Meeting Page

Meeting Page

Meetings are every 2 weeks on a Tuesday at 9am EDT on the following zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/97104385554?pwd=OWJWMWVoZ0Nyai9BL3diMFMwSXlrdz09.  (see the ToIP Calendar for details)

Tuesday 11th January 2022

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Meeting Recording

Attendees :  Nicky Hickman, Ekene Ezike, Will Abramson; Jeff Aresty; Maha Sroor; Frednand Furia; Scott Perry ; Clayton Bond; Wesley Furrow; Johannes Wedenig


  1. Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  2. Reviews & approvals - Yoma Rules! the Interim Governance Framework for the Yoma Ecosystem.  This is the link to the folder containing the principal document and the controlled documents
    1. Further reviews / approvals 
      1. Youth group (13/01)
      2. OP's & Yoma elders (by end Jan)
      3. EFWG 
      4. SC

Controlled Document Name

Owned By


Main Changes since last major review cycle/ remaining tasks.


administering authority


Terms updated in Terms Wiki, need to add ‘see references to all ToiP & eSSIF terms

Risk Assessment 

yoma platform operator


This will be reviewed in the first week of Jan and updated following completion of the GF

Legal Agreements

administering authority


No substantive changes or outstanding tasks

Governance Requirements

administering authority


Added proposed governance model including future role of governing authority, added Alternative Dispute Resolution to fill the Judiciary Gap

Governing Party Policies

administering authority


New – based on Sovrin Governing Body Policies

Youth Council Charter

administering authority


New – to be reviewed by Youth Group in particular

Business Requirements

yoma platform operator


Added Guardianship Credential Requirements & recommended guardianship arrangements

Technical Requirements

yoma platform operator


Absorbed and refined based on comments from Will Abramson & Rieks Joosten – outstanding review needed by Lohan

Information Trust Requirements

yoma platform operator


Added Trust Registry Requirements adapted from GHP

3. Next Steps

  • Supporting proposed ‘Interim Youth Council’ with Ekene Ezike
  • Publishing a paper with Maha Sroor and other researchers at the University of Jyväskylä on use of the domain modelling with Yoma as a case study
  • Application for funding as part of a Digital Ethics Hub to research lean governance and the methodology used in developing Yoma Rules!
  • Finalising the glossary with CTWG
  • Potentially a Yoma TF in HXWG for the ‘Human Experience of Governance’

4.  AOB

Tuesday 14th December 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Meeting Recording

Attendees :  Nicky HickmanFrednand Furia


  1. Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  2. New Intro's and Updates
  3. Revisions to the Governance Framework  based on feedback from the Youth group (x2) and from the not so youthful group
    1. Marketplace & Tokens remain out of scope!  We have to be lean, and we have to finish this iteration.
    2. Fairness and equity, cooperation vs competition
    3. One account one user
    4. Governing Parties Model incl. Youth Council
    5. Alternative Dispute Resolution Process
    6. Credentials
    7. Guardianship Arrangements
    8. Trust Registries
    9. Terms Wiki & Glossary 
  4. Finalising the GF Plan
    1. 18th December issue the final version
    2. No meeting on 28th December
    3. 1st Week Jan - review session with the Youth Group & Risk Assessment review following GF changes
    4. By Friday 7th January - ALL final revisions - conversion to full ToIP format a nd ready for this group's
    5. approval at Yoma TF meeting on 11th Jan
    6. Approval from Ecosystem Foundry WG 14th Jan
  5. AOB

Tuesday 30th November 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Meeting Recording

Attendees :  Nicky Hickman; Maha Sroor;  @Aamir Abdualah, ; Wesley Furrow; studiostingray-admin


  1. Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  2. New Intro's and Updates
    1. Scott Lewis: S/W engineer by trade, been working on decentralized digital identity for a few weeks
  3. Feedback from Youth (Ekene)
  • 1. All participants concurred and reaffirmed their support for a judiciary arm to the Yoma community
  • 2. Two members proposed a rule that would ensure one Yoma account to one user.
  • 3. The translation of the GF to other languages was recommended.
  • 4. A participant emphasized the need to ensure Yoma community members read, understand and agree to the rules before enforcement.
  • 5. A participant advocated for the following:
  • a. Incentives commensurate to the level of difficulty of the task/challenge.
  • b. Unbiased and equal opportunities for members, that is, not location, gender, race, and religion specific.
  • c. Equity within the Yoma community.

