Resource Directory*

Resource Directory*

Trust Over IP attracts some of the most skilled teams and individuals in the world to tackle modern business challenges involving trust, identity, credentials, privacy, data portability, organizational interoperation and cryptography. Our community consists of technologists, futurists, designers, mathematicians, academics, entrepreneurs, software engineers, lawyers, humanitarians and business leaders all focused on making human trust a first-class element across our interactions with people, institutions and things. 

Systems Integrators

Organizations that have developed the skills and resources to help conceive, design implement and operate elements, or entire ToIP aligned ecosystems

Date PostedNameContactQuick Description Link
Jan 11, 2022main incubator GmbHAdrian Doerk, adrian.doerk@main-incubator.comIDunionhttps://main-incubator.com/
Jan 12, 2022The Human Colossus Foundation

Paul Knowles (Semantic domain), paul.knowles@humancolossus.org 

Robert Mitwicki (Inputs domain), robert.mitwicki@humancolossus.org 

Philippe Page (Governance domain), philippe.page@humancolossus.org 

Human Colossus supports a safe and secure data sharing economy, creating an infrastructure that incorporates synergistic components for interoperable data usage and privacy expectations in the digital world. https://humancolossus.foundation
Jan 12, 2022AyanWorks Technology SolutionsKalyan Kulkarni, kalyan@ayanworks.com, +91 7028909991AyanWorks has been working in Decentralized Identity and Verifiable Credentials over last 3 years and has been developing solutions in this stack for the global clientele. AyanWorks can be best referred to under public utility and/or developing application ecosystem layers of ToIP Model. We are also being contributing to the open-source libraries and frameworks under Hyperledger umbrella.https://www.ayanworks.com
Jan 18, 2022Animo SolutionsAna Goessens, ana@animo.id Animo integrates, implements and designs self-sovereign identity solutions. We help partners realize their goals by offering desired SSI expertise. Our main specialization is Aries/Indy, BBS+ and Mobile development/integration. Although we have experience with most Aries frameworks, our preference in our own projects is Aries Framework JavaScript. https://animo.id/
Feb 2, 2022Araneum Group srlFabio Lecca, f.lecca@araneum.itAraneum Group srl is an IT company established in 2006. The human capital/resources that compose it have worked in the IT sector since 1997. Over the years, the company has focused its expertise on specialist IT consultancy, Open Source systems, development of apps for mobile devices and strategic consultancy related to blockchain and other innovative information technologies. The CTO of Araneum Group srl is the project leader of the ESSIFLab IOC2 project called WordPreSSI Login. https://www.araneum.it
August 25, 2022IBMJohn Kirby, john.c.kirby@ibm.comIBM is an international technology company and steering committee member of Trust over IP. IBM provides a range of advisory, technical, and engineering services, products, and infrastructure that enable clients to build, operate, and govern digital trust ecosystems. All of IBM's implementations adhere to leading best practices, open-source standards and protocols, and ToIP concepts.https://www.ibm.com/blockchain/identity 

Independent Software / Hardware Vendors

Organizations that provide hardware, software and or service components to developers, operators and consumers of ToIP aligned ecosystems

Date PostedNameContactQuick Description Link
Jan 11, 2022Lumedic, Inc.Chris Ingrao, chris@lumedic.io, 206.484.0140

Lumedic builds healthcare related software to improve interoperability and information exchange.

Jan 11, 2022Northern Block, Inc.info@northernblock.io

Northern Block is a Canadian technology provider that facilitates the commercialization of digital trust ecosystems using self-sovereign identity (SSI) technologies, standards and principles. Through its leading NB Orbit Platform, organizations can deploy digital credentialing ecosystems, become credential issuers, accept digital credentials within workflows and use a variety of digital wallets and agents to connect and exchange credentials.

