2021-07-26 Steering Committee Meeting Page - Special - Plenary

2021-07-26 Steering Committee Meeting Page - Special - Plenary

Meeting Schedule

  • July 26, 2021 11:00 PM Pacific Time 


Steering Committee Voting Members

Also Participating

  • Guest
  • NONE


2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeJudith Fleenor
10 minInteroperability for Working Group Good Health Pass Deliverable
“The Good Health Pass Blueprint for Interoperability”
Approval (10min)
Judith Fleenor
5 minUpdate on Rollout Plan for The BlueprintJudith Fleenor
5 min

Approval of Upgraded Web Hosting by LF

Judith Fleenor
3 minProposed Cancellation of Wednesday, July 28th SC Plenary Meeting Judith Fleenor

Open Discussion (as time permits)ALL


  • Presentation - Agenda - PDF



Judith Fleenorreviewed the history of the IWG-GHP Final Deliverable review period and dates it was sent to SC.  Stating that one more change would be made post SC approval of the Blueprint.   This change would be to update the date from June 30, 2021 to August 1, 2101 to reflect the launch of the document and start of the 30-60-90 day recommendation within.

Kaliya Youngasked for one more update, the addition of a notation of the location of a Live Links page.  After some discussion the SC approved this one additional addition to the final document and gave Kaliya permission to include that reference.

Steve McCownasked Drummond Reedand I proposed some language regarding patent exclusions, is that part of this is that going to be a separate effort, do we not need it?

Judith Fleenor replied that because we don't have any patent exclusions, we don't need to posted them anywhere at this time.  We created that to be prepared in case the patent exclusions were not withdrawn, but they were withdrawn, so now we don't have to post it right now.  However, as a background activity, we should continue to decide where we want to put that type of information on our wiki should it happen in the future,   

Judith FleenorThe Steering Committee approved by consensus the "Good Health Pass Blueprint for Interoperability" as a ToIP approved deliverable.  

Judith FleenorReviewed the Rollout Plan for the Blueprint, information the members that a team including, Brian from LFPH, Lucy from CCI, Jim St. Clair and Judith Fleenor from ToIP and two PR representatives Ethan from ID2020 and Jenny from LF,  will be meeting to discuss this plan on Wednesday.   Expected launch to public is Tuesday, August 3rd.  At that time we will use the already approved BLOG post on our site and send out the Communications Committee prepared talking points to our members.  Also, the current live ToIP Website, now has a page for the IWG_GHP and a place to add a link to the Blueprint on that page.

Judith FleenorExplained that our current website is in a multi-site set-up at LF.  In order to have more flexibility in design and to be able to put up the Infographic the site needs to be move to a single site instance.  This would be a cost of $36 per month more to be maintained at LF.  The Steering Committee approved this new monthly expense.

Judith Fleenorand John Jordanproposed cancelling this Wednesday's regularly scheduled Plenary meeting since the SC has already had three meetings this month and the only business can easily me moved to the August 24/25th Plenary meeting.  The SC agreed to cancel the this Wednesday's meeting.

Jim StClairasked about our Membership approval process and questioned why prospective members are being given access to our Slack and Mailing lists before SC approval.  Seth Newberry (LF/JDF) mentioned there is no way of actually excluding a member in the JDF documents.  Judith Fleenor to research with JDF and LF and this topic will be added to the next Plenary meeting for discussion. Karl Kneisasked about the Code of Conduct and how that would be enforced if a situation came up. Judith Fleenorwill add these two related topics to the agenda for the next ToIP Steering Committee Plenary Meeting.

Judith Fleenorconfirmed At this time that the  SC is fine, as long as we have signed agreement, with her continuing the process that had been in play, which is as soon as we have sign agreements we let them into our slack and on our group io.  Steering Committee agreed.

Karl Kneisasked where are we on those strategy alignment sessions and bringing them into next steps.  Judith Fleenorsaid it got slide-lined due to more pressing items.  Karl Kneisasked how we set our priorities. Karl Kneissaid he is starting to work on deliverables that are harder to working on if there is not the alignment of the Steering Committee itself and if we're not aligned, it seems that that that kind of makes us a little squishy around the corners on everything we're doing. Judith Fleenorasked that she be given time to circle back on that conversation.

John Jordan Well, thanks again to everybody!   Judith Fleenorcongratulated everyone on the completion and approval of "The Blueprint" and the meeting ended.

Action items

  •  Judith Fleenorto notify SC members of this Wednesday's SC Plenary Meeting Cancelled, business to be conducted at August 24/25th Plenary.
  • Judith Fleenorto research with LF and JDF about membership approvals process.
  • Judith Fleenorto circle back with information about the Small Groups Business Review and Alignment Process.