White Paper TF - See slide


Admin Reminder : remember to re-subscribe to new meeting calendar

If you want your name on the invite, reach out to Elisa Trevino (on slack), she will put your name in the calendar invite to make sure that the invite is sent out each time.


*** Next presentation ***  Autumn Watkinson: “Biological ecosystems - what can we apply to ToIP ecosystems”