2021-10-15 GHP Hospitality Group Meeting Notes


  • October 15 2021


  • Nick Price (NetSys Technology Limited)
  • Gene Quinn (Confluence Partners, LLC)
  • Brian Patterson (Proof Market)


1 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy Notice

10 minsIntroduction of new membersKaliya Young
30 minsItem 1TBD
  • Notes
10 minsItem 2TBD
  • Notes
10 minsItem 3TBD
  • Notes
5 minsDiscussion - Webinars - next steps TBD
2 minsWrap-up / Action ItemsTBD



Frictionless Travel Journey


  • None


Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy

Notes for Oct 15th Meeting



Gene Quinn

Nick Price

Brian Patterson

Nick Price introduced a draft of a diagram outlining the traveler’s journey after deplaning and clearing the border of an international destination. (Diagram is a document in the GHPC folder on Google Drive.)

The diagram illustrates different points of interaction through the airport, to a waiting rental car (or other ground transport), and ultimately to the hotel, plus a later reservation at a restaurant.

Nick then led a discussion of the various scenarios for presenting verified credentials for personal ID, vaccination and testing proof and other VCs throughout the journey. Some points made by group members:

  • The user experience with DID should be “tap and go” at each interaction along the way.
  • There will be opportunities for the traveler to use a digital wallet containing the various VCs needed for each interaction in the diagram. Importantly, each interaction will need an integration (e.g. an SDK?) to have occurred between travel providers and other service providers.
  • A specific example discussed is financial extensions to and from the traveler wallet and service providers.
  • (NOTE: We paused to note the audience for the GHP hospitality addendum is today’s ecosystem of travel, tourism and hospitality providers.)
  • Brian raised the point that trust must be established between consumer and provider as a condition for the model to work.
  • Brian also made the point that only the minimum amount of traveler information to establish a trusted VC should be shared.
  • Also, we agreed any wallet-agent-provider UX should be frictionless and friendly to the traveler.
  • We had an extensive discussion DID / SSI proofs of concept in these early days, an uncertain time period (possibly lengthy) to convert today’s travel ecosystem to a future DID system, but … Nick pointed out we should assume traveler wallet connections to and provider app / API services will some day be peer-to-peer communications using protocols such as DIDComm messaging.

We agreed Gene would email  links to these notes and the diagram to group members who we unable to attend the session.

-- END --


  • Sample Decision Item

Action items

  • Sample Action Item