Meeting Date
Zoom Meeting Link / Recording
Main Goal of this Meeting
Agree on CTWG priorities and determine the next steps for putting terms wikis into production within ToIP Working Groups.
Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Time | Agenda Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min | - Start recording
- Welcome & antitrust notice
- Introduction of new members
- Agenda review
| Chairs | - Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
- New Members: none
5 min | Review of previous action items | Chairs | - ACTION: Drummond Reed Rieks Joosten Daniel Hardman Michel Plante to prepare an analysis of what modifications to our terms wiki work plan will be necessary to support defining a term in more than one language. Drummond will start a Slack thread to discuss.
- ACTION: Drummond Reed to start threads in the ToIP #concepts-terminology-wg Slack channel to work through open issues we need to close to complete the User Manual and ToIP Term Tool V1 in order to advance terms wikis into full production.
30 min | Proposed CTWG Priorities | Drummond Reed | - Finish Terms Wikis V1 and ToIP Term Tool V1
- Finish the ToIP Term Tool V1
- Finish the glossary generation feature (Daniel Hardman)
- The current version of the tool produces an HTML document for the glossary, but it did not cover changes.
- Daniel demonstrated that a new feature has been added for glossary generation (screenshots #2-#3) that will automatically publish a glossary document either:
- When the terms wiki is updated, OR
- When the terms community decides to publish an updated version of the glossary.
- Daniel also demonstrated (screenshot #4) the new functionality planned that will enable the terms community to select the terms to include in the glossary.
- Finish any other functionality required for Terms Wikis V1.
- We talked about what happens when the same term is included within two different terms wikis as a source.
- Daniel explained how a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) could modify how the glossary is displayed as one option.
- Another option would be for the ToIP Term Tool to flag if there were multiple definitions of that term.
- Judith described the difference between how she understood a "glossary" (where terms have just one definition) and a "dictionary" (where a term may have more than one definition).
- Daniel wanted us to decide what we want for V1. He suggested that we go for the current functionality, which is that if a term exists in more than one terms wiki, the terms wikis should be curated.
- DECISION: The ToIP Term Tool V1 will only support selecting terms from specific terms wikis; if more than one terms wiki contains the same term, the output glossary will include more than one instance of the term UNLESS Daniel Hardman can figure out a simple solution for V1.
- ACTION: Daniel Hardman will investigate if there is a simple solution for the V1 tool to support a glossary including more than one definition of the same term BUT indicating which is the authoritative definition.
- We also discussed how to create glossaries as part of a ToIP deliverable.
- Initially, it will be a copy-paste operation.
- Daniel explained that you can also embed the HTML into Markdown. This is because Markdown processors turn Markdown into HTML anyway.
- Document the code so it is ready for the bounty program for ToIP Term Tool V2
- Complete the CTWG User Manual V1
- Documentation for Terms Wikis V1 and ToIP Term Tool V1.
- This is a high priority.
- Daniel's view is that we need one or two groups to go through the documentation.
- Other volunteers
- Judith will volunteer to review it.
- Michel will help
- ACTION: Drummond Reedand Daniel Hardman to prepare at least an outline of the CTWG User Manual V1 based on the work already done on the Terms Wikis branch of our Confluence wiki and in the Markdown document Rieks Joosten has started.
- Put terms wikis into production in the first ToIP WGs and TFs that want them
- YOMA TF in the EFWG
- Trust Registry TF in the TSWG — Michel Plante
- PCDS TF in the EFWG
- Work with these terms communities to determine what is working and what additional features are needed
- Begin work on mental models by any ToIP WG or TF who wants to take this step
- See the growing list of excellent examples developed by eSSIF-Lab
- Check with WG and TF chairs about their interest.
- Begin work on ToIP Term Tool V2.
- Begin a prioritize feature list
- Agree on the V2 feature set
- Update the bounty description
- Advertise and place the bounty
- Develop and deploy V2.
- Daniel showed the initial Bounty writeup (screenshot #1 below)
- Future features
- Glossary publication format
- ACTION: Michel Plante to check with his contact about potential interest in our bounty by sharing the current writeup (knowing it will be revised).
10 min | Tooling from eSSIF-Labs | Rieks Joosten | - eSSIF-Lab has moved all their terminology stuff to GitHub — see
- Rieks would like to discuss contributing it to CTWG
- Rieks was not able to attend today's meeting, so we did not discuss this topic.
5 min | Review of Introduction to ToIP V2 white paper | Drummond Reed | - All ToIP WGs are asked to review the complete draft of the new Introduction to ToIP V2 white paper
- Please add comments directly to the Google doc
- The plan is to complete Community Review by Sept 29 to the ToIP Steering Committee can approve at their Oct 6 meeting
5 mins | - Review decisions/action items
- Planning for next meeting
| Chairs | - Goal of the next meeting is to review an outline draft of the CTWG User Manual.
Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



#4 — not that this demonstrated more granular ability to include data.

- DECISION: The ToIP Term Tool V1 will only support selecting terms from specific terms wikis; if more than one terms wiki contains the same term, the output glossary will include more than one instance of the term UNLESS Daniel Hardman can figure out a simple solution for V1.
Action Items
- ACTION: Daniel Hardman will investigate if there is a simple solution for the V1 tool to support a glossary including more than one definition of the same term BUT indicating which is the authoritative definition.
- ACTION: Drummond Reed and Daniel Hardman to prepare at least an outline of the CTWG User Manual V1 based on the work already done on the Terms Wikis branch of our Confluence wiki and in the Markdown document Rieks Joosten has started.
- ACTION: Michel Plante to check with his contact about potential interest in our bounty by sharing the current writeup (knowing it will be revised).