2021-08-19 Guardianship Group Meeting Notes

2021-08-19 Guardianship Group Meeting Notes


Co-Leads: Jo Spencer John Phillips

Attendees: Sterre den Breeijen, Tim Janssensankarshan , Xiang Wang, Rieks Joosten

Agenda Items

2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeJo/John

Introductions (if new joiners)Jo/John

Discussion around taking the WIP Addendum document (see below) forward


Meeting Notes

Jo walked through the current draft of the document, taking particular note of the comments from Rieks Joosten.

Discussion on if/how the mental model for guardianship could be applied to the GHP Interoperability Blueprint.

Xiang Wang joined the meeting at just over 30 minutes in and Rieks Joosten shortly after that.

Xiang shared the key points he was exploring with his team based on the PDF of the current release of the draft shared earlier. The points are:

Page 13 & 19: Unaccompanied minor & pickup: it is not addressed in the draft, but are there anything to share or point out (to be added in either this version or the next)?
Page 15: illegal/un-recognized guardianship is not addressed either. Is this one of our pain-points thus need to be addressed?
Page 17: Authentication of the guardian: What is SQ practice?
Page 19: Guardianship delegation: in the case of UM, paper work is used to handle over responsibilities at different stages of the travel, are their industry standards for the forms?

In addition, after Rieks provided some background to his comments in the document, it was agreed that this could (should be designed to be) useful beyond the COVID-19 travel scenario

Key resources


<to be provided>

Video Chat

17:39:30 From Jo Spencer to Everyone:
17:47:18 From sankarshan to Everyone:
(On a tangent - Victor Golubkov has had family with children traveling to Russia. And he’s keeping track of how credentials are requested, exchanged and verified. He might be a good participant at a later meeting)
17:47:47 From John Phillips to Everyone:
Noted - and yes, good real world example.
18:09:28 From Xiang Wang to Everyone:
Page 13 & 19: Unaccompanied minor & pickup: it is not addressed in the draft, but are there anything to share or point out (to be added in either this version or the next)?
Page 15: illegal/un-recognized guardianship is not addressed either. Is this one of our pain-points thus need to be addressed?
Page 17: Authentication of the guardian: What is SQ practice?
Page 19: Guardianship delegation: in the case of UM, paper work is used to handle over responsibilities at different stages of the travel, are their industry standards for the forms?

Action Items


  • Seek subject matter specific expertise from Airline/Travel people who can review and comment on the proposed approach for each stage of the journey process for accompanied and unaccompanied minors and adults travelling with dependent adults, and unaccompanied dependent adults - In Progress, somewhat dependent on the second action below. In progress as of 2021-08-19
  • Group to provide a "show and tell" or other form of simple communication about the ideas being generated by the GHP Blueprint Guardianship Addendum Drafting group. Copy placed in ToIP Google Drive, see Key Resources list above
  • John/Jo to reach out to Sterre den Breeijen , Rieks Joosten, Ravi Sapkal, and Tim Jansson (co-authors of the Sovrin and ESSIF-Lab Guardianship work) for their review of the Addendum


  • Kaliya Youngto send an email to the ID2020 team to seek out further review of the addendum. Offered to send  


  • Kaliya following up again with Dakota. J+J to follow up in 24 hours if no response
  • Drummond Reed has the email for Louise Cole - J+J to follow up