2024-08-28 Steering Committee Discussion Meeting Notes

2024-08-28 Steering Committee Discussion Meeting Notes


Steering Committee Members Attending and Participating 

  • Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture Global Solutions Limited)
  • Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs)
  • Drummond Reed (Gen Digital)
  • Nicholas Racz (Key State Capital)
  • John Jordan (Province of British Columbia)

Also Participating

  • Judith Fleenor (ToIP Executive Director)
  • Michelle Janata (LF PM)


1 minAgenda ReviewJudith Fleenor 

EFWG Announcement

5 min

DID Method Standardization Update 

10 min

Keri Suite Working Group Charter Approval Process (10 min)

30 min

LF Decentralized Trust Discussion 
Updates on:

Project Plan - Membership

Project Plan - Tool Shifts

Project Plan - Marketing and Announcements

Project Plan - New Steering Committee Rules

5 min


Website Updates

1 min

JDF Concise Guide to Professional Code of Conduct Response

2 min

Upcoming Meetings Reminders 

Open Discussion

  • Presentation (Google Slides)

Call to Order
Judith Fleenor called the meeting to order at approx. 12:04 pm PT and announced the meeting would be recorded. There were no objections.

EFWG Announcement

EFWG will have a guest speaker Dr. Pramod Varma, Fmr Chief Architech India DPI, Co-Creator Beckn Protocol, Co-Autho The Fintenet. Presenting: India's Digital Trust Ecosystem, An Overview on September 5, 2024 at 20;30 IST/15:00 UTC / 08:00 PDT. 

DID Method Standardization

DID method standardization. has signed a letter of intent regarding the DID method standardization project, which is between W3C, ToIP, DIF and others. The 1st meeting was held on the 19th of August of the organizations that signed the letter of intent. It was decided that to initially start the collaboration we would us the infrastructure at DIF. Meaning their Zoom Rooms and mailing lists, etc. Kim put together 2 documents that are being worked on by the collaborators, via a signal channel with these groups. This is not really the launch of inviting other people. Though if you go to the letter of intent, there is an email, a form to fill out to express interest.  As soon as that email list about. When the 1st meeting is going to be, etc. is ready, it will go out to all those people. If there's anybody that wants to be involved in it, they should sign up via that link.

Mathieu Glaude will be playing the role of Liaison between this group and ToIP.

Want to be involved? To stay informed about this effort, please sign up here: https://forms.gle/Cvsm8HfEdchmEr1a6

New Keri Suite Working Group

Earlier this week Judith sent out by email and attached to today’s agenda is the Charter as written by the group proposing a new ToIP Working Group called KERI Suite Working Group.

Two Comments came in:
1 - Wenjing Chu:
“I support the KERI WG. Based on the following description, I have a simple question related to the SPAC item in the scope list. I wonder if that would overlap with the current TSPTF, and if yes, how would the two be at least compatible or support each other.”

Action Item: Nicholas Racz will reach out to the players of SPAC and give an update after he reaches out.

2 - Karla Mckenna:
“I also would like to suggest that the task force for did:webs specification work is moved from the Technical Stack Working Group to fall under the scope of work of the new KERI Suite Working Group since the scope of this DID method pertains specifically to the KERI Suite.”

Discuss - OWF/W3C

Judith responded to Karla via email with: If the tech stack working group does proceed with moving back to W3C, then there might be an advantage to DID web staying in tech stack working group. Because one of the primary reasons, if  Judith understands correctly for the tech stack working group to want to revert back to W3C License is because of that, the standardization collaboration that wants to go on among various organizations, all of them work on the W3C License. Some of that work may end up landing in W3C working groups. So having it in the KERI suite, where the license is still OWF may cause license conflicts with regards to being able to be a part of that standardization process. Judith does not know that for sure. Judith Fleenor reiterates to consider wisely where and what license you want. DID Webs under for it to be able to be involved in collaborative standards.

The scope for this new working group reads:The scope of the KERI Suite Working Group is to define (directly or by reference) the technical standards, test suites, application programmer interfaces, and interoperability certification standards for both current and future specifications that belong to the KERI Suite of specifications. These currently include but are not limited to:
* CESR Composable Event Streaming Representation
* KERI Key Event Receipt Infrastructure
* ACDC Authentic Chained Data Containers
* KAPI KERI Application Programmer Interface
* SPAC Secure Privacy Authenticity and Confidentiality

The KERI Suite Working Group specifications may include any specification that build upon or complements the current suite of specifications listed above or any others inspired by the design goals expressed in the [KERI whitepaper] These include specifications for protocols that are compatible with true zero-trust security and decentralized governance that lead to trustworthy interactions over digital communications networks or are otherwise supportive of the design principles of the ToIP foundation.

At the next Plenary meeting on September 4, 2024 the following resolution will be presented for your approval.

RESOLVED: That the KERI Suite Working Group Charter, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, are hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted.

If you have any comments, concerns or objections to this resolution, please reply as such to the email thread where Wenjing placed his comment. Here no objection before or at the September 4th meeting, the resolution will be passed by consensus and the new working group will be formed.