4.  Feedback from OP's & Youth key points

  • 1 member 1 CV
    • Scott: = 1 member 1 vote challenge in DAO - use human reputation systems, penalties for fraud 
    • Aamir: These are the two big ones acting as a blockchain court - https://kleros.io/?ref=hackernoon.com & https://anj.aragon.org/?ref=hackernoon.com#/dashboard
    • Scott = use of AI to detect fraud patterns
    • Nicky = use ticketing
    • Maha = selective disclosure can be used instead of multiple CV's
    • Wes = natural incentive to build one great CV - as long as it's not multiple ZLTO for one opportunity
  • Want a view for the future with a GA in place - judiciary question - youth council idea, also representation from other stakeholders (Scott experience from Church group - empower them and get out of the way) - Nicky & Ekiene to discuss with youth group. (can be gamified, staked to blockchain).
  • Wording around cooperation vs competition
  • Equity vs fairness

5.  AOB

Tuesday 16th November 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Meeting Recordinghttps://zoom.us/rec/share/2rYxvjAh9rpzfouDQwviWbCF4JrOldyjMzqDEQvaZXA0Lutnj9YEeS5EUX6T1Pbx.LM5vS8dG0m6iI7OO

Attendees :  Nicky Hickman; Taija Kolehmainen; Maha Sroor; Lohan Spies ; Ekene Ezike; Frednand Furia


  1. Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  2. Updates & New Intro's:
    1. Yoma workshops last week highlighted the importance of Green Yoma
    2. Taija developing the domain modelling language.  Now development phase, automating some parts within tool.  Yoma first chance to see tool in action.   Studying JYU doing IS masters program.  Lohan to get the EGC tool so that we can explore code generation opportunities and play with updated Yoma model. https://gitlab.com/jyu-startup-lab/ecosystem-governance-compass-jyu;  Looking at ways of automating governance and generating code through changes in the tool as they flow into code.  Taija & Maha meeting with the DSM expert.  Brainstorm ideas to operationalise governance.
    3. Maha writing a paper on the tool and the Yoma experience as part of her masters studies.
    4. Ekene Ezike - Intern with Yoma been working on the HX & GF to get youth feedback on GF.
  3. V0.2 of the Yoma Rules (Interim Governance Framework)
    1. Awaiting FB from Youth and OPs - Nicky to arrange with Yoma team.
    2. Populating our terms wiki, see our glossary here:  JYU also created a tool, we created our listing for the modeling tool. I will compare yours and ours for the new development phase: https://gitlab.com/jyu-startup-lab/ecosystem-governance-compass-jyu/-/blob/main/glossary.md
    3. Technical Requirements update will abramson has made comments and updates, lohan reviewing
    4. Dealing with gaps:  Gap with Credentials EGF not full stack - but OP's start as issuers in start of January on Yoma Platform.
    5. Remove LYC's from GF.
    6. Dispute resolution
    7. Translation to ToIP template
  4. Retrospective - To next time
    1. Here are some slides to remind us of what we've done
    2. Here is a link to our lean governance MiroBoard for a quick retrospective

Wednesday 20th October 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Attendees :  Nicky Hickman;  Will Abramson Frednand Furia Wesley Furrow; Aamir Abdullah


