2023-01-11 TATF Meeting Notes

2023-01-11 TATF Meeting Notes

Meeting Date & Time

  •   This Task Force meets every four weeks on Wednesdays at 08:00-09:00 PT / 16:00-17:00 UTC (see the Calendar of ToIP Meetings for full meeting logistics including Zoom links):

Zoom Meeting Recording


NA/EU Meeting

No APAC meeting today.

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members: none.
2 minReview of previous action itemsChairs

Note that these were action items from a one-time joint meeting of the TATF and the second-generation Trust Registry TF.

  • ACTION: Drummond Reed will close issue #44 by checking with LF counsel Scott Nicholas as to what license should be stated in the LICENSE.MD file.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed sets up a Slack DM with the the leads of both the Technology Architecture TF and the Trust Registry TF to propose  to cede the current Thursday weekly NA/EU and APAC time slots back to the Trust Registry TF (who owned them originally) and then figure out how the TRTF time slot and cadence will be chosen.
  • ACTION: Darrell O'Donnell to send out a Doodle poll for ad hoc working sessions for the Trust Registry TF (at both NA/EU and APAC-friendly times) for the next couple weeks. DONE: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/elxlE3Je 
  • ACTION: Andor to coordinate with DIF and TOIP to figure out the process to collaborate and send some proposals about potential collaboration.

ToIP Technology Architecture Specification Links

Links to relevant documents and diagrams for the public review of the ToIP Technology Architecture V1 Specification (TAS). 

20 minsCatchup and general status report

Items to sync up on:

  • New TSWG call schedule - see this new text added to the TSWG home page:

Because there has been some confusion on everyone’s part, I just published the four-week rotation of Technology Stack WG + TF meetings that happen on Wednesdays on the TSWG home page. To make it easier for everyone, here’s a copy:

The TSWG currently holds a plenary meeting once every four weeks. The current NA/EU meeting slot is Wednesdays at 08:00-09:00 PT / 16:00-17:00 UTC. The TSWG shares this Wednesday NA/EU meeting slot in a four-week cycle with three other TSWG Task Force meetings, each of which also has a second APAC meeting also on Wednesdays at 18:00-19:00 PT / 02:00-03:00 UTC. The full four week cycle (which started on 04 January 2023) is:

  1. TSWG Plenary (NA/EU only)
  2. Technology Architecture Task Force (NA/EU + APAC)
  3. Trust Spanning Protocol Task Force Meeting #1 (NA/EU + APAC)
  4. Trust Spanning Protocol Task Force Meeting #2 (NA/EU + APAC)
  • We WILL be adding an APAC call for this meeting, starting in the next cycle.

ACTION: Drummond Reed to request Judith Fleenor and Michelle Janata to add the TATF APAC meeting on Wednesdays at 18:00-19:00 PT / 02:00-03:00 UTC to the ToIP Calendar. 

  • New volunteers joining TSWG leadership

See the TSWG home page.

  • Some feedback on the ToIP Technology Architecture V1.0 Spec

thomsona The actual implementations are going to be what audiences are going to be most interested. So it shows that we need the components specifications and interoperability profiles.

Antti Kettunen shared that the paper seems "more academic" to a business person. A technical contact understood it better. It requires "selective readership".

Matthieu: the model clarified that what ToIP is proposing provides an overall framing of how the different components and protocols can fit together. Being able to see where other technologies fit would help.

Judith Fleenor said that we didn't include that many examples of where specific existing technologies fit. We could do a blog post that helps point out where specific technologies fit into the stack. "If they see themselves in there, they can see where they will fit."

  • More expected once we launch the Trust Spanning Protocol TF (below)
  • See also the proposal from Daniel Hardman on the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) for greater collaboration between industry ords in the decentralized identity space. 
    • Link to the recording. Source: DIF DIDComm User Group - special presentation on broadening collaboration across ecosystems
    • Daniel said there has been a flurry of activity since his talk about how KERI and DIDComm can come together, particularly around peer DIDs. Those conversations were primarily in the KERI and Hyperledger Aries communities.
    • There were also requests to tie it into the DIF DIDComm Working Group activities.
    • With regard to the trust spanning protocol, it has implications for where we start. For example, we want to look at different potential source protocols could be "pulled in", then the work on KERI and DIDComm convergence would not come into the trust spanning protocol work until later. However, if we start down a path where the DIDComm and KERI and Aries work becomes immediately relevant.
  • thomsona said it's very important that we make the right tradeoffs in the TSP and that requires knowing what use cases it needs to support. It's like designing a pipe without knowing what will go through it. So knowing what those "canonical use cases" are is vital.
  • Lance Byrd said that the timing is excellent for the Aries community as they are trying to develop the Aries Interop Profile 3.0 is defined. It is a good connection point within Aries.

