2023-03-08 Steering Committee Plenary Meeting Notes

2023-03-08 Steering Committee Plenary Meeting Notes



  • Judith Fleenor (ToIP - Executive Director)
  • Abbie Barbir (CVS Health)
  • Drummond Reed (Gen Digital)
  • John Jordan (Province of British Columbia)
  • Alan Ngai (Certizen)
  • Andre Kudra (esatus)
  • Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture)
  • Scott Perry (Schellman)
  • Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs)
  • Wenjing Chu (Futurewei Technologies)
  • Carly Huitema
  • Michelle Janata (Linux Foundation)

1 minAgenda ReviewJudith Fleenor
2 minMinutes Approval

1 min

New Member ReviewJudith Fleenor

AntiTrust Laws and Open Technology Project Participation
10 minEFWG - Research Project 
2 min

Steering Committee Member-bring New SC Members 

5 min

Communications Committee Support Needed 

10 min

Digital Trust Initiative 

2 min

Upcoming Meetings 

Open Discussion

  • Recording


  • Presentation (Google Slides)


Agenda Review 

Judith Fleenor kicked off the meeting and presented to agenda and the anti trust policy.

Call to Order
Judith Fleenor called the meeting to order at approx. 12:03 and announced the meeting would be recorded and took the official minutes.There were no objections.

Antitrust Policy Notice
Judith Fleenor reminded the Steering Committee of the Antitrust Policy.

Judith Fleenor introduced the agenda. No additional topics were added. Judith Fleenor confirmed that the Steering Committee members received and reviewed the December meeting minutes

and called to approve the minutes.

Approval of Minutes

Approval will happen at the next meeting for the February 8 and March 8, 2023 Steering Plenary Meetings. 

New Member Review 
Sloan Safety Development
Digital Identity Laboratory of Canada
Women In Move Solutions Pty Ltd

Individual Contributors: 

Clare Nelson
Gabriel Marquie
Limari Navarrete

Antitrust Laws Webinars and Training Course: 
Judith Fleenor asks the group to take some time to take part in these courses: 
LF has created to opportunities to learn about AntiTrust Laws:
A webinar to watch (36 min):
A Free Training Course:

EFWG - Research Project (10 min)
Carly - What the ecosystem battery working group is doing is, we've realized that we have a knowledge gap, and we have proposed to lead a research initiative. The idea is for gathering feedback and perspectives and insight. We're trying to be looking outside of, say trust over IP, and if and other specific digital identity groups. We're looking for valuable and recurring feedback that we can then bring to the community. And this would indirectly have the potential to raise the profile of trust over IP by introducing ourselves through the surveys. We have created a form which has been shared before within Google Docs and that I can put the link on if people are interested. Link
This is 10 questions at the most. Most of them are click from a menu, and we are ready for launch in Q and A. We've done some recruiting, we've found the tools that we need, and we've gotten feedback from many people on our first survey, and we have the process in place for what we want to do. What we'd like to do next is we are completely ready to launch the survey, so we would like to do that, if possible. I'm going to put the link here. This is the Google Doc Survey that we've done. and this is our first one to establish a baseline. And we want to then introduce a more regular kind of survey. simple polling, etc. consider it more in-depth research formats depending on the success of the 2 of the Google form that we have right now. Our asks of the steering committee that we would like to launch the linked survey in the chat. and if we can have support from the team in order to kick start the program, such as social media posts, etc.
What we've done so far:
The EFWG has proposed to lead a research initiative, to:
•    gather cross-industry feedback, perspectives, and insights from future trust-tech adopters and implementers at the business / organizational level.
•    provide valuable, recurring feedback for our community.
•    broaden our engagement with future partners and trust technology implementers.
•    help establish ToIP as a thought-leader in the ecosystem space, especially in technical and governance realms.
We have created a small and simple survey ready for launch in Q1, which has helped us:
•    Recruit and build a research team (thus far, EFWG co-chairs, with feedback from EFWG)
•    Determine the tools and resources we’ll use (we explored Survey Monkey, but will use Google forms for this first survey)
•    Get feedback on our first survey.
Establish a repeatable process.
What we'd like to do next
We’d like to launch the survey!
Please see survey here: https://forms.gle/szjDJ4sNWmpcoLWi7
Once we have done our first survey and established a baseline:
We will look to develop a regular research cadence, for example:
Monthly, one-question polls
Quarterly, short online surveys
Annual longer surveys 
We will explore additional in-depth research formats
i.e. phone / video long-form interviews

Judith Fleenor asks the group if they have had time to review the questions that will go out in this survey. The members respond in a positive manner and there are no objections to this survey being sent out. The next step will be to work with the Communications Committee to help get the survey out. 