  1. Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  2. Updates & New Intro's:
  3. V0.2 of the Yoma Rules (Interim Governance Framework)
    1. Reviews from Drummond ReedRieks Joostenwere extremely thorough and very helpful, resulted in a restructure (again) back to core metamodel with various sets of requirements back in controlled documents
    2. Risk Assessment completed by Frednand Furia
    3. Stakeholder review sessions with Youth and Opportunity Providers scheduled for this week.
    4. Still a gap around dispute resolution - we are asking Youth and OP's - it would be good to have options
  4. Lean Governance Approach 
    1. Miro board link
    2. Has not worked in the way we had hoped (ie 1 GF only) this is very much a Layer 4 GF
    3. Do we need to create a 'backlog' for future iterations of the GF
      1. Including Trust Registries
      2. Layer 3 governance framework for credentials
      3. Layer 2 governance framework for providers.
    4. Establishing metrics - how will the stakeholders know that the GF is being correctly administered?
    5. Doing a retrospective next session but one.
  5. AOB?

Tuesday 5th October 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Attendees :  Nicky Hickman;  Jeff Aresty;  Frednand Furia; P Subra; Maha Sroor; Johannes Wedenig;; Wesley Furrow; Gary de Beer


  1. Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  2. Updates & New Intro's: 
    1. Jeff - Founder & President of Internet Bar, working in I4A space for some years from legal perspective
    2. Fred - Trust Assurance based in Dar es Salam in Tanzania - audit & compliance - also part of Sovrin GFWG
    3. Maha - Masters Student at University of Jvlaskya (finland) - modelled yoma ecosystem - from Egypt.  Yoma is a
    4. Subra - standford cyber-knowledge R&D, interested in decentralized ecosystems & their impact on society at large.  
    5. Sankarshan - Interest in GF for identity & digital systems
  3. V0.2 of the Yoma Rules (Interim Governance Framework)  Now ready for stakeholder review with the following ToDo's
    1. Move to ToIP document standard.  
    2. Ensure terms consistency and add the definition of the term after it’s first use or use the ecosystem diagram to define the terms
    3. Risk Assessment, review xls and re-appraise given Rules, identify policies / requirements that treat the risk
      1. Meeting today at 14.30 UTC to x-check
    4. Consider how /if each requirement is checked / enforced
    5. Legal Agreements Review (Aamir, Jeff & Aebha input requested)
      1. here’s a gap around disputes – not sure what to do or where to put it. - could use ODR as tech, but still need to resolve the structure / law etc
      2. No involvement of legal jurisdiction in the normal course of things unless there are legal breaches
      3. Question for stakeholder reviews
    6. Youth Participant Review (Ekene & Clayton arranging)
    7. Opportunity Provider Reivew (Wes arranging)
    8. Gov Stack WG review (Scott & Drummond reviewing)
    9. Concepts & Terminology WG review (e.g., alignment w/eSSIF lab models)
  4. HXWG meetingThursday 7th October at a bright and breezy 7.00 PT= 14.00 UTC = 16.00 CAT on this zoom.
    https://zoom.us/j/99429712733?pwd=K214bTM4cG54YzZYVnZCL1I5MEdQQT09.  Alta Nel & Ekene Ezike from the Yoma team will be presenting Yoma persona and UX for SSI
  5. Next Steps
    1. Reviews / comments and feedback by Friday 15th of October 
    2. Then I will consolidate input for our next  TF meeting on Tuesday 19th October,
    3. Then ToIP process.  Once TF is happy with a 'frozen version', goes to EFWG then take to Steering Committee.  Nicky to catch Judith & Karl to arrange.
    4. Yoma 'handover' process.??
  6. AOB 

Tuesday 21st September 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Attendees :  Nicky Hickman; Will Abramson;   Clayton Bond, Frednand Furia sankarshan; Lohan Spies ; Wesley Furrow; Johannes Wedenig; Aamir Abdullah


