2024-01-17 Steering Committee Plenary and Discussion Meeting Notes


  • Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs)
  • Kyle Robinson (Province of British Columbia)
  • Wenjing Chu (Futurewei)
  • Drummond Reed (Gen Digital)
  • John Jordan (Province of British Columbia)
  • Dr Andre Kudra (esatus)
  • John Phillips (Sezoo)
  • Steve Milstein (Collab.Ventures)
  • Judith Fleenor (Executive Director, ToIP)
  • Michelle Janata (Linux Foundation)


1 minAgenda ReviewJudith Fleenor 

1 min

Minutes Approval
1 min

New Member Review

3 min

ETSI Liaison Request (3 min)

15 min

Understanding JDF Charter License Selection Options 

15 min

Upcoming deliverables for Steering Committee Approval 

5 min

 Review of Stages of Development for deliverables 

5 min

Retiring Working Groups 

10 minV3 ToIP Diagram 

5 minSpring Conferences 

1 minUpcoming Meetings Reminders 

Open DiscussionAll
  • Presentation (Google Slides)


Agenda Review 

Judith Fleenor   kicked off the meeting and presented to agenda and the anti trust policy.

Call to Order

Judith Fleenor called the meeting to order at approx. 12:09 and announced the meeting would be recorded and took the official minutes. There were no objections.

Antitrust Policy Notice

Judith Fleenor  reminded the Steering Committee of the Antitrust Policy.

Judith Fleenor  introduced the agenda. No additional topics were added. 

Approval of Minutes

Judith Fleenor presented a resolution to approve the minutes from the previous Steering Committee meeting (Exhibit A) December 13, 2023 and solicited questions from the group. There were no questions or objections. 
Judith Fleenor indicated that consensus had been reached and the following resolution was approved: 
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the December 13, 2023 meeting of the Steering Committee, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, are hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted. 

New Member Review 

Contributor Organizations:

Steamroller Systems, Inc

Contributor Individuals: 

Ed Eykholt

ETSI Liaison Request

In June of 2022 we investigated creating an MOU/Liaison agreement with ETSI

Discovered that LF already had a liaison agreement in place with ETSI and that ToIP could be added to the scope in that agreement.

Recently discovered that the document between LF and ETSI is currently in the process of being updated and that now would be a good time to add ToIP to the scope.

Viky Manaila and Drummond Reed have been working with the Technical Secretary of the  TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (TC) ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES AND INFRASTRUCTURES (ESI) on the wording and information needed.

Next Steps will be discussed at the TSWG Plenary on Tuesday
January 23 8-9AM PT

JDF Working Group Charter License Options

TSWG was closed and TSWG-2 was opened
December 15th after doing all the proper announcements to change the Patent and Copyright Lic from CC/W3C to OWF CLA and OWFa.

JDF Working Group Charter Lic Options

One of our SC members had some concerns about the use of OWF, and brought it to my attention.
Several discussions followed. It was decided to leave TSWG-2 on the OWF license, however that we need to educate ourselves better about the ramifications of the various JDF licensing options moving forward.
Our next discussion meeting will be on this topic.
Today, I have asked Steve McCown to give an introduction to why this is important for us to explore and educate ourselves for future decision.

JDF Working Group Charter License Options


JDF Agreement:  "...define and support a complete architecture and interoperability certification framework ... as defined in Hyperledger Aries RFC 0289"

JDF Approved Licenses


-Copyright:  Copyright Grant to Project, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, Open Web Foundation 1.0

-Patent:  RAND Royalty-Free Mode, International Mode, Open Web Foundation Agreement 1.0 Mode, W3C Mode, No Patent License

Source Code

Apache 2.0, MIT License, Mozilla Public License 2.0

Future Discussion:  License Selection Questions

What do various licenses provide / require?

How do licenses affect participants or organizations?

How many topics (Task Forces) should a WG have?

What happens when licenses change?

How to communicate obligations to participants?

Techstack Working Group – 2


Action Required:
If any organization or individual would like to join the new ToIP Technology Stack Working Group 2 (TSWG-2)

Use this link to sign-up for the TWSG-2 mailing list to signify acceptance of the new charter and desire to participate in the TSWG-2.

Scroll to the bottom of the page. 

Log-in using your group.io username/password or LF ID. (Green Button)

Click [+Join This Group].  (Blue Button)


Deliverables Coming Soon

Issuer Requirements Guide for Governance Frameworks of Verifiable Credentials


ToIP Technology Architecture Specification

ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol Specification

ToIP Trust Registry Protocol Specification

ToIP Profile Discovery Specification

ToIP did:webs Method Specification

ToIP X.509 Verifiable Identifier Specification

Stages of Development

Our Wiki outlines the Stages of Development

At several Working Groups recently, we have been discussing the need to tighten the use of informative language in specs and stick to normative language, putting informative language in other supporting documents. This should happen before public review.

One of these stages is Public Review.

This may slow the process of some upcoming deliverables, but will make them better in the end.

Let’s discuss…

Should we discuss a process for retiring working groups?  For example, do we still need the Utility Foundry WG?

Here is the link to the wiki page on Stages of Development for WGs and TFs: https://lf-toip.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=22996901

V3 ToIP Stack Diagram

We have decided that a single diagram to explain the ToIP Stack is not enough for various audiences.
John Phillips has come up with a design plan so that we can have a unified set of diagrams that meet specific purposes and audience.  “Think architecture blueprints”
Coming Soon: a wiki page and VIDEO tutorial on how to create the additional “ToIP blueprint diagrams” that meet the specific needs of your WG, TF, or other audience.

Sneak peak about the Diagram:



Next SC Meeting


February 14th - Plenary
February 28th – Discussion

Next All Members Meeting:

February 21, 2024

Content Authenticity Initiative

Guest Speakers:

Santiago Lyon, Head of Advocacy and Education for Content Authenticity Initiative at Adobe

Eric Scouten, Senior Engineering Manager for Content Authenticity Initiative at Adobe

At approximately 1:32pm PT, Judith Fleenor adjourned the meeting.