2022-06-16 TATF Meeting Notes

2022-06-16 TATF Meeting Notes

Meeting Date & Time

    • NA/EU 07:00-8:00 PT / 14:00-15:00 UTC 
    • APAC 18:00-19:00 PT / 01:00-02:00 UTC <== NO APAC MEETING TODAY

Zoom Meeting Links / Recordings


NA/EU Meeting


Main Goal of this Meeting

Review of progress and issues on the working draft of the ToIP Technical Architecture Spec including the first issue on GitHub

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
    • Mohan is the CTO of Chainyard; members of the Hyperledger Foundation since 2016. Also work in Decentralized Identity Foundation. Trusted Supplier at IBM is a partner. In 2020, built an identity wallet using VCs for COVID credentials. Used Hyperledger Fabric.  One focus is the healthcare space. The wallet used email for exchange at that time. Infrastructure cost was an issue.
5 minAnnouncementsAll

Updates of general interest to TATF members.

10 minReview of previous action itemsChairs
  • ACTION: Neil Thomson to proceed with initial population of the TSWG terms wiki with assistance from Drummond Reed
    • Terms wiki update. - Work scheduled on the terms wiki next week. Will put existing Google Doc version link in the chat for now.
  • ACTION: Tim Bouma and Drummond Reed to prepare a proposed name and scope for this "policymaker" deliverable (thomsona's suggestion is "ToIP Technology Introduction for Policymakers") and document this in a wiki page for next week's meeting.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to add the policymaker document and the ToIP Interoperability Test Cases deliverables to the Technology Architecture Task Force wiki page.
  • ACTION: All members of the Technology Architecture TF to add their proposed use cases to the Google doc as soon as possible.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to see if Kaliya would like to present in an upcoming meeting about her perspective that the ToIP stack is very "Hyperledger Aries architecture focused" and thus not friendly to other "stacks".
  • ACTION: Wenjing Chu to start creating the first issues in the new GitHub repo for the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification and then post a message to Slack once he has posted them.
  • ACTION: Once Wenjing is done, Drummond Reed to send a message to the Technology Stack WG mailing list announcing the start of issues management for the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification on GitHub.
30 minsSpec ReviewWenjing Chu 

Discussion of progress and issues on the working draft of the ToIP Technical Architecture Spec.

  • Wenjing has posted the first issues on GitHub
  • He started by showing the GitHub setup. 
  • Currently the spec is a single Markdown file, readme.md.
  • The introduction section and section titles have been provided for the whole document.
  • The first issue is one of formatting and rendering issue with the ToIP stack diagram (it does not render properly right now in the published HTML version).
  • ACTION: Kevin Griffin to assist Wenjing Chu check into the issue with the TechArch repo not rendering the ToIP stack graphic
  • The second issue is the actual content of the ToIP stack diagram will likely need to be updated. That can wait until we are nearing completion of the spec.
  • The next step is to move over other issues that are currently being discussed in the Google doc.

New issue discussion #1: Naming of components (see screenshot #1 below)

  • End Systems or Endpoints?
    • These are the systems communicating via the End-to-End Principle.
  • Intermediary Systems — Intermediary Node?
    • These are systems assisting in communications between the Endpoints
  • Supporting System?

ACTION: Neil Thomson to add text to the Motivations and Use Cases section to explicitly talk about what is out-of-scope.

  • Neil suggested that we need to talk about intermediary systems on a per-layer basis.
    • Wenjing agreed and showed that each of these systems (endpoint vs. intermediary vs. supporting) has its own stack.
    • Neil points out that there are still trust concerns with intermediary systems, such as metadata. Wenjing agreed.

ACTION: Wenjing Chu to add a new GitHub issue to propose the terms agreed to on this call: "Endpoint System", "Intermediary System", and "Supporting System".

New issue discussion #2: Resolve the question about the need for intermediary systems.

ACTION: Wenjing Chu to add a new GitHub issue to propose the rational for why the spec needs Intermediary Systems by including references to DIDCOMM V2 - https://didcomm.org/book/v2/routing and Web5 node - https://identity.foundation/decentralized-web-node/spec/

5 minsAny other business

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 
  • QUESTION ABOUT THE APAC MEETING AND THE NBA FINALS GAME going on at the same time tonight (Thur June 16).
  • Do we want to cancel next week's meeting due to Identiverse and MyData or go ahead with it?

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  • None

Action Items

  • ACTION: All members of the Technology Architecture TF to add their proposed use cases to the Google doc as soon as possible.
  • ACTION: Tim Bouma and Drummond Reed to prepare a proposed name and scope for this "policymaker" deliverable (thomsona's suggestion is "ToIP Technology Introduction for Policymakers") and document this in a wiki page for next week's meeting.
  • ACTION: Neil Thomson to proceed with initial population of the TSWG terms wiki with assistance from Drummond Reed
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to schedule Kaliya Young for our June 30th meeting to speak on her perspective that the ToIP stack is very "Hyperledger Aries architecture focused" and thus not friendly to other "stacks".
  • ACTION: Kevin Griffin to assist Wenjing Chu check into the issue with the TechArch repo not rendering the ToIP stack graphic.
  • ACTION: Neil Thomson to add text to the Motivations and Use Cases section to explicitly talk about what is out-of-scope.
  • ACTION: Wenjing Chu to add a new GitHub issue to propose the terms agreed to on this call: "Endpoint System", "Intermediary System", and "Supporting System".
  • ACTION: Wenjing Chu to add a new GitHub issue to propose the rational for why the spec needs Intermediary Systems by including references to DIDCOMM V2 - https://didcomm.org/book/v2/routing and Web5 node - https://identity.foundation/decentralized-web-node/spec/