2022-8-24 Steering Committee Plenary Meeting Notes

2022-8-24 Steering Committee Plenary Meeting Notes


  • Agenda Review (1 min)
  • Announcements and New Business (1 min)
  • Data Modelling & Representation Working Group (3 min)
  • Resolution via email (2 min)
  • Membership Fee Change Roll-out (2 min)
  • Upcoming Meeting Dates Review (2 min)
  • Proposed Strategic Direction (10 min)
  • Biometrics Presentation (10 min)
  • Biometrics and ToIP Discussion (20 min)
  • Open Discussion


  • Judith Fleenor (ToIP - Director of Strategic Engagement)
  • Drummond Reed (Avast)
  • RJ Reiser (Liquid Avatar)
  • Wenjing Chu ()
  • Dan Bachenheimer (Accenture)
  • John Jordan (BC Gov)
  • Chris Ingrao ()
  • Scott Perry (Schellman)
  • Abbie (CVS)
  • Jessica Townsend ()
  • Steve McCown ()
  • Bryn Robinson-Morgan (Mastercard)
  • Mike Vesey (IDRamp)
  • Elisa Trevino (LF)

1 minAgenda ReviewJudith Fleenor
1 minAnnouncements and New Business

3 min

Data Modeling & Representation Working GroupJudith Fleenor

2 min

Resolution via emailJudith Fleenor 
2 minsMembership Fee Change Roll-outJudith Fleenor 
2 minsUpcoming Meeting Dates Review
10 minsProposed Strategic ObjectiveJudith Fleenor 
10 minsBiometrics PresentationJudith Fleenor 
20 minsBiometrics and ToIP DiscussionJudith Fleenor 
As Time AllowsOpen DiscussionAll 

  • Recording


  • Presentation (Google Slides)


Agenda Review 

Judith Fleenor kicked off the meeting and presented to agenda and the anti trust policy. Judith Fleenorreviewed the agenda and then shared updates for announcements and new business. Judith Fleenor briefly provided an overview of the new working group we're launching, the resolution for email consensus and the membership fee changes and announcement. She went on to share the bulk of the meeting topic will be the biometric presentation and discussion. No additional items were raised to add to the agenda. 

Announcements and New Business 

Judith Fleenor mentioned that the website updates should launch by the end of the week and continued that the Good Health Pass page is scheduled to be revamped with the help of Jim StClair and Daniel Bachenheimer with Drummond Reed to review. The goal is to have this wrapped up and published before the ToIP Summit in Dublin.

Data Modeling & Representation Working Group 

Judith Fleenor shared that we need to approve the new Data Modeling working group and affirmed that a notice has gone out via email with feedback from sankarshan. Drummond Reed shared feedback regarding the terminology of "focus groups" versus "working group" and there was a proposition to remove the last sentence of the charter. Wenjing Chu and Drummond Reed agree this should be removed and a vote was taken to remove the final sentence. Judith Fleenor shared the feedback from sankarshan and asked for feedback. Bryn Robinson-Morgan shared his feedback on the topic and then Judith Fleenor took a vote and resolved the new DMRWG for approval. Judith Fleenor took a poll on the resolve to officially remove the Inputs and Semantics Working Group and the Good Health Pass be dissolved, no objections were raised.

Membership Fee Change Roll-out 

Judith Fleenor mentioned that we no longer need to get new membership agreements for all of our members with the membership fee changes.

Upcoming Meeting Dates Review -

Judith Fleenor shared that the September Plenary Meeting is canceled and that the September 21st All Members Meeting will be hosted by Drummond Reed. She went on to shared that our September 28th Steering Committee meeting will be open to all members. Daniel Bachenheimer will host the presentation for Jeremy Grant on The Better Identity Coalition.  Abbie mentioned that he too can help present for the September meeting too. 

