Authentic Web Learning Path Draft (KERI + ACDC)
Authentic Web Learning Path Draft (KERI + ACDC)
Hello World
We need a Hello World for the ToIP trust stack, specifically KERI and ACDC.
The following blog post tutorial by Kent Bull is a first attempt at making KERI more understandable. It is an intensive, developer-focused tutorial on getting up and running with KERI and ACDC.
KERI Tutorial Series: Treasure Hunting in Abydos! Issuing and Verifying a Credential (ACDC)
KERI and ACDC Concepts
Beyond the intensive developer tutorial we need a good summation of the terminology and ideas in the space at each high, mid, and low levels for different audiences.
The following post by Nuttawut Kongsuwan is one such low-level post aimed at a technical audience:
KERI jargon in a nutshell (Part 1)