EFWG 2022-02-17 Meeting
EFWG 2022-02-17 Meeting
Meeting Schedule
- Bi Weekly at 8:00-9:00 am PST / 11:00-12:00 am EST / 16:00 – 17:00 UTC / 17:00 - 18:00 CET
- https://zoom.us/j/95389236256?pwd=RFErMm9SS0tBenA1Q0dSYlpXK3Bqdz09
- Steve Magennis
- Carly
- P Subrahmanyam
- Eric Drury
- Jorge Flores
- @Elise Trinh Nguyen
- Salvatore D'Agostino
- Phil Wolff
- Steven Milstein
- Vlad Zubenko
- E. Wyatt Gordon
- Judith Fleenor
- Jiangang Hao
Agenda Items
- Welcome & Introductions
- Update from Steve Magennis
- Trust Ecosystem White Paper
- Open Topics
Presentation Files
- White Paper working draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Q8Q8EwV0Ok_AKlTyR0BSWLRASjekwD2OCIDaPV3haA/edit
- Learning Pathways Taskforce
Meeting Notes
- Welcome & Introductions
- Update from Steve Magennis
- Trust Ecosystem White Paper
- Open Topics
- Welcome & Introductions
- Update from Steve Magennis: Ecosystem Classification Matrix
- Prospective business models (not yet viable for cash flow and generating sustaining profits). We're helping moving the industry from prospective to operational (financial health).
- Examples?
- Matrix can be useful as blog topic? Discussion guide?
- Phil: Are these the most useful dimensions? I'm not sure we have the matrix dimensions right.
- The vertical dimension of financial health is incomplete as a measure of health.
- Component and Aggregate health. Are all the members equally healthy? Are you vulnerable to diseases, predators, parasites; and are safer together than apart?
- Managing value with neighbors. Is the ecosystem as a whole spinning off positive externalities (neighbors enjoy having you there) and limiting/recovering negative ones (triggering retaliation)?
- Economics. Are ecosystem coordination costs, effort friction, and risks to members and the group falling or growing with scale?
- The other categorization (consumers vs producers of ID/trust/governance) leaves out vital ecosystem roles (like outside regulators and enforcers), that individuals and non-business enterprises/orgs can be in an ecosystem), and that an ecosystem member can be active in more than one role. As we describe the kinds of roles that assist an ecosystem to work well, this becomes more like a network diagram.
- The vertical dimension of financial health is incomplete as a measure of health.
- Trust Ecosystem White Paper
- Link to working draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Q8Q8EwV0Ok_AKlTyR0BSWLRASjekwD2OCIDaPV3haA/edit
- Trinh presents White Paper outline / structure, as developed by Karen Hand
- Combination of multiple ecosystem: ecological, social, data, business, trust
- WP will start with definitions
- Data Ecosystem: Infrastructure = environment
- Business Ecosystem: lot of overlap with data and software ecosystems. Crucial role of keystone species
- Trust Ecosystem: Victoria Lemieux recommended reading. Hardin's "encapsulated trust":
- What's the role of Trust over IP?
- What's the diversity, does the flow of energy, state of health of the ecosystem? Does cost of participating ?
- Framework and language for discussing the sustainability, viability of those working to establish an ecosystem - touchstone for describing something new
- Synergy with what's being presented here: could be helpful to cross-pollinate across other groups (Utility Foundry?) for synergies
- CALL TO ACTION: Collaborative writing schedule
- Learning Pathway Update
- Carly : as groups create outputs, we can help provide context and make accessible
- Governance Stack WG has already published some deliverables; we can help transform those into a Learning Pathway
- Learning Pathways Taskforce
- Open Topics
- Resource Directory: good response, 21 entities have listed
- Active Ecosystem Directory; 50 lists, variety and spectrum
- Case Study YOMA - in progress
- Pulse Survey: Steering Committee : what's motivating these members to participate in ToIP, and what do they hope t
- Request for member Feedback:
- Topics?
- Who do you want to hear from?
- How do you want to spend one hour every other Thursday?
- Failure Surveillance: What causes participants to leave or fail?
- Would be interesting to have participants self-classify
- Next presentation: March 17th , Trinsic and Riley Hughes
Admin Reminder : remember to re-subscribe to new meeting calendar
If you want your name on the invite, reach out to Elisa Trevino (on slack), she will put your name in the calendar invite to make sure that the invite is sent out each time.
*** Next presentation *** Trinsic
, multiple selections available,