Proposed Strategic Direction 

Drummond Reed introduced the JDF Charter includes the scope statement The purpose of the Trust over IP Foundation (alternatively "ToIP Foundation") is to define and support a complete architecture and interopatibliut certification framework for Internet-scale digital trust that combines both cryptographic trust at the machine layer and human trust at the business, legal and social layers as defined in Hyperledger Aries RFC 0289 (or its successor as identified in the RFC document itself). He shared that the process of producing the first version of our ToIP Technology Architecture Specification (TAS) resulted in excellent discussions about our overall roadmap and the specific development tracks we are following to fully realize the ToIP stack. He shared that this resulted in a companion document that illustrates we have four distinct tracks to demonstrate where we are in the diagram. He outlined the key objectives regarding the direction the WG would like to drive toward to make an explicit strategic objective of the Foundation to establish an interoperability certification framework within two years of publishing our V1 ToIP Technology Architecture Specification. The goal is to provide a heads up to the Steering Committee and Avast would like to formally present in the fall. Bryn Robinson-Morgan provided an affirmative to have this presentation and help work toward these efforts. He recommended that as consider recruiting Deloitte for their interest in certification program. Scott Perry mentioned that we already have a certification member in the SC and Drummond Reed asked for clarification on Schellman and Scott Perry confirmed that they do issue ISO certifications. Wenjing Chu shared feedback that he believes this aligns with the direction we are heading toward and that he is curious about the availability of our implementation capability. John Jordan shared that he believes this is a good idea and believes we need to be strategic about the level of certification we want to proceed with and shared that with Government entities, there are some elements that we need to consider. He is interested in participating from a technical perspective in the discussion and process. Steve McCown believes that governments are their own certification entities and that caused him to consider the model of interoperability and inquired if this is the direction we want to follow to direct folks to the standards for implementation, based on our direction for certifications that we recommend. Scott Perry clarified that you have to have a standard that we codify and that ToIP would not be the standards body. We need to bring in accreditation to do this and Daniel Bachenheimer shared insight in the comments (To be clear, an "ISO 9001 Certification" by Schellman is a Schellman certification against the ISO 9001 specification.  So a ToIP certification means what?) and Drummond Reed shared that "Just to be clear, the whole question of “who" does certification against a ToIP Certification Framework is separate from the specification, creation (and coding) of such a test harness."

Biometrics Presentation  and ToIP Discussion

Mike Vesey shared that IdRamp integrated biometrics into the work that they do that drove a conversation regarding biometrics and ToIP. He shared that they've been combining various technologies to illustrate how this works for identity assurance in multiple facets. He believes there is an opportunity for some synergy and wants to start driving this conversation to collect feedback and insights from the Steering Committee. Mike shared his screen to illustrate the Identity Providers and the new technology–Bouncer. He did a demo to illustrate how they utilize the tool, that works with Zoom, that has profiles that provides options for authentication from email verification to mobile app verification, then creating zoom meeting and demonstrated the url credential request for a verifiable email before you launch a meeting. They received feedback to include biometric file with credential request. He demonstrated the Authentic ID and used a pre-authentication verification. Wenjing Chu mentioned the AI Metaverse TF and the relationship with biometrics, he went through the stages of the authentication and shared that they transition into AI. He invited IDRamp to participate in the TF and affirmed that this is an important part for ToIP to engage and participate. Mike Vesey continued that we need to have a firm position on the topic for identity assurance to meet the needs of the market. Daniel Bachenheimer shared that he's excited to talk about this topic and shared that he does not align with the term identity assurance, but he agrees that we need to take a position on the topic because of the EU Digital Wallet. He shared that the identity wallet was designed for wallet agent to secure in and out of the identity wallet, but the spec now says that it will authenticate, before utilization and the biometric as a verifiable credential for offline share/disclose biometric in it. He believes these two realms for access and third party engagement as relevant and meaningful. Mike Vesey mentioned that we need to consider if these conversations warrant their own WG or TF and John Jordan mentioned that he agrees that we need to start discussing this in greater detail and determine our position on the topic. He also mentioned his appreciation for the presentation. Judith Fleenor mentioned that there are on-going discussions on where within the Foundation, this fits best. Drummond Reed agrees that this discussion is timely in that the TAWG is having on-going discussions that align with this topic and asked for Steering Committee recruitment and feedback in the efforts of the new draft that outline the requirements (ToIP Technology Architecture Specification Working Draft 03:here

Drummond Reed mentioned that in the TSWG the topic was raised within the last couple of weeks; he believes that this is within the scope of the Metaverse TF, but recommended we identify a specific group for biometrics lives, he believes it can start as a TF unless there is enough interest to create a WG. Daniel Bachenheimer agrees and believes that maybe it would be better fit to live in the TSWG, rather than AIM. We want to assure we define where this fits in the architecture. Wenjing Chu agrees that this AIM may be too broad and that the Architecture would be a more focused discussion via a separate TF. Judith Fleenor shared that we need a TF to help offer directive for Biometrics so that they can better align and offer guidance for the the architecture to live. Judith Fleenor asked Daniel Bachenheimer to be a lead in this effort and he agreed, dependent on the charter and direction. 

Open Discussion -
