2021-07-20 Guardianship Group Meeting Notes
2021-07-20 Guardianship Group Meeting Notes
20 July 2021
- Co-Leads: Jo Spencer John Phillips
Agenda Items
2 min | Welcome & Antitrust Policy Notice | John |
Introductions | John | |
Backgrounder and introduction to the WIP Addendum document | John and Jo | |
Discussion around taking the WIP Addendum document (see below) forward | Everyone |
Meeting Notes
Key Resources:
- GHPC Blueprint Outline v2
- Guardianship Addendum for GHP Blueprint
Guardianship and other forms of delegated authority with self-sovereign identity (Manning Live Book)
Recording -
Topic: GHP Guardianship addendum drafting group
Start Time : Jul 19, 2021 03:55 PM
Meeting Recording:
1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy - http://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy
Action Items
1) Move Google Doc Addendum draft into the ToIP Google Drive Area
2) Create Meeting Page structure under ToIP Guardianship Addendum on Wiki site
3) Focused outreach for feedback on specific items in the Addendum document
, multiple selections available,