  1. Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  2. Updates
    1. Human Experience WG have agreed to support us in developing the HX Controlled Document, we have sessions planned with Yoma's UX team.  Here is a link to the presentation.  Here is a link to the meeting.  We will also be doing a youth feedback session with a group in Nigeria in October.  Add names of those who want to join these sessions.  (Wesley Furrow, Will Abramson, Fred Furia).  Not on critical path.
    2. Recommended listening Lohan's interview with Northern Block - a great insight into Yoma now and in the future.
    3. Comments / additions in the Governance Framework
      1. Clayton: added EVRs to the Business Requirements section of the GF - bringing into the GF.  
      2. Lohan: added the technical standards / requirements
      3. Keep it simple reduce controlled documents
      4. Reviewed basic mechanisms (complaints, disputes, participation in rules changes).
  3. Review RA to identify areas for Governance
    1. See comments in the worksheet.
  4. Finalising the GF  - please set aside time next week to review the document.  Nicky will send out a version for reviews and feedback on Monday 27th September. 
  5. Next Meeting Tuesday 5th October - Final version - ready for review with internal ToIP experts, Youth Group and workshop w/ Opportunity Providers.
  6. AOB

Tuesday 7th September 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Attendees :  Nicky Hickman; Maha Sroor, Darrell O'Donnell, Lohan SpiesFrednand FuriaWesley Furrow, Clayton Bond


  1. Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  2. Updates
    1. Domain Modelling is now on pause and completed to a point, all the outputs and information are available here on the wiki page. and here in Gitlab
    2. There is also a session which we did for DIF Africa which outlines what we have done so far.    You can see the presentation here.
    3. Risk Assessment (Fred)  - some gaps in the worksheet (e.g. credential registry, risk treatment still unfilled, review to identify areas of risk that need to be covered in the GF)
  3. Reviewing the Governance Framework
    1. Aligning everything behind Yoma's core values of Privacy, Personal Self-Development, Fairness & Inclusion, Community and Trust 
    2. Including text that is easy for youth to read throughout the document
    3. Aligning with the revised ToIP meta-model
    4. Revising the list of controlled documents
    5. GAPS - technical requirements
  4. No need for Interim GA - may be needed in the future depending on operating model.  Time constraints - purpose of GA in the interim.
    1. Only risk is associated with new opportunity providers that are not part of trusted group then might be an issue if there is a dispute
    2. Agree to delay disputes until next V1
  5. Next Steps
    1. Finalising the draft by 21st
    2. Human Experience Controlled Doc
    3. Glossary and terms wiki
    4. Public Review period
      1. ToIP Community review last week of September.
      2. Wider Yoma Community - 1x Youth Group, 1x Opportunity Provider / other stakeholders (October)

Tuesday 10th August 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Attendees : Nicky Hickman Kaliya Young Lohan Spies Frednand Furia Iain Barclay Maha Sroor



  1. Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  2. Intro's to New Members
  3. Updates
    1. Risk Assessment (Fred) - Working on Updated Yoma Risk Assessment Spreadsheet, Clayton, Nicky & Fred have been working through as first pass of risk assessment
    2. Action for others in the group if you have time to go through and add thoughts/ input to the RA xls,   Next filter for governance and consider what is needed in governance to mitigate Med-High risks (triage)
    3. Lohan to look at others for tech mitigations
    4. Meeting with EY who are helping UNICEF to do business operating model and organisational design (legal entity set up).  Still not sure of jurisdiction, end October.
  4. Reviewing and adding to the Governance Framework 
    1. Terminology
    2. Changes in Scope
      1. Discussion: Does Yoma need a GA?
      2. Kaliya: Utility of having GA & GF is communicating and making people feel comfortable
      3. Dispute resolution - see reasons for GA Interim Governance Authority Requirements
    3. Changes in Objectives
    4. Governance Requirements
    5. Business Requirements
  5. AOB

Tuesday 27th July 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Attendees : Nicky HickmanIain Barclay, Maha Sroor, Rieks Joosten, Thiru Shan, Jeff Aresty, Darrell O'Donnell, aebha Curtis, CLayton Bond, Kaliya Young ; sankarshan Lohan Spies Wesley Furrow, Simone Ravaioli, Will Abramson , Aamir Abdullah, Thiru Shan.



