2021-08-12 Guardianship Group Meeting Notes
Co-Leads: Jo Spencer John Phillips
Attendees: sankarshan Sterre den Breeijen, Tim Janssen
Agenda Items
2 min | Welcome & Antitrust Policy Notice | Jo |
Discussion around taking the WIP Addendum document (see below) forward | Everyone |
Meeting Notes
The group went through the review comments from Sterre and Tim on the draft Addendum. Several changes and recommendations were agreed. The remaining recommendations and comments will be addressed during the next week.
We discussed how we might advertise our interest in getting industry expert feedback on the guardianship addendum and agreed to explore how we could use our social media channels to raise awareness (as well as the established Slack channel)
Key resources
- GHPC Blueprint Outline v2
- Guardianship Addendum for GHP Blueprint
- Sovrin Publications on Guardianship, in particular the Implementation Guidelines and Technical Requirements introduced in this blog post
Guardianship and other forms of delegated authority with self-sovereign identity (Manning Live Book)
- Working Draft of Promo / show and tell / presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VFjiIlUvvzvl7n1wh2gt4-IZSMRbIHws5Nb8B-ZL-p8/edit - access is currently restricted while the draft is being actively edited, expect to release this next week
Action Items
- Seek subject matter specific expertise from Airline/Travel people who can review and comment on the proposed approach for each stage of the journey process for accompanied and unaccompanied minors and adults travelling with dependent adults, and unaccompanied dependent adults - In Progress, somewhat dependent on the second action below
- Group to provide a "show and tell" or other form of simple communication about the ideas being generated by the GHP Blueprint Guardianship Addendum Drafting group - In progress, first draft presented at this meeting.
- John/Jo to reach out to Sterre den Breeijen , Rieks Joosten, Ravi Sapkal, and Tim Jansson (co-authors of the Sovrin and ESSIF-Lab Guardianship work) for their review of the Addendum
- Kaliya Youngto send an email to the ID2020 team to seek out further review of the addendum. Offered to send Done. Connection established and Jo Spencer following up.