Steering Committee Member-bring New SC Members 
Judith Fleenor  reminds the members that she would like to have each Steering Committee member work with Judith Fleenor to bring in a new Steering Committee members. You know people and organizations that you’d like to work with. You have contacts in those organizations. Judith Fleenor would like to work with each of you one-on-one on a plan to team together to have the conversations to bring them into ToIP. 
Please introduce Judith Fleenor to potential new members and Judith will set up calls with those potential members. Judith Fleenor reminded the group that it is of high-level importance that we bring in new organizations at this point in time. Because if we don't, we will not have the budget to do the things that we have set out to do this year. We do have an urgent need to bring in some new funding members. 
Communications Committee Support Needed
The Communications Committee is a subcommittee of the Steering Committee. It's members of the Steering Committee and people that they it can be people outside of the steering Committee on the Communications Committee. But it is the purview of this, anybody to create and make sure those things start happening. We have lost several of our key players on the Communications Committee. We need people who know digital trust and communications to support and do the work needed. Please see who at your organizations could become a part of a more robust communications committee. For example, putting together a HubSpot campaign to encourage paid membership upgrades.

Digital Trust Initiative 
LF has agreed to create a special page/web presence on their main LF Website to elevate all the projects that LF has that are focused on different aspects of Digital Trust.
The main goal is:
To tell the story of how LF is actively involved in the creation of the future of 
Digital Trust and has had projects working on various aspects for years.

To help eliminate confusion in the market about what various projects are working on and how they fit together, and thus help drive participation in projects by the correct parties.  A map, so to speak, of the landscape. 

We have an opportunity to influence the narrative but involves us thinking about it and writing.
NOTE: this is LF project centric, and not a map of the entire Identity and Digital Trust landscape.
Initial meetings to discuss this have included Hyperledger, OWF, DIF, and ToIP… though other projects are proposed to be included such as, FINOS, CCC, C2PA, Dizme, OpenMetaverse Foundation…
NOTE: this is LF project centric, and not a map of the entire Identity and DIgital Trust landscape.

Next Steps and Input needed:
Complete the spreadsheet of what various projects are focused on.
Draft content for the Web Page.

Future Steps:
Turnover, initial information to LF Marketing to do the creative elements.
Review and Iterate
Target - completing content by end of March

Create a Launch Plan.
Any Press - LF may want to do
Announcement Centered around an event OSS North America and EIC
Target full launch first week of May or end of April.

Upcoming Meetings 
SC Discussion Meetings - upcoming topics:
March 22nd - speaker Viky Manaila
A briefing from an expert Viky Manaila from the Intesi Group on the European Digital Identity Wallet reference Architecture framework when it is published. (Most likely to be published by our second Discussion meeting of the year)
April 26th - Post IIW and ToIP Business
Just leaving it on the calendar for Poss IIW and any ToIP Business that may come up.  But not scheduling a special topic speaker.
All Members Meeting: 
March, Liz Tanner, Commerce Secretary for the state of Rhode Island, discussing their decentralized identity pilot and lessons learned.
April, to be Cancelled - week of IIW
May, scheduled for May 17th, the week after EIC and OSS North America.  
I plan to be on vacation that week.  I need someone to volunteer to lead the May All Members Meeting.
Open Discussion
NIST SP 800-63-4 – Judith has requested to the members of this committee to please review the documents that Dan created for the NIST SP 800-63-4 as found in the google share folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AQ-XWT_ktD_GDhkzU0Eqe22c56qk4Grp
To be reviewed before the Communications Committee meeting on Friday March 10th and to be approved at that Communications Committee meeting. 

At approximately 13:00 PT, Judith Fleenor adjourned the meeting.



At approximately 13:02 PT, Judith Fleenor adjourned the meeting.


Action Item: Judith Fleenor will move forward in filling out the paperwork to join the Open Wallet Foundation.

Action Item: Judith Fleenor will be creating the quote for the Friday Communications Committee meeting. The Communication Committee will work on the quote, and will make sure it gets there by the due date.