  1. Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  2. Intro's to New Members
    1. Jeff Aresty, Founder & President of Internet Bar, working on several projects related to peripheralized youth and use of VCs
    2. Rieks Joostenfrom TNO.
    3. Simone Ravaioli (Digitary) - Digital Credentials in mainly higher education, platform through which universities issue educational credentials.  Work in UK but recent 'myeQuals in Australia, and also canada.  Open source standards IEEE Integrated Learner Record core group, but connected with similar initiatives associated with learner credentials. 
      1. Lohan: Tertiary education in the future for Yoma 
      2. Simone: Different domains in education are intertwining more and more especially with increasing use of digital credentials. 
      3. Lohan: Focus on 'diamonds in the rough' - have talent, but lack access to learning opportunities. Interesting x-overs between educational vs yoma setting.  Especially for link to earning / employment opportunities.  Key for youth.  potential also as bridge to education if don't have academic qualifications
  3. Updates
    1. Custodianship conversation developing with support from Sovrin's Guardianship WG - have agreed that we will use the Guardianship mental model, but there are some differences of opinion on certain key questions..  Lohan and Nicky currently documenting Yoma requirements, aiming to arrange further USA-friendly call once at next stage for discussion, or discuss in this forum
    2. .Domain Modelling update (Maha & Will)  Blockchain Governance Compass - Domain Modelling
      1. Business layer now  drafted - see the page on the wiki for the latest views
      2. Technology layer has been drafted - work to add roles / actors and map to the business layer
  4. eSSIF Lab Mental Models and Glossary (Rieks Joosten)
    1. Intro to eSSIF Lab Mental Models "lovely logic" of the Parties, Actors and Actions model, the Jurisdictions model, and whatever else people have questions about as they have been skimming the glossary
    2. essif-lab.pages.grnet.gressif-lab.pages.grnet.gr Parties, Actors and Actions | eSSIF-Lab:  

    3. essif-lab.pages.grnet.gressif-lab.pages.grnet.gr
      Jurisdictions | eSSIF-Lab

      eSSIF-Lab Glossary | eSSIF-Lab

  5. Reviewing and adding to the Governance Framework 
    1. Terminology
    2. Changes in Scope
    3. Changes in Objectives
    4. Governance Requirements
    5. Business Requirements
    6. New terms in glossary
    7. Standards
  6. Planning for August / September
  7. AOB

Tuesday 13th July 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Attendees : Nicky HickmanFrednand FuriaIain BarclayAebha Curtis; Wesley Furrow;  Maha Sroor, Johannes Wedenig; Will Abramson; Aamir Abdullah ; Lohan Spies


  1. Intro's to new Members
    1. Aebha Curtis, analyst and researcher with TrustElevate and Internet Commission .  Child age verification & parental responsibility tech provider.
  2. Updates
    • Domain Modelling (Maha & Will)
      • Need to add in Donor as Actor, then income (external to Yoma)
      • Update on incentives & internal business model
    • Risk Assessment (Fred)
      • Working on the data strategy - identify the high level risks associated w/ AI & ML, aim to de-risk at the design stage.
      • Working through RA worksheet
      • Looking to map some of the other areas aside from Tech risk, governance, operations, business
      • EVR - completed threats & controls around privacy EVRs, then in good rhythm to work on other value sets.  Completely mapping Privacy
      • Special section on Children's rights risk assessment Aebha in RA session.
    • Terminology & Glossary
    • Scope & Roadmap
    • Custodianship Discussion Document & policy / rules development working with support and input from the Sovrin Guardianship Working Group
  3. G-Docs updates & discussion
    • Updates from Metamodel (Terminology, GA & AA, Jurisdiction)
    • Other areas for discussion are in Comments in the G-Doc 

      3. Admin / Housekeeping

4. AOB

Tuesday 29th June 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Attendees : Nicky Hickman , Lohan Spies ,  Maha Sroor, @Will Abramson, Frednand Furia , Johannes Wednig, Amir Abdullah, 


1, Intro's & Updates

  • Risk assessment process (Fred)
    • Compile the Risk Frame includes foundations for identification of risk, identified critical assets. 
    • See the links on this page of the wiki
  • Update on domain modelling with discussion (Maha)
    • Review modelling so far
    • Review rights, responsibilities, risks and incentives for Yoma Social Enterprise and for Yoma Foundation in the xls that is feeding Maha's work
    • Update on Technology Container (Will)

