2024-09-25 Steering Committee Discussion Meeting Notes

2024-09-25 Steering Committee Discussion Meeting Notes


Steering Committee Members Attending and Participating 

  • Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture Global Solutions Limited)
  • Keren Leung (Certizen)
  • Wenjing Chu (Futurewei Technologies, Inc.)
  • Drummond Reed (Gen Digital)
  • Caryn Van Exel (GS1)
  • Nicholas Racz (Key State Capital)
  • John Jordan (Province of British Columbia)

Also Participating

  • Judith Fleenor (ToIP Executive Director)
  • Michelle Janata (LF PM)


1 minAgenda ReviewJudith Fleenor 

4 min

Upcoming Meeting Review (4 min)

5 min

LFDT Launch at OSS Europe 

4 min

LFDT Operational Procedures and Systems Update 

Judith Fleenor
25 min

Steering Committee selection process for 2025 

25 min


Website Updates

Upcoming Webinars - Conferences

LFDT Member Summit Registration (1 min)

BLOG review

Open Discussion

  • Presentation (Google Slides)

Slide deck on the proposed SC Election Process.

Call to Order
Judith Fleenor called the meeting to order at approx. 12:07 pm PT and announced the meeting would be recorded. There were no objections.

October and November SC Meetings

Next Plenary is October 9th

October 16th All Member Meeting - Working Group and LFDT Updates
If you are traveling, PLEASE, assign the updating of slides and presenting to someone else and let Judith know who by Oct. 10th.

The October SC Discussion Meeting was scheduled for Oct. 23rd. This meeting is during the LFDT Member Summit. Judith suggests we cancelled this meeting.

Action Item: Michelle to cancel the October 23, 2024 meeting as agreed by the group. 

Reminder to cancel any meeting you plan to cancel during IIW and have Michelle take them off the public calendar.

Reminder we changed the November Steering Committee meetings to just one Steering Committee Plenary/Discussion meeting on Nov 13th.

LFDT Launch at OSS Europe

Overview of the Launch at OSS Europe was given. 

LFDT Launch at OSS Europe

Wenjing Chu gives a brief update on what he heard and saw while attending OSS Europe. 

LFDT Operational-System Updates

No updates since our last meeting. Currently waiting on LFDT Team to give direction. Michelle will be meeting with Jory, Daniella and Finance this week to discuss moving forward with the transition and what needs to happen. Changes coming include, moving to PCC zoom rooms and calendar. The move from Slack to Discord. 

Steering Committee Selection Process

Recommendation for the 2025 Steering Committee Selection Process

Drummond Reed
Karla McKenna
Daniel BachenheimerWenjing Chu
Steve McCown

Drummond Reed presents the Steering Committee Selection Process. Found here:  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BoErDshzgCV9ztIsibOVyxasvWpLmUIJIdhMF6XgqLk/edit?pli=1#slide=id.p.

Basic rationale for this proposal: To use a meritocratic process to elect ToIP SC members annually.

The group has agreed to a 12 company Steering Committee with a 2 year term for the first 6 and a 1 year term for the second 6. 

Communication Plan  - Website Updates

Pages have been updated: Members Page to Acknowledge all of our funding members in the 1st four years. Followed by a list of our Current Steering Committee Representatives. 
The Following have been postponed due the the Spec not being finished:

Our Work - Being worked on by Drummond.
Technology Arch Specification pageEvolution of the Stack page - Evolutions of the Stack.pdf
Also once those changes are made, then a BLOG post and updates to the homepage and deliverable pages will be made.

Other Changes Made:
The Word “Query” has been added to all TRP references, which is now TRQP.
Events Pages have been updated
Bhutan BLOG posted
Future update:
Judith meeting with Alex on Friday, to learn enough to make minor updates until we have a new WP expert.

ToIP/LFDT Webinar

Currently scheduled for Nov 13th

LFDT Member Summit

Attendees - Judith, Drummond, Wenjing, Karla, Nicho
Possible two sessions:
ToIP Intro - 30 minutes, by us… to follow the EIC Flow
Decentralized Identity in Finance.  a panel Judith will moderate, currently someone from Indicio, Karla, are on it. Judith is waiting to hear who else Karen has, Judith has offered Wenjing and Nicho.
Would the Attendees like to get together for dinner on Tuesday night before the conference? Wenjing and Nicholas will be able to join Judith for dinner. Judith to make arrangements. 

LFDT Members Summit

Register if you are planning to attend: https://project.linuxfoundation.org/lfdecentralizedtrust-member-summit-2024

LF Members Summit - Napa

We will here the first week of October if our session what selected


GLEIF Welcome BLOG Posted August 19th
Bhutan Innovation Forum BLOG Posted Sept 16th
AIM TF BLOG - being worked on
Trust Registry Protocol in use, by Mathieu Glaude before IIW
ToIP Technology Architecture Specification- BLOG was expected ASAP, now postponed again until late October a best.
TSP comparison to Other Protocols series
HXWG/IPTF - Wallet Survey Results - BLOG expected May
Key State Capital BLOG end of year / early next year
What is a Digital Trust Ecosystem
Self-Certifying Identifier (SCID) Specification and Security Guide ?

Next Meetings:

Steering Committee - Plenary Meeting- Wednesday October 9th
noon PDT / 3pm EST / 19:00 UTC / 21:00 CEST

All Members Meeting - WG Updates- Wednesday October 16th
10 am PDT / 1 pm EST / 17:00 UTC / 19:00 CEST

Steering Committee - Discussion Meeting Wednesday October 23 - suggest cancel
noon PDT / 3pm EST / 19:00 UTC / 21:00 CEST


At approximately 1:17pm PT, Judith Fleenor adjourned the meeting.

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