2021-02-03 Steering Committee (Special Topic) Meeting Page
2021-02-03 Steering Committee (Special Topic) Meeting Page
Meeting Schedule
- February 02, 2021
- John Jordan
- Drummond Reed
- Chris Ingrao (Deactivated)
- Charles Walton
- Dan Gisolfi
- Christine Leong
- Jessica Townsend
- Andre Kudra
- Mike Vesey
- Steve McCown
- Tom Plagge
- Wenjing Chu
- Will Groah
- Hwajeong Hwang
- David Lucatch
- Michael Nettles
- Eva Chan
- Brian Martin
- Vladimir Zubenko
- Ken Adler
- Steve Maggenis
- Eric Vinton
- David Lacroix
- David Luchuk
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
2 min | Welcome & Antitrust Policy Notice | D Luchuk | |
3 mins | Remarks - Special Topic Meetings | D Luchuk | |
50 mins | Good Health Pass Collective - Discussion | All | |
5 mins | Wrap-up | D Luchuk |
- N/A
Remarks - Special Topic Meetings
- David Luchuk opened the meeting with a brief welcome to the first Special Topics meeting of the Steering Committee. He explained that these meetings are meant to provide Steering members with the opportunity to explore important subjects in more detail than is possible during plenary sessions.
- These meetings are not meant to feature voting decisions on proposals that require Steering Committee approval. Those decisions are intended to occur during plenary sessions.
Good Health Pass - Discussion
- Charles Walton introduced the Good Health Pass topic by discussing the urgent need to respond to COVID and the severe limitations the pandemic has imposed on global travel.
- MasterCard has made a strategic decision to support this industry and its clients by helping drive the effort to use digital credentials to solve the set of problems associated with interoperable digital vaccination records.
- Many organizations are working on different solutions, each looking at the problem in a different way. There is an urgent need to describe what “good looks like” to advance these efforts towards solutions.
- Charles Walton then presented the Health Pass Ecosystem, and described how it points directly to the Trust over IP model as an approach that will bring the necessary pieces together.
- Under the Ecosystem Foundry Working Group, a Good Health Pass Taskforce is being created to make recommendations for industry and government on the governance framework required for interoperable, privacy-respecting vaccination credentials.
- The target for this work to be complete is March 2021.
- In the coming week, the Good Health Pass Collaborative will be launched with a press release (Feb 9) and webinar (Feb 11).
- Drummond Reed introduced the work underway through IATA and described the ways in which their questions and priorities align with the Trust over IP model (e.g. use of open standards, emphasis on interoperability and development of modular tools).
- The aim of IATA’s effort is to emerge with a set of modular, interoperable tools that combine into one integrated service ... a trust ecosystem.
- This also aligns with the approach being taken by the WHO expert panel, which envisions an ecosystem of-ecosystems model.
- Chris Ingrao (Deactivated) discussed the launch of the Lumedic Exchange ecosystem in 2020, which is now producing and sharing verifiable credentials for more efficient healthcare processes. Lumedic is well positioned to share what it has learned in support of the Trust over IP Taskforce for Good Health Pass.
- Dan Gisolfi recommended that 1) a correlation chart be created in this area to better understand which organizations are developing solutions, 2) a parallel Trust over IP announcement be developed to line up with the Good Health Pass launch, 3) a list of vaccination record projects be created along the lines of what the Utility Foundry Working Group has for public utilities.
- John Jordan recognized that many questions need to be answered, and observed that Trust over IP has provided a quote for the Good Health Pass press release.
- Michael Nettles asked 1) what elements of data/information in the Good Health Pass will be unique compared to other trust ecosystems, 2) who the target audience is for an announcement, 3) what is unique about the governance framework for God Health Pass compared to others?
- John Jordan suggested that questions between government jurisdictions, domestically and internationally, related to who can issue credentials and how trust can be established, are central to the ecosystem. The key is to make sure countries are able to apply their laws and policies in using credentials to confirm vaccination.
- Charles Watson observed that airlines may effectively be in the position of having to act as proxies for destination countries in assessing vaccination records, status of variants, border control measures for their passengers.
- David Lucatch offered for KABN’s PR/Communications firm to work on a Trust over IP press release to align with the Good Health Pass announcement.
- Drummond Reed indicated that a note would go out to All Members announcing the Good Health Pass Taskforce once a meeting schedule is set.
Action items
- David Luchuk to follow up with KABN on working with their PR/Communications firm for a Trust over IP press release.
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