Following the SC Approval the following steps will need to be completed.

  1. New Working Group will be added to the Website.
  2. The JDF Document set for the member agreement will be updated to include the KERI Suite Working Group (KSWG)
  3. The ACDC TF will need to call for consensus to move their work into the new KSWG, an email notice must be sent out to all TSWG members to notify them of this intent.
  4. The ACDC TF will need to formally ask the TWSG to move the work from their working group into the new KSWG.
  5. The TSWG/KSWG will need to make any necessary changes to repos to reflect this change.

Work Out New Charters

  1. LFDT Charter for funding Members
  2. ToIP Working Group Charters, for funding and non-funding members.
  3. New Member -Technical processes for both: GitHub, vs Website - AutoJoin, etc.
    Judith/Daniela/Jory/Scott to workout details.

Here is what has been done:

Jory, has updated our JDF project charter for ToIP, to reflect the changes required to change ToIP to a project without sponsorship. Once the KSWG Charter is added to the set, I will send it out to your for your review. Our Project Scope change will have to happen later due to the notices that need to be presented to member. 

The LFDT sponsorship membership agreement, will be on the LFDT website only. Our Website will need to have wording changed on our membership page to reflect how to join LFDT with a link to their website, and how to get involved at ToIP and sign our JDF documents on our website.
More details to be worked out….

Onboarding processes
Putting new members in communications tools: Groups.io, Slack/Discord, Google Share Drives, Calendars, etc.
Judith/Daniela/Min Yu/David Bosswel to work out details.
Judith have met with David Boswell, Ry Jones, Min Yu, w/Michelle to start working out these details.
They will be getting back to us on what is possible staff wise moving forward. 

Zoom Rooms / Calendars
Move to LF Project Control Center (PCC)
Figure out how to link Public Calendar from PCC to Wiki
Michelle/Judith/Daniela/Min Yu Others as needed
Judith met with David Boswell, Ry Jones, Min Yu w/Michelle and asked how LFDT plans to configure PCC? If we are going to have our own PCC set-up or be nested with an LFDT PCC set-up.
Brought up how would PPC Calendar be able to be put into a view on our Wiki, for just our project.
Asked how subscribing to a calendar works, if nested under LFDT, would someone be able to subscribe just to ToIP calendar.
Awaiting replies to question before we can move over to PCC Zoom Rooms and Calendars.


  • Confluence Wiki to Atlassian Cloud

All of LF’s Confluence Wiki’s are moving to Atlassian Cloud.  I had pushed them off to migrating until we made the LFDT choice.

Judith/David Boswell/Jessica Gonzalez

Request WG Chair Volunteer assistance

  • The LFDT plan for Hyperledger projects is to move their current confluence to Atlassian Cloud just as an archive.
    Moving forward they plan to use GitHub Wikis as their Wiki tool.
  • Met with Jessica from LF IT twice about Atlassian Cloud, finally got the user configuration in the ToIP test environment set-up correctly to allow us to edit past and new pages.
  • Sent a request to select WG Chairs to test in the ‘test environment’ to see if the functionality works for them.
  • One BIG issue, the new version of the Atlassian Cloud does not allow for putting a Google Calendar on the wiki page.
  • Judith has asked them to look for a plug it to put or Google Calendar on the page and/or to show us in the test environment how a PCC calendar can be included on a wiki page.

Slack to Discord

LFDT will use Discord

Switch to Discord ASAP

Judith met with Ry Jones and Tracy Kuhrt

Request a Volunteer's assistance

  • Talking with David, Ry and Min, Judith explained to them that we control what users are allow in our slack due to IPR concerns of standards bodies, thus why we have an member onboarding process.
  • Judith asked if the ToIP Discord is within the LFDT nested Discord, would they be able to control users for the ToIP Discord? Ry thinks technically possible. Min needed to talk to Daniela about the ability of her time to do this as PM and the flow. 
  • Awaiting a response from LFDT team.

Google Share Drives

LFDT currently uses just google and shares with who they want.

They do not use Share Drives.

A solution that protects IPR for JDF projects will have to be found.


Understanding the IPR issue was new to them. Awaiting their response to how they see one boarding of members into our shared drives managed.

New Steering Committee

We will need to come up with a new way of establishing who is on the ToIP Steering Committee for 2025.

  • Daniel, Drummond, Karla, Steve and Wenjing volunteered to come up with proposals for the Steering Committee.
  • Judith sent them instructions yesterday.
  • Target is to have this be one of the main discussion items for our September 25th SC discussion meeting. Team will present their proposal and SC discussion of this topic.
  • Judith would like to have the policy in place and documented by IIW, and ready to be announced at our All Members Meeting on Oct. 16th before LFDT Members Summit.


LFDT - Announcements

LF to put out Press Release first day of OSS Europe

ToIP would be listed as a project moving in to LFDT

At OSS Europe - Daniela has a 10 minute walk on after Jim Zemlin’s talk.

