2024-08-14 Steering Committee Plenary Meeting Notes

2024-08-14 Steering Committee Plenary Meeting Notes


Steering Committee Members Attending and Participating 

  • Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture Global Solutions Limited)
  • Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs)
  • Andre Kudra (esatus)
  • Wenjing Chu (Futurewei Technologies, Inc.)
  • Drummond Reed (Gen Digital)
  • Karla McKenna (GLEIF)
  • Caryn VanExel (GS1)
  • Nicholas Racz (Key State Capital)
  • John Jordan (Province of British Columbia)

Also Participating

  • Judith Fleenor (ToIP Executive Director)
  • Michelle Janata (LF PM)


1 minAgenda ReviewJudith Fleenor 

1 min

Minutes Approval 

0 min

New Member Review 

3 min

DID Method Standardization Update

5 min

Keri Suite Working Group formation 

30 min

LF Decentralized Trust Discussion 

Open Discussion and Call for Consensus on moving into LFDT
Project Plan - Membership
Project Plan - Tool Shifts
Project Plan - Marketing and Announcements
Project Plan - New Steering Committee Rules

5 min


Approval of GLEIF BLOG

1 minUpcoming Meetings Reminders 

Open Discussion

  • Recording
  • Presentation (Google Slides)

Call to Order
Judith Fleenor called the meeting to order at approx. 12:05 pm PT and announced the meeting would be recorded. There were no objections.


  • Agenda Review (1 min)
  • Minutes Approval (1 min)
  • New Member Review (0 min)
  • DID Method Standardization Update (3 min)
  • Keri Suite Working Group formation (5 min)
  • LF Decentralized Trust Discussion (30 min)
    • Open Discussion and Call for Consensus on moving into LFDT
    • Project Plan - Membership
    • Project Plan - Tool Shifts
    • Project Plan - Marketing and Announcements
    • Project Plan - New Steering Committee Rules
  • Communications (5 min)
    • Approval of GLEIF BLOG
  • Upcoming Meetings Reminders (2 min)
  • Open Discussion

Approval of Minutes 

Judith Fleenor presented a resolution to approve the minutes from the previous Steering Committee meeting (Exhibit A) July 24, 2024, and solicited questions from the group. There were no questions or objections. 

Judith Fleenor indicated that consensus had been reached and the following resolution was approved: 

RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the July 24th, 2024 meeting of the Steering Committee, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, are hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted.

New Member Review 

 No new members have been added since the last meeting.

Trev Harmon will be rejoining

 Background: Trev was active during the Good Health Pass initiative

 and is now with the Digital Identity Alliance (DIAL).

 Engagement: He aims to be more active again

DID Method Standardization

 The Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF), W3C Credentials Community Group, and the W3C DID Working Group are joining forces to come to alignment on some DID Method Standardization. The are planning on publishing a letter of intent to for a new collaborative work. We have been invited to be a signatory to the letter of intent and/or be listed in the body as a collaborating organization.

Letter of Intent regarding DID Method Standardization. Link can be found here.
First Meeting next Monday, August 19th 11am. 
Contact Kim to be put on the meeting invite.

Keri Suite Working Group formation

 There is a desire for the ACDC Task Force, to be moved out from under the TSWG and made into a Full Working Group Status.

To accommodate their desire for the OWF Lic.
The TSWG moving forward would like to move back to W3C Lic.

To give them more autonomy and control over their suite of specifications. 
When it was originally created as a Task Force there was only one spec they were working on “ACDC”, now there is an entire suite of specifications, therefore, it is more logically it’s own working group.

Judith is recommending that these are the steps to follow:

The new Keri Working Group to reconsider their License choice. OWF, might not be their best option. Look into International Mode. Judith indicates that it looks like international license mode might lead more into the iso more similar to the iso than the OWF.  Judith indicates it's a time for leaders in that working group to pick that license and if they went back to W3C they would be more in alignment with almost everything else that's being done in the decentralized identity field. Which is why the tech stack working group for their new projects that are coming up the the trust task center want to go to the W3C license, because we want to collaborate more with other organizations.

Next step is to write a new Charter for the Working Group.
Select their Co-Chairs.

Email the new Working Group Charter as a request to the SC.
Note: If they get it emailed to SC by Wednesday, August 21st the
SC could approve by consensus at our next meeting August 28th.

Nicholas Racz, Karla McKenna Steve McCown to take the lead, in talking to the working group and exploring the decision and etc. This will be the opportunity to put it under a new license if they want to do so. Judith asks Drummond as someone most familiar with charter formation to help them with their charter formation on this. Drummond Reed has requested of Judith to share with the group the JDF documents to be able to reference back to the Working Groups charters. Judith notes to the group where the 3 different licenses can be used in a JDF Charter is listed in appendix B.

Action Item: Judith to send out the draft JDF documents to the group. The group will be able to pattern their charter after what is sent to them.

Judith Fleenor mentions if we want to do any rechartering with regards to the Tech Stack Working Group, and how we will do that. We need to get Scott Nichols from LF involved in that rechartering to make sure it is done correctly. Drummon Reed is reaching out to Scott as he indicates that this is something the group will want to do.

Drummond Reed indicates we've been made aware that Kevin would likely go over and become a co-chair of the working group. We also know that Daryl, due to things on his plate is wanting to step down as a co-chair of the Technical Stack working group. But one of our other steering committee members is willing to step in, Wenjing Chu. Wenjing confirms he is willing to step in and take on that role. Daniel Bachenheimer is also willing to step in and help as well.  