Jan 12, 2022RI Equation

prashantr@riequation.com, +919850575226, Pune, Maharashtra (India)

Personally, I consider that the solution for identity verification in insurance domain, secondary account holder verification of any financial institutions.

http://riequation.com/, https://www.linkedin.com/company/riequation/

Jan 12, 2022RANDA SolutionsKimberly Wilson Linson, Director of Credential Ecosystems – Kimberly.linson@randasolutions.com – 202.294.2735RANDA Solutions is an architect of the open-source credential exchange — Open Credential Publisher (OCP).  OCP is being used in a North Dakota statewide production implementation for a ToIP compliant K12 transcript exchange.  RANDA is also a market leader for educator credentials in the business application, Teacher Wallet.www.randasolutions.com
Jan 18, 2022Danube Tech

Markus Sabadello, markus@danubetech.com, +436643154848

Danube Tech builds open-source components and commercial software specifically for layer 1 of the ToIP stack. We are known for the Universal Resolver and Registrar tools, as well as our GoDiddy.com SaaS platform, which all enable interoperability across different layer 1 utilities.


Jan 18, 2022iGrant.io (LCubed AB, Sweden)

Lal Chandran, lal@igrant.io

Lotta Lundin, lotta@igrant.io

George Padayatti, george@igrant.io 

iGrant.io (LCubed AB) is a Swedish data intermediary founded in 2017 and based in Stockholm. It is a cloud platform for consented data exchange and verification services between data sources and data using services in a fully auditable manner. It enables organisations to manage user preferences and consents, enabling them to exchange and monetise their data assets while complying with data regulations. Using iGrant.io Data Wallets, available as decentralised Apps/dApps or as SDKs, individuals can aggregate data from multiple data sources and connect, consent and share their personal data to any data using service in real-time. iGrant.io does not hold any data from the data source but provides the ability to verify the authenticity and trustworthiness of data to any data using services.




Jan 18, 2022Evernym (Avast)

General inquiries:

Trust-over-IP specific inquiries:
Richard Esplin <richard.esplin@evernym.com>

Evernym was founded in 2013 to solve the digital identity crisis. We envisioned a world where consumers are in complete control of their digital identity, where privacy is a basic human right, and where consumers and organizations can foster a new relationship rooted in trust. Our products put individuals in control of their data and enable people and organizations alike to benefit from a safer and more trusted Internet.


Jan 20, 2022

Karl Kneis, IdRamp COO -kkneis@idramp.com


IdRamp is a founding Steering Member of TOIP focused on enterprise grade software and consulting services for decentralized identity orchestration and Web 3.0. The IdRamp platform provides a zero code solution for TOIP Zero Trust ecosystem development and operation. Key capabilities include:

  • Issue verifiable credentials from any data source or IDP
  • Deploy decentralized ID verification into any digital service
  • Translate connections between traditional enterprise systems and Web 3.0 verifiable credentials
  • Unified access policy controls across disparate cloud and application services
  • Plug and play sequencing for MFA, biometrics, proofing, KYC and related auth services
  • Create distinct user authentication experiences 
  • Password elimination and digital transformation of offline services
  • Automated service delivery for diverse TOIP ecosystems
  • Private labeling and API extensibility for custom applications and partner services


Individuals and teams of individuals that have in-depth knowledge of ToIP aligned ecosystems and help organizations understand concepts, ideate around problem spaces and help design solutions

Date PostedNameContactQuick Description Link
Jan 11, 2022Continuum Loop Inc.

