2022-2-9 Steering Committee Plenary Meeting Notes

2022-2-9 Steering Committee Plenary Meeting Notes


  • Agenda Review (2 min)
  • Steering Committee Members Review (1 min)
  • Minutes Approval (3 min)
  • New Member Review (2 min)
  • Overview of LFX with Jim St. Clair (15 min)
  • Update on OIX/MOU (10 min)
  • IIW Sponsorship (5 min)
  • All Member Meeting Special Topics (5 min)
  • Working Group News
  • Open Discussion


  • Judith Fleenor (ToIP - Director of Strategic Engagement)
  • Drummond Reed (Evernym/Avast)
  • Jim St. Clair (LFH)
  • Andre Kudra (esatus)
  • Bryn Robinson-Morgan (Mastercard)
  • Michael Nettles (ETS)
  • Hwajeong Hwang (LG CNS)
  • Stephen Chan (Certizen Limited)
  • Wenjing Chu (Futurewei Technologies)
  • Marie Wallace (IBM)
  • Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs)
  • Liem Truong (Doshy)
  • Chris Ingrao (Lumedic Acquisition Corp)
  • Scott Perry (Scott Perry CPA)
  • Vlad Zubenko (ETS)
  • RJ Reiser (Liquid Avatar)
  • Elisa Trevino (LF)

2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeJudith Fleenor
3 min Meeting Minute ApprovalJudith Fleenor
15 minLFX Overview & DemoJim StClair
2 minNew Member Review
10 minOIX/MOU Update
5 minIIW SponsorshipJudith Fleenor
5 minAll Member Meeting Special TopicsJudith Fleenor
10 minWorking Group NewsJudith Fleenor
10 minOpen DiscussionAll

  • Recording


  • Presentation (Google Slides)


Agenda Review 

Judith Fleenor resolved the approval of the Minutes Approval by consensus and formally approved the minutes from January 12th, 2022.

Judith Fleenor shared the new members and asked the committee members to welcome the new folks. Drummond Reed said that the blog posts and white papers are providing additional visibility in the community and helping to drive support and membership to the foundation. Bryn Robinson-Morgan inquired about the information on new members as to what's driving them and motivating them to join ToIP and Judith Fleenoragrees and suggested we discuss this in greater detail in our next Communication Committee meeting. Judith Fleenorintroduced the new LFX EasyCLA process that LF is working to implement to projects.

Overview of LFX with Jim StClairLF is introducing a platform-centric ecosystem. He shared numbers of the number of organizations that are involved and supported by LF. Jim StClair LFX Insights, LFX Security and LFX Crowdfunding. 

Jim StClair recently launched the LFX Security and OpenSSF for all projects and their lifecycle security management for the entire development pipeline. LFX as a platform will be integrated into other applications to help support information and project workflow.

Judith Fleenor provided an update on OIX/MOU by sharing some historical information on the OIX/MOU from it's initiation back in June 2021 and the approvals that happened in late 2021 with legal review. Judith Fleenorrequested that we include a clause in the agreement to provide engagement between both organizations and that was approved. The documentation was sent to them, but then returned to to ToIP with some edits. Drummond Reed stated that we've already had an impact and that they are moving in the right direction with quality governance tools. He believes that the relationship is stronger than it's been in the past, but he doesn't believe the legal back and forth is worth our time at this stage. Bryn Robinson-Morgan agrees with Drummond and believes this is supportive of SSI models. The newest iteration will require legal review on the LF side, but we need to question our stance as we move forward. Chris Ingrao (Deactivated) asked if we can get an outline of the core differences of the documents and Judith Fleenorencouraged him to review the current redlines. Judith Fleenor asked the SC to review and make a decision on how we want to proceed. Wenjing Chu stated that as we make this a legal document, then we need an official agreement in place, but we could also use other approaches like market signals. He affirmed that these type of issues are increasingly difficult to resolve as we move forward. Judith Fleenor proposed making a decision outside of a legal agreement and Drummond Reedagrees that we decide on a different approach to create market signaling between the two organizations. Steve McCown agreed with Drummond that we should work with the organization directly via a more PR centric statement might be the best option at this stage.

Judith Fleenor shared that the IIW will be live and in person this year and she formally proposed that we (ToIP) act as a snack sponsor at the event for $1400. She shared the details regarding the event and sponsorship and asked for feedback from the Committee. Wenjing Chucommented on the topic, that we may want to think about the type of events we want to sponsor/participate in for the entire year and Judith Fleenoragrees. He would like to have a conversation on this topic so that we have a more strategic overview of our presence for the year. Judith Fleenoragreed and said that we can add this to the agenda in our next meeting. 

Judith Fleenor announced that the HXWG Working Group News mentioned they have a meeting tomorrow, February 11th, 2022 with a special presentation.

Judith Fleenor announced time for Open Discussion and there were no additional comments. Andre Kudra suggested the committee review information regarding https://www.kuppingercole.com/events/eic2022 and the Korean DID Conference https://www.eventbrite.com/e/did-conference-korea-2022-tickets-262517044547.