2. Updates to wiki and g-docs now in use for

3.  Custodianship Discussion Document

5. AOB

Tuesday 15th June 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Attendees : Nicky, Clayton, Maha, Iain B, Will A; Lohan; Fred, Kaliya


  1. Intro's and Updates
    1. Progress on Modelling (Maha) Input Now being updated in this google sheet.  Evaluation version is expired, but Maha no access to full version.  Will also has tool now, Maha & Will to meet later in week to align work.
    2. Progress on Risk Assessment  - Risk Context / Landscape (Fred)  See this page for RA workstream.  (input details of regular RA call)
    3. Feedback from discussion w/ UNICEF's Insight & Policy team regarding CDGM
      1. Make the most of good practice that already exists 
      2. CDGM is insights & guidance rather than a template
      3. Pro-bono legal 
  2. Retrospective on Sprint 1 - how is the process working

Progress against what we hoped to achieve as outlined in our straw man process here 

  • What has worked well? 
    • Fortnightly means if you miss one, you miss a lot
    • Unclear tasks within sprint - what is the end product of the sprint
    • Focus on business requirements & youth experience grounding -but potentially you miss stuff

3. Next Sprint 2 - 

  • Focus on Ecosystem GF - SHELL Primary doc which is on the wiki here  
    • Some way behind where we would ideally like to be but the big borrowing hunt is on.  Key Sources:
      • UNICEF for Policies and Best Practice links
      • Sovrin Ecosystem GF for Requirements, Layer 1 Requirements and Custodian Rules & Policies
      • CCI for Layer 3 and Layer 2??
      • Others?
    • See proposed structure of what we will do by end September
  • ToIP Metamodel (ToIP Governance Metamodel Specification)

  • Nicky to organise special session on Guardianship.
  • Who can take responsibility for which sections/ Documents? 
DocumentBorrowing TF LeadToIP Guidance
Primary Doc Sovrin Ecosystem GF, GHPNickyGov Stack WG
GlossarySovrin Ecosystem GF?Concepts & Terminology WG
Risk Assessment & Trust Assurance / Certification
FredTrust Assurance TF
Governance RequirementsUNICEF Manifesto
Gov Stack WG
Business Requirements 
ClaytonEcosystem Foundry
Legal Requirements & Legal Agreements
Aamir working w/ EY?
Technical Requirements
Lohan & WillTech Stack WG
Information Trust RequirementsUNICEF ManifestoMark P?Trust Assurance TF
Inclusion, Fairness & Accessibility RequirementsSovrin Ecosystem GFNickyHuman Experience WG
Token Policies & Rules
Lohan (Marlon Parker)
Machine Readable Governance Policies & RulesAries RFC 503Lohan & Will, Maha
Credentials Rules & PoliciesCCI / GHPNickyGHP TF
Utility Rules & PoliciesSovrin Utility GFSankarshan?Utility Foundry WG
Custodian Rules & PoliciesSovrin Guardianship WGNicky, Kaliya
AI Policies & RulesUNICEF AI PolicyIain B
Provider Rules & Policies

Nicky to set up G-Docs w/ links to wiki

Work separately and then bring together in August, review cycle internal and gap spotting in Sept.

Tuesday 1st June 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Attendees :  Nicky Hickman, Mahar Sroor, Clayton Bond, Zeljko Milinovic, Frednand Furia, Lohan Spies, Johannes Wedenig, Sankarshan, 