LF Decentralized Trust 

After Judith’s one-on-one’s with each of the SC members that scheduled time with her, it seems that the consensus is to move into LF Decentralized Trust Umbrella Organization.
The other options that had some interest was to work with DIF to create a new combined organization.  However, it is unlikely that the details for that could be arranged in a speedy time frame.
Therefore, after conversations with SC members regarding their desires, the ED feels our best option would be to join LFDT now, be a part of the launch, and if at a later date another option with DIF seems appropriate, re visit it at that juncture.
Open Discussion

After a brief discussion the group is in 100% agreement in moving forward with LF Decentralized Trust.

LFDT Plan moving forward

Work Out New Charters

-LFDT Charter for funding Members

-ToIP Working Group Charters, for funding and non-funding members.

-New Member -Technical processes for both: GitHub, vs Website - AutoJoin, etc.

Judith/Daniela/Jory/Scott to workout details.

Onboarding processes

-Putting new members in communications tools: Groups.io, Slack/Discord, Google Share Drives, Calendars, etc.

-Judith/Daniela/Min Yue/David Bosswel to work out details.

Zoom Rooms / Calendars

-Move to LF Project Control Center (PCC)

-Figure out how to link Public Calendar from PCC to Wiki


-Michelle/Judith/Daniela/Min Yue Others as needed

Individuals Create LFX ID, if you don’t already have one.  https://lfx.linuxfoundation.org/

-All SC Members and Working Group Chairs

Slack to Discord

-LFDT will use Discord

-Switch to Discord ASAP

Judith/Rye Jones and Tracy Kuhrt will work on these tasks

Judith makes a request for a Volunteer's assistance.

Confluence Wiki to Atlassian Cloud

-All of LF’s Confluence Wiki’s are moving to Atlassian Cloud.  Judith had pushed them off to migrating until we made the LFDT choice.

Judith/David Boswell/Jessica Gonzalez

Request WG Chair Volunteer assistance – Drummond Reed volunteers to assist with this.

Google Share Drives

-LFDT currently uses just google and shares with who they want.

-They don’t use Share Drives.

-A solution that protects IPR for JDF projects will have to be found.


Other changes may need to occur.

LFDT - Announcements

LF to put out Press Release first day of OSS Europe. ToIP would be listed as a project moving in to LFDT. Wenjing will be at OSS Europe and can step in if anything is needed on behalf of TOIP.

At OSS Europe - Daniela has a 10 minute walk on after Jim Zemlin’s talk.

ToIP Webinar could happen and be recorded in early Oct.

Judith asks the group if everyone is in alignment with informing the broader membership our Intent to move into LFDT at All Members Meeting next week? The group is in agreement that this will be announced in next weeks All Members meeting on August 21, 2024.

LFDT Members Summit

Oct 21-22 Maintainer Days- San Francisco - opportunity for contributors. Maintainer Days is an Invite-only sister event for maintainers of Hyperledger / LF Decentralized Trust Projects to gather for two days and share knowledge, collaborate, and strategize project roadmaps.
Visit the wiki event page for more details.

Oct 23-24 LFDT Member Summit - San Francisco

Hold is already been done for ‘what’s new track.

Plus participate in decentralized identity panel.

Like LF Members Summit, LFDT Member Summit will be an invite only event.  All LFDT Funding Members will get a certain number of tickets.

I think all current ToIP SC members should get at least one invite.

Judith asks the group who will be able to come to this meeting?

Wenjing Chu indicates that he would like to present in the maintainers day side for the ToIP technical protocols and and open source projects. Wenjing asks that Judith ask Daniela if we could schedule some slot for this.

Drummond Reed will also be there for the Member Summit days.

Judith asks the rest of the group to keep her informed if you are able to come or not.

New Steering Committee

Judith thinks we should hold our existing Steering Committee as the Steering Committee until the end of the year. We will need to come up with a new way of establishing who is on the ToIP Steering Committee for 2025. Judith would like there to be a team of people who can look at different models and make recommendations to the existing Steering Committee for how to form a 2025 ToIP Steering Committee.

Drummond Reed, Wenjing Chu, Steve McCown, Karla Mckenna, Daniel Bachemheimer all volunteer to be part of the team that will look at different models and make recommendations to the existing Steering Committee for how to form a 2025 ToIP Steering Committee.

Communication Plan:

Our Work

Technology Arch Specification page can be found here: https://trustoverip.org/our-work/technical-architecture/

Evolution of the Stack page  - Evolutions of the Stack.pdf can be found here: https://trustoverip.org/our-work/evolution-of-the-toip-stack/

These pages to be updated as soon as possible. Drummond’s goal is to have a draft done by the end of the month and to have the website updated before identity week.

GLEIF Welcome BLOG To be approved today. Everyone agreed that this is approved and can be posted. 

This is the current list we are working on and can get further clarification about these at a later meeting.

AIM TF BLOG - being worked on
ToIP Technology Architecture Specification- BLOG expected before Fall IIW
TSP comparison to Other Protocols series

HXWG/IPTF - Wallet Survey Results - BLOG expected May

Key State Capital BLOG end of year / early next year
Self-Certifying Identifier (SCID) Specification and Security Guide ?

Next Meetings:

All Members Meeting - WG Updates - Wednesday  August 21st

10 am PDT / 1 pm EST / 17:00 UTC / 19:00 CEST

Steering Committee - Discussion Meeting - August 28th

noon PDT / 3pm EST / 19:00 UTC / 21:00 CEST

Steering Committee - Plenary Meeting – has been moved to September 4, 2024.

noon PDT / 3pm EST / 19:00 UTC / 21:00 CEST


At approximately 1:07pm PT, Judith Fleenor adjourned the meeting.

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