10 minsLaunch of the Trust Spanning Protocol Task Force

The TSPTF charter was approved at last week's TSWG Plenary meeting.

See the blog post: https://trustoverip.org/blog/2023/01/05/the-toip-trust-spanning-protocol/

Wenjing Chu, Daniel Hardman, and Drummond Reed have volunteered to lead.

The hope is to move fast (and not break things, just reduce things). The aspiration is to have a draft by June. And implementations!

  • Daniel Hardman has been working on a draft of what might be the next version of DIDComm, but that particular document doesn't necessarily relate to the work of the TSPTF — that is still to be determined.
  • So in terms of timeline, it's hard to predict how long it will take to get alignment.
  • Lance Byrd said there's an Aries DIDComm V2 working group and a lot of the attendees who want to see the Aries agent test harness can be used to validate their DIDComm V2 agent interop. So part of the reason that AIP V3 was launched is to help move toward this work.

Please do join the first meeting next Wednesday.

15 minsFeedback and next steps on the TAS

Review the open issues.

  • Special mention: we need to update our conceptual diagram of the ToIP stack (see screenshot #1 below)
  • Another task is to insert use cases — the task we originally handed to the Ecosystem Foundry WG but which they handed back.
  • But the biggest remaining task is terminology and glossary — see next topic.

ACTION: Drummond Reed to coordinate work on closing open issues via our Slack channel so we make maximum progress in the next four weeks.

  • thomsona asked what stake we are willing to put into the ground for finalizing the TAS.
  • Drummond Reed shared his view that the earliest he estimated the remaining work could get done is mid-February, but that the latest should be end of Q1.
  • Allan suggested that we target the end of Q1.
  • Drummond agreed but proposed that we target the final vote of the ToIP Steering Committee for the end of Q1. After Drummond researched SC dates, the closest SC plenary meeting is either March 8 or April 12. So to finish before the end of Q1 would mean, working backwards, the following milestones:
    • March 8: ToIP Steering Committee vote to approve the Working Group Approved Draft. 
    • February 22: Technology Stack WG vote to approve the Working Draft.
    • February 15: Final Working Draft completed and ready for TSWG review.

That would leave us a little over a month to complete the remaining tasks/open issues.

DECISION: Our goal will be to publish the final draft of the ToIP Technology Architecture V1.0 Specification and have it approved by the ToIP Steering Committee by the end of Q1.

5 minsTerminology/Glossary tasks

Neil Thomson and Drummond Reed have point on this.

  • The Concepts and Terminology WG has identified a developer (Brian Richter) to develop the Terminology Toolbox 2.0, but it won't be ready until Q2. So we'll need to develop our TAS glossary semi-manually.
  • The initial work is determining all of the glossary entries (Neil) and then writing them up (Drummond will help herd the cats).
  • We didn't pick up any volunteers on the call, but we'll need some to get the job done.

ACTION: Drummond Reed to arrange another followup meeting on glossary items with Neil Thomson next week.

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

Judith Fleenor reminded everyone that next Wednesday at 10AM PT is the first 2023 All-Member meeting that will go over the SSI Harms white paper from the Human Experience WG.

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  • DECISION: Our goal will be to publish the final draft of the ToIP Technology Architecture V1.0 Specification and have it approved by the ToIP Steering Committee by the end of Q1.

Action Items

  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to request Judith Fleenor and Michelle Janata to add the TATF APAC meeting on Wednesdays at 18:00-19:00 PT / 02:00-03:00 UTC to the ToIP Calendar. 
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to coordinate work on closing open issues via our Slack channel so we make maximum progress in the next four weeks.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to arrange another followup meeting on glossary items with Neil Thomson next week.