Consistent User Experience Drafting Group

Consistent User Experience Drafting Group


Good Health Pass compliant implementations must use the same conceptual models, core terminology, interaction triggers (e.g., QR codes, deep links), consent models, and certification marks.

Terms of Reference

The Good Health Pass Collaborative was established, in part, to avoid a scenario in which people are faced with a mess of confusing, conflicting, overlapping requirements for how they can prove their COVID-19 status. Such fragmentation would not only introduce tremendous friction to the travel experience, but would also impede adoption, erode confidence, and hinder equitable economic and societal rebuilding.

The need to create a consistent user experience – based on a model of universal acceptance – is the most fundamental interoperability challenge we must meet. In short, a Good Health Pass-compliant digital health pass must be easy to obtain, use, and update, without any special user knowledge. 

A consistent UX includes four key dimensions: 

  • A consistent mental model that reflects a natural, intuitive process for using either paper or digital credentials. As with the introduction of mobile boarding passes over the last decade, the use of verifiable credentials should be immediately adaptable to everyday processes and workflows, such as booking a flight, boarding a plane, crossing a border, etc.
  • Consistent terminology (semantic interoperability) such that required data elements are collected accurately and user interface artifacts are presented consistently with meanings that are understood universally across all systems – the same way a red stop sign is universally recognized, regardless of language.
  • Consistent user ceremonies – just as driving a car requires unlocking it, fastening the seat belt, starting it, putting it in gear, and using the accelerator and brakes, we need to agree on generally consistent “ceremonies” for travellers, whether they are using a general-purpose digital wallet or a special-purpose application. This includes setup, security and privacy warnings, consent and user rights management, backup and recovery, and compatibility with paper credentials.
  • Consistent governance that is responsive to global, national, and regional regulations or operational parameters (e.g, for when a test has expired, etc.) and is adaptable to change.

Responsibilities and Deliverables

Key Interoperability Questions (from GHPC Blueprint Outline V2)

  1. How are credentials translated into QR codes – and with what required functionality – to meet the Good Health Pass functional requirements?
  2. What needs to be encoded in these QR codes?
  3. What is the standard set of user-facing terminology and iconography that all good health pass apps should use to ensure consistent user experience?
  4. What is the standard set of options for presentation of a digital health pass that compliant apps and verifiers will support?
  5. What is the standard user ceremony for providing consent for sharing of a digital health pass?
  6. Should “self-attestation” credentials issued by a user to themselves – based on a home test result or inadvertent lack of formal records – be allowed?


  • Stacey-Ann Pearson (Affinidi)
  • Project Manager: Rebecca Distler (ID2020)


Only members of the Trust Over IP Foundation who have signed the necessary agreements and charters are permitted to participate in this Drafting Group and contribute to its deliverables. 

Please add your name to the list below to indicate you have joined the Drafting Group:

  • TBC

Meeting Schedule

The Drafting Group meets every Tuesday at 5:00AM PT / 12:00PM UTC and Thursday at 5:00PM PT / 12:00AM UTC

Meeting Page

Please find agendas, presentations, notes and recordings for all Drafting Group meetings HERE.


The Slack channel for this Drafting Group (trustoverip.slack.com) is #ghp-wg-user-experience 

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