2024-11-26 TSWG Meeting Notes
Meeting Date
- The TSWG holds a plenary meeting once every four weeks on Tuesdays. The 2024 meeting dates are: 23 Jan, 20 Feb, 19 Mar, 16 Apr, 14 May, 11 June, 9 July, 6 Aug, 3 Sept, 1 Oct, 29 Oct, and 26 Nov.
- The meeting is at 08:00-09:00 PT / 16:00-17:00 UTC.
- See the ToIP Calendar for all meeting dates, times and logistics, including Zoom links.
Zoom Meeting Recording
(These links will be replaced with a link to the recording of the meetings as soon as they are available.)
Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Time | Agenda Item | Lead | Notes |
3 min |
| Chairs |
7 min | General announcements | All |
5 min | Review of action items from the previous meeting | Chairs |
20 min | Task Force Reports | TF Leads | Technology Architecture TF — Wenjing Chu Drummond Reed
Trust Registry TF — Andor Antti Kettunen Darrell O'Donnell
Trust Spanning Protocol TF — Drummond Reed Wenjing Chu Sam Smith
AI & Metaverse (AIM) Technology TF — Wenjing Chu
Credential Exchange Protocols TF — mathieu
High Assurance VIDs TF — Alex Tweeddale Jesse Carter Scott Perry mathieu Andre Kudra Drummond Reed
ACTION: Drummond Reed to reach out to Karen from Certizen to join the HAVTF and/orhave other Certizen X.509 experts join. |
5 min | NOTICE OF WORKING GROUP IPR TERMS CHANGE | See the heading below entitled "Copy of 2024-11-15 Email to Technology Stack Working Group Mailing List". This explains the notice that was given to all current TSWG members. ACTION: Drummond Reed to update the TSWG home page with the following notification language about the patent exclusion requirement: | |
10 min | ToIP Steering Committee Nominations | Chairs | The TSWG needs to put forth a set of nominees for the 2025 Steering Committee. So far the members that have been nominated via Slack or mailing lists include:
ACTION: Drummond Reed to check if Alex Tweeddale wishes to be a Steward Council nominee. Judith Fleenor also recommends that the ToIP Steering Committee move its meeting time to 2PM PT (5pmET/10pmUTC/11pmCTE - 6am HongKong/9am AU) |
5 min | 2025 Meeting Cadence | Chairs | How often do we want to meet in 2025:
ACTION: Drummond Reed to update this spreadsheet of 2025 meeting times to reflect TSWG meetings happening the first Tuesday of the month, beginning Tue Jan 7th, with two meetings one at 8AM PT / 16:00 UTC and one at 6PM PT / 02:00 UTC. These new meeting times will be on the LFX Meeting Platform starting in 2025. Judith Fleenor explained that we may also want to look at their meeting tools, including note-taking. Also, everyone should register their LFX ID. Here's where you can test: https://organization.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/company/dashboard |
Repo management | Judith Fleenor | We really need a second primary repo management person. ACTION: Drummond Reed to add the question of a secondary repo management person to the agenda for the first meeting in January, and also to contact LFDT staff about helping. | |
5 min |
| Chairs |
Copy of 2024-11-15 Email to Technology Stack Working Group Mailing List
To All ToIP Foundation Members — and especially members of the current Technology Stack Working Group (TSWG):
One year ago, the TSWG changed the intellectual property rights (IPR) terms of our JDF charter. The original TSWG (TSWG-1) used Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license for copyright and W3C Mode for patents. The successor TSWG-2 used the Open Web Foundation (OWF) 1.0 license for both copyright and patents.
Recently the KERI suite of specifications moved to the new KERI Suite Working Group, where they will continue to operate under the OWF 1.0 licensefor both copyright and patents.
Subsequently, members of TSWG-2 have requested that the Working Group transition to a new TSWG-3 that uses the original TSWG-1 IPR terms due to greater compatibility with other standards bodies with whom we are collaborating (e.g., DIF and W3C CCG).
However, members do want to retain one beneficial aspect of the OWF license: the policy setting a 45 day limit for patent exclusions on a member’s own contributions to deliverables of the WG.
The Linux Foundation standards team advised us that this can be accomplished by the new TSWG-3 passing a motion adopting this policy as our official operating procedure and displaying the following notice (alongside the standard LF antitrust notice) in all WG proceedings:
NOTICE: In addition to the licensing terms of this Working Group’s JDF charter, this Working Group operates under the official policy that any Working Group Participant who makes a contribution to a Draft Deliverable shall have a maximum of 45 days from the date of that contribution to exclude any Essential Claims pertaining to that contribution.
A new TSWG-3 charter that makes no changes in scope but only changes the IPR terms to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license for copyright and W3C Mode for patents was approved by the ToIP Steering Committee at their meeting on 13 November 2024.
This means we must now undergo the same transition we went through a year ago by taking the following steps:
- Sending an official notice to the TSWG-2 mailing list and the ToIP All-Members mailing list of the new TSWG-3 charter together with a 45 day notice of a Call for Exclusions for all current TSWG deliverables as specified in the OWF license.
- At the end of this 45 day period (i.e., the first week of January), sending an announcement to the same mailing lists of an official closure of the current TSWG-2, terminating all work on deliverables under the current IPR terms.
- After step #2, send an announcement to the same mailing lists of the official opening of a new TSWG-3 operating under the new IPR terms.
- The TSWG-3 shall then:
- Officially accept any previous TSWG-2 deliverable that will continue under the new Working Group.
- Officially pass a motion to adopt the operating policy described above.
This email constitutes official notice to all TSWG members and contributors of a Call for Exclusions for all current TSWG deliverables as specified in our current OWF license. You have 45 days — until midnight Pacific Time on 31 December 2024 — to notify the co-chairs of the TSWG-2 (cc’d on this email) of the necessary claims of any patent rights you wish to exclude from any TSWG-2 deliverable as currently represented by a Working Draft or other documentation submitted to the TSWG-2 or any of our Task Forces.
Following that 45 day period, the current TSWG-2 will be formally closed and a new TSWG-3 will be opened that will operate under the new approved charter and IPR terms. Each pre-existing deliverable from the old TSWG-2 will then need to be formally accepted as a contribution to the new TSWG-3 in order for the new IPR terms to take effect.
Please contact any of the TSWG co-chairs (cc’d) if you have any questions about this transition.
Thank you,
=Drummond, Kevin, Wenjing and Dan
- DECISION: Starting on January 7th, the TSWG will begin meeting