Judith saw a part of a rough draft of the PR that would go out about the LFDT launch. We were prominent in the first paragraph where it said something like Hyperledger and ToIP join LFDT.  I told them that language upfront would be problematic for two reasons.

It links ToIP to Hyperledger, which is something we have tried hard to overcome.

For LFDT, the messaging should not lead with Hyperledger or the rumors going around of it just being a Hyperledger rebrand would be validated.  They should lead with all the projects new to hyperledger joining, so that people would see that it bigger than Hyperledger. 
Emily, their marketing person ,said that she would take that concern to Daniela.

Judith has asked that they have a copy of the PR available for our SC to review by our September 4th SC plenary.

Judith would like to have a SC/Communications person look at it before then and be point for making suggestions.

Action Item: Drummond Reed and Nicholas Racz have volunteered to look at the draft and make suggestions as needed. Judith will reach out to Daniella and ask her to get Emily in touch with Drummon and Nicholas in order for them to be able to review and insure that the languaging coming out in the press release really supports the mission of LFDT.

ToIP Webinar could happen and be recorded in early Oct. TBD 

LFDT Members Summit

Oct 21- Maintainer Days- San Francisco - opportunity for contributors. Maintainer Days is an Invite-only sister event for maintainers of Hyperledger / LF Decentralized Trust Projects to gather for two days and share knowledge, collaborate, and strategize project roadmaps.
Visit the wiki event page for more details.

Oct 23-24 LFDT Member Summit - San Francisco

Hold is already been done for ‘what’s new track’

Plus participate in decentralized identity - panel

  • Received Email from LFDT Program Chair yesterday inviting us to do a session. 
  • Karla and Wenjing will be in attendance. Judith asks the group who else will be attending and Drummond Reed responds that he will also be in attendance. 

LFDT -  project website within the LFDT website.

Judith had a meeting set-up with their Web person yesterday, but he had a family emergency and did not attend the meeting. Judith explained to their marketing person Emily who did show up why that wouldn’t really work for ToIP. Judith said, if for policy reason they needed to make an exception they could use that we are a standards project as the reason. They seemed ok with that idea. We will still need to work with them to make sure our landing page with in LFDT site and how it links to our website is acceptable to us with good content. They want to get this done by launch Sept 16th.

ToIP will need a new Webmaster for our Wordpress site.

Big thanks to BC Gov and their support of our Website Updates through Alex Metcalf, who has been wonderful. Alex is moving to UK to spend more time with family and will not be able to support us past October 1st. Judith has some inquiries out to individuals to see if they would be interested in serving the foundation in this manor. If your company has someone who can support us in this endeavor please let Judith know ASAP.

Action Item: Judith to ask Lamari at DIF is she would be able to assist with the ToIP website. 


Our Work - Being worked on by Drummond:

Technology Arch Specification page
Evolution of the Stack page
Evolutions of the Stack.pdf

Join / Membership Pages - Judith to work on with Alex and LFDT

  • Will need updating to go along with what is decided about Steering Committee formation, and how LFDT wants to handle LFDT Membership.

Add KERI Suite Working Group

Suggest removal of the Discussion Paper Page, convert content to BLOGs

Communication Plan

GLEIF Welcome BLOG Posted August 19th
ToIP Technology Architecture Specification- BLOG expected early October
AIM TF BLOG - being worked on
Trust Registry Query Protocol in use, by Mathieu Glaude before IIW
TSP comparison to Other Protocols series - expected before IIW
HXWG/IPTF - Wallet Survey Results - BLOG expected May
Key State Capital BLOG end of year / early next year
What is a Digital Trust Ecosystem
Self-Certifying Identifier (SCID) Specification and Security Guide 

JDF Concise Guide to Professional Code of Conduct Response

The following letter was sent out to Steering Committee members. The request is that Steering Committee Members make sure that the Task Force Chairs, have this to fall back on and read before an incident happens.

Dear JDF Project Series Steering Committee Members,

We're pleased to share a new guide for JDF Project Series, the JDF Concise Guide to Professional Code of Conduct Response. The purpose of the guide is to help Members recall the Code of Conduct referenced in their Membership Agreement, and highlight how to get help with a conduct issue should the need arise.

We recommend sharing this link with your Working Group leaders and participants, and of course reaching out to your PM team if you have any questions or concerns you want to discuss. As the saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" - periodically highlighting things like the code of conduct and antitrust policy supports healthy community development.

We will share new resources and guides from time to time, and welcome any feedback or ideas on materials that would be helpful to your project.


Jory Burson

Next Meetings:

Steering Committee - Plenary Meeting – has been moved to September 4, 2024.

noon PDT / 3pm EST / 19:00 UTC / 21:00 CEST

All Members Meeting - LFDT Updates -Wednesday  September 18th

10 am PDT / 1 pm EST / 17:00 UTC / 19:00 CEST

Steering Committee - Discussion Meeting - New SC Selection Process - September 25th

noon PDT / 3pm EST / 19:00 UTC / 21:00 CEST


At approximately 1:27pm PT, Judith Fleenor adjourned the meeting.

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