2021-08-31 Guardianship Group Meeting Notes

2021-08-31 Guardianship Group Meeting Notes


Co-Leads: Jo Spencer  John Phillips

Attendees: sankarshan 

Agenda Items

2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeJo/John

Introductions (if new joiners)Jo/John

Discussion around taking the WIP Addendum document (see below) forward


Meeting Notes

John and Sankarshan went through the discussion in the Airline and Guardianship document (key resource 5 below).  Two main points discussed:

1) The ability of the airlines to act upon advice that a guardianship arrangement has been changed/terminated (original comment was "Additionally, airlines could be notified by authority if there's court order to disallow pax to travel. This will be initiated by the authority on a case by case basis (xxx will be traveling on specific date, do not allow flying). Airlines will be the first line of defense before immigration"). Discussion with reference to Guardianship Credentials was that if the issuing authority of the jurisdiction were to revoke the guardianship credential, then this would serve as an additional safety net (it would still be useful to receive the communication so that the guardian could be advised as to why they are not being allowed to travel)

2) The passenger contactless flow through scenario becomes interesting when we consider a group of passengers including independent travelling adults, and dependent travellers with their carers. In order to have an automated process, we will need to consider an interaction which, for each person, asks if they are travelling alone or with dependents. If alone, then only their credentials are asked for as proof, if with dependents, then they need to provide their dependent's credentials too. This demands some thinking about how to make this as simple, and robust, as possible and will require discussion with ground operations experts.

Key resources

  1. GHPC Blueprint Outline v2
  2. Good Health Pass (GHP) Interoperability Blueprint V1.0.0 (PDF)
  3. Guardianship Addendum for GHP Blueprint (version on ToIP Google Drive)
  4. Google Slide Deck Explanation of Why the need for the Addendum and Request for Review
  5. NEW  Document to discuss airlines and guardianship: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FttyI8hXRVxpyXdjAWTW0a389eCP1b0-bcMinsl5aks/edit?usp=sharing


No recording for this session.

Zoom Chat

Action Items


  • Seek subject matter specific expertise from Airline/Travel people who can review and comment on the proposed approach for each stage of the journey process for accompanied and unaccompanied minors and adults travelling with dependent adults, and unaccompanied dependent adults - In Progress, somewhat dependent on the second action below. In progress as of 2021-08-19
  • Group to provide a "show and tell" or other form of simple communication about the ideas being generated by the GHP Blueprint Guardianship Addendum Drafting group. Copy placed in ToIP Google Drive, see Key Resources list above
  • John/Jo to reach out to Sterre den Breeijen , Rieks Joosten, Ravi Sapkal, and Tim Jansson (co-authors of the Sovrin and ESSIF-Lab Guardianship work) for their review of the Addendum


  • Kaliya Youngto send an email to the ID2020 team to seek out further review of the addendum. Offered to send  


  • Kaliya following up again with Dakota. J+J to follow up in 24 hours if no response
  • Drummond Reed has the email for Louise Cole - J+J to follow up

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