  1. Intro's and Updates
    1. Risk Assessment approach
    2. UNICEF Children's Data Governance Manifesto input into the Governance Framework
      1. Risks p22-39
      2. Rights and corresponding Responsibilities for providers p19-22
      3. Policies p57-62
      4. Rules p62-69 
    3. Funding application to support Maha's work with BGC
    4. Other aspects of the Modelling
      1. Governance
      2. Business 
      3. Legal
      4. Technology - special session on Tech
  2. Start with Youth Journey
    1. Documenting the input to BCG 
    2. Rights Responsibilities, Risks, Incentives for other actors interacting in the Youth Journey:
      1. Opportunity Provider - An Organisation or Individual providing Education, Employment or Impact Opportunities to the Yoma marketplace
      2. Guardian - An Individual or Organisation that acts on behalf of Youth Participants who are unable to manage their digital credentials.  
        1. In some jurisdictions legal obligation to have a guardian, therefore needs to be included.  Is it not possible for a youth member to need a guardian (by law) and hence required to be established in digital systems?
        2. Green Yoma, organisation acts on behalf of youth
        3. Age verification 
        4. Need to explore more clearly
          1. What can they legally do or not do depending on age & jurisdiction
          2. Governance Role and Process Definitions - 
          3. Custodian - An Organisation that stores and manages the digital wallet, but does not act on behalf of the individual, only on their instruction
      3. Technology Provider - An Organisation providing hardware or software technology services that form part of the Yoma Infrastructure 
      4. Incentive Provider - An Organisation or Individual providing economic value in the form of money, services or digital assets which can be exchanged with other Entities in the Yoma Ecosystem
      5. Marketplace Participant - An Organisation or Individual providing goods or services which can be exchanged for Incentives within the Yoma ecosystem.
      6. Yoma Ecosystem Infrastructure - the set of Things including hardware and software components that are used by other Entities in the ecosystem to interact, the Yoma Ecosystem Governance Authority, the Yoma Member Directory, and the Yoma Governance Framework. 
      7. Yoma Infrastructure Operator - An Organisation that builds, administers and operates the Yoma Infrastructure
      8. Yoma Ecosystem Governance Authority - The Organisation that maintains and enforces the Ecosystem Governance Framework
      9. Local Yoma Ecosystem - An Organisation that makes use of Yoma Ecosystem Infrastructure and which has localised features to its Governance Framework
      10. Yoma Verified Registry - The publicly available and verifiable list of Issuer and Verifier Organisations.
    3. Next meeting Policies!
    4. AOB
      1. Arrange tech session (Will, Zeljko, Lohan, Maha, Clayton, Fred, Gareth)
      2. Expand BCG to cover Maha model
      3. Absorb in the UNICEF manifesto to main doc.

Tuesday 18th May 2021

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Attendees :  Nicky Hickman Johannes Wendig, Maha Sroor, Jacques Bikoundou ; Emo Abadjiev; Wesley Furrow; Amir Abdullah; Will Abramson


  1. Intro's and Updates
    1. Darrell O'Donnell, Founding Steering Member of ToIP, Involvement w/Sovrin, work w/organisations to rapidly
    2. Emo Abadjiev, working on new product, exploring ToIP, where to contribute
    3. Will Abramson - PhD student working on technical side
  2. Updates
    1. UNICEF - global insight & policy office, looking to future trends and impacts on work.  Recent consultation has led to AI Policy Guidance for Children.  Can support Yoma w/ policy relating to AI/ML
  3. Review Objectives, reviewed and updated.
  4. Review requirements for Interim Governance Authority, reviewed & agreed.  Support from TF required to find the Interim GA.
  5. Feedback from Compass Domain Modelling Exercise (Maha)

  1. Start with Youth Journey
    1. Capture Rights, Responsibilities & Risks for youth
      1. Recover Wallet - mitigations e.g. sharding, social key recovery (if 3 of my 5 friends say I am who I claim to be, then they can support recovery), which is a gap in the market.  Risk is it's the only wallet, but can be rebuilt from the history of the ledger, whereas w/credentials have to return to the issuer.  Especially an issue for target audience.  
      2. Security consideration - back-up and restore - how is it protected.
      3. Age parameters = 16-24 - might be a verification method in the future but currently open to all
      4. Should not be accessible to under 16's, Debate - should parental consent be required for 16-18 year old's. Depends on the jurisdiction, so dependent on location and local law = contextual.   If required and complicated, then would have to be 18+ only.  GDPR compliance.  Outside normal Unicef scope.  Need to see in the s/w T's and C's may specify over 18 only. 
    2. Capture Incentives for youth 
      1. Impact
        1. Social Credit, psycho-social benefits of altruism
        2. Trust and confidence in yourself
        3. Recognition from others
      2. Grow
        1. Building skills and experience
        2. Learning, gain knowledge
        3. Earn Zlto
      3. Thrive
        1. Access Jobs and employment opportunities
  2. AOB
    1. Nicky to send risk special invite on slack.

