2021-04-29 Steering Committee Meeting Page - Special Topic
2021-04-29 Steering Committee Meeting Page - Special Topic
Meeting Schedule
- April 29, 2021
- John Jordan
- Drummond Reed
- Steve McCown
- Darrell O'Donnell
- Andre Kudra
- Wenjing Chu
- Mike Vesey
- Chris Ingrao (Deactivated)
- Jim StClair
- Chris B
- Michael Nettles
- Vladimir Zubenko
- RJ Reiser for David Lucatch(KABN/Liquid Avatar - Steering member - non voting)
- Kaliya Young
- Steve Magennis
- David Luchuk(ToIP Program Manager)
- Seth Newberry (Executive Director, JDF - Linux Foundation)
- Joaquin Prado (Program Manager)
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
2 min | Welcome & Antitrust Policy Notice | D Luchuk | |
5 min | Transition - effective date and replacement | D Luchuk | |
10 min | Budget (2021) summary | D Luchuk | |
10 min | Areas of focus - defining service | D Luchuk & S Newberry | |
20 min | Open Discussion | All | |
3 mins | Wrap-up | D Luchuk |
- Presentation - Agenda - PDF
Transition - effective date and replacement
- David Luchuk confirmed that, per a notification received from the Public health Agency of Canada (April 2021) indicating his agreement with Linux Foundation was being brought to an end, a new Program Manager will be in place for Trust over IP as of May 20, 2021.
- Seth Newberry commented that, following the launch of the Foundation, Trust over IP has gone through an extended boot-strapping phase and now needs to move on to automating its processes and focus on priorities. The scope of work for a new Program Manager is being discussed with ToIP Executive Director John Jordan and will be shared as soon as it is ready.
- Priority is to understand where Trust over IP wants to go, and what kinds of supports will allow the community to get there. It is the community itself that drives action and progress toward priority objectives.
- John Jordan shared his appreciation for work done by David Luchuk since August 2020. He also suggested Steering members reflect on Seth's comments and share views with him.
- Seth Newberry indicated that a shift from a person-oriented model to a service-oriented model, that reflects clear decisions on open policy questions, would make it possible to ToIP members to benefit from tools that support member activities.
Budget (2021) summary
- David Luchuk provided an overview of Trust over IP's operating budget for 2021, indicating that the Foundation's finances are stable and viable.
- Seth Newberry reiterated that this Program Manager transition will reflect a shift away from the boot-strapping phase and the personalized service model currently in place.
- Joaquin Prado described the ongoing analysis to fully understand the tasks required to support ToIP.
- Jim StClairasked if the budget item for Program Manager should now be viewed as a set-aside for service/community support.
- Seth Newberry agreed this would be appropriate, emphasizing that Linux Foundation provides community support.
- Jim StClairasked if there will be a report-out on the role played by current v incoming Program Manager.
- Seth Newberry indicated this would be provided if considered necessary for Steering discussion.
- John Jordanindicated the scope of work for incoming Program Manager will soon be available to share with the Steering Committee.
Areas of focus - defining service & Open Discussion
- John Jordansuggested this transition was a good opportunity to benefit from Linux experience in tooling and process automation. It also provides an opportunity to reflect on the broader role that ToIP aims to play in the VC community / market.
- Drummond Reedcommented that, while part of what Trust over Ip does is conventional specification work, it is important to remember that 10 governance guidance, 2) the volume of varied activity and 3) the emerging communities of practice mean that the community does not fit cleanly into any one model organization.
- He adds that the capacity for community development, which is important for Trust over IP, may not be as easily compatible as other technical tasks to the JDF model.
Action items
- David Luchuk will continue working with Seth Newberry and Joaquin Prado to help define the support required for Trust over IP as the transition date approaches.
, multiple selections available,
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