Darrell O'Donnel,


Continuum Loop helps organizations create ecosystems anchored to the dual (governance and technology) stack created by the Trust Over IP Foundation. From initial exploration to the creation of rich governance frameworks and the supporting systems (e.g. trust registries), we help you build an ecosystem that can start right and grow. https://www.continuumloop.com
Jan 11, 2022Entidadjorge@entidat.io, 323.309.2306Entidad is a technology services provider that helps digitally transform mission driven organizations to scale their impact. We’re currently working with leading farm worker serving organizations on an SSI enabled, farm worker services ecosystem to support these essential workers.http://www.entidad.io/
Jan 11, 2022Learning Economy FoundationTaylor Kendal, taylor@learningeconomy.io LEF provides thought leadership, consulting, and technology solutions that help to accelerate the world towards 22nd Century education and employment infrastructure.https://www.learningeconomy.io/
Jan 14, 2022SymSoft SolutionsSavita Farooqui, savita@symsoftsolutions.com , (916) 529-8876Serving as the Chair of IEEE Blockchain Governance Standards Working Group, Working on the role of blockchain technology in shifting trust from institutions to the network, decentralized governance, governance for blockchain layered architecture including distributed applications, interoperability, security, scaling and incentives.
Jan 17, 2022esatus AGDr. André Kudra, a.kudra@esatus.com
Rheinstraße 5, 63225 Langen, Germany, Tel.: +49 6103 9029-0

esatus AG offers a wide range of digital information security and IAM solutions, from conception and individual software development to operational management. It has a long expertise in Self-Sovereign Identities (SSI), using verifiable credentials and DIDs to create and safeguard trust relationships in identity networks.

Solutions – esatus AG
Jan 18, 2022iGrant.io (LCubed AB, Sweden)

Lal Chandran, lal@igrant.io

George Padayatti, george@igrant.io 

iGrant.io (LCubed AB) is a Swedish data intermediary founded in 2017 and based in Stockholm. We also provide integration services as part of our service offerings


Jan 19, 2022Wider TeamUK Damian Glover, dg@wider.team 
EU Michael Shea, shea@wider.team 
US Phil Wolff, phil@wider.team 

contact us page, via twitter or LinkedIn.
Wider Team advises technology and business leaders on trust and decentralized identity for strategic advantage. Members participate in IEEE, DIF, Sovrin, and ToIP activities. https://wider.team/

Lawyers and Auditors

Individuals and organizations that can help navigate legal and compliance issues surrounding ToIP aligned ecosystem components

Date PostedNameContactQuick Description Link
May 18, 2022Schellman

Scott Perry

Principal, Crypto and Digital Trust Services


Schellman is a full-service compliance, audit and certification firm. The Firm offers audits in most generally accepted audit schemes such as ISO 27001, SOC 2, HITRUST, FedRamp, CMMC and PCI.  The Firm is a Certified WebTrust Firm and offer specialized audits for cypto-related technologies such as SSI, blockchain, smart contracts, and crypto exchanges. The Firm is an approved audit firm under the Kantara schemes.https://www.schellman.com/crypto-digital-trust-services

Research Organizations

Organizations/Consortia that can help navigate state of the art knowledge/expertise surrounding any aspect that ToIP. 

Date PostedNameContactQuick Description Link
Jan 12, 2022eSSIF-Lab

Oskar van Deventer and/or
Rieks Joosten 

The European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework Lab (eSSIF-Lab) views itself as an ecosystem of parties that work together to make existing (and new) Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) technology into a scalable and interoperable infrastructure that anyone (people and organizations alike) can use to negotiate and conduct (electronic) transactions with each other, as further described in the eSSIF-Lab Vision.https://essif-lab.github.io/framework/docs/essifLab
Jan 12, 2022TNOSterre den BreeijenTNO's SSI-Lab research group accumulates knowledge/expertise about SSI implementation, use, governance, legal etc., and uses this to help businesses and governments as they seek to distinguish sense from non-sense, decide whether or not/what to adopt, what it takes to transform their business IT. TNO's SSI-Lab also helps others to conduct experiments, thus enabling them to acquire their own expertise to base their decisions on.https://www.tno.nl/en/focus-areas/information-communication-technology/roadmaps/data-sharing/ssi/

 * Please note the Resource Directory is for information purposes only. All listing information has been provided directly by ToIP membership. None of the contents or claims have been verified, or are endorsed by the Trust Over IP Foundation or parent Linux Foundation 

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