Tuesday 4th May, 2021  

9am EDT = 14.00 London = 15.00 CET = 6am PT = 18.30 India, zoom link

Attendees  Lohan SpiesAamir AbdullahFrednand FuriasankarshanIain BarclayNicky Hickman Wesley Furrow, Will Abramson


  1. Introductions & Updates
    1. Wesley Furrow: Generation Unlimited Prog Team in UNICEF NY, co-leading Yoma with Johannes.  Primarily focuses on partnership angle, but involved across the piece.
    2. Amir - Attorney & Teacher of law students
    3. Frednand - Based in Tanzania, member of Sovrin GFWG since 2018, leads consulting firm, audit perspective
    4. Iain Barclay, S/W background PhD student, experience w/SSI for AI and Data Sovereignty and some token work
    5. Will Abramson, PhD Student, working with Lohan on future platform development
  2. Review Scope, Principles & Purpose for Ecosystem Governance Framework.  Reviewed & updated, list of entities now agreed.
  3. Suggested approach to governance as product and code
    1. Reviewed proposed Agile Approach as viewed in this Miro Board
    2. Agreed to trial Sprint 1 using the Youth Experience as core user journeys to write governance for.
    3. Scope will be confined to governance that is required for functionality available end December 2021 (3 months post the completion of the GF V1)
    4. Here is a presentation that outlines the reasons for the approach and the proposed MVP which was delivered to the Ecosystem Foundry WG on 06/05/21

Kick Off Meeting - Mon Apr 12, 2021 9am – 10am Eastern Time 


Attendees: (Please add your name here)

Johannes; UNICEF work on Youth Agency in Africa.  Convener of Yoma

Iain Barclay Cardiff University, UK;  PhD studying - Applications of tech, SSI for last ~2 years, for UN SDG related impact.  Some work in IoT, used Evernym stack for birth registration trial in Kenya, but paper written about application.  Recently been looking at blockchain and tokenised value flows, recently transport - token used for incentives for behaviour change.  Also work on making AI scrutable

Zeljko:  S/W engineer, Hyperledger & ToIP member, SSI enthusiast

Lohan Spies:  DIDx SA -focus on Cyber Security, recently focus on SSI applications, acting as CTO for Yoma project

Kalin Niclov; Previously in Linux as SW Engineer, Head of Digital Currency at SICPA, ToIP founding members, recently also joined DIF, 2 foundations in identity and currency, SICPA secures all but 4 major fiat currencies and for most PP and ID Cards.  

Thiru: CTO - blockchain enthusiast, recently implemented 3 blockchain projects, SSI recent interest starting with tokens.  Experienced implementer.

Aamir Abdullah 

Frednand Furia


  1. Introductions
  2. Purpose & Principles review
    1. Vision, Mission, Values (Johannes) 
      1. Still working through Values with youth participants
    2. Purpose & Principles discussion
      1. Q4 we will start on SE / Legal entity established.  Both discussions on GF and future Yoma SE need to work in parallel.  Arrange specific sessions w/ SE team, bridging mechanism or interim solution for GA may be required  
      2. All to take time to review this document, add comments and suggested text before our next meeting.
      3. Make use of the Use Case Documents 
  3. AOB
  • Start Glossary document to define our language
  • Specify Layer 1 requirements rather than selecting specific Layer 1 utilities. (current investigation e.g. based on token requirements)
  • Token:  separate component related to token itself but the governance specifies rules, policies under which it will operate.

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