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Discuss TAS and start work on Trust Registry while our American colleagues celebrate thanksgiving.
Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Agenda Item
3 min
Start recording
Welcome & antitrust notice
Introduction of new members
Agenda review
Antitrust Policy Notice:Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
New Members: none
5 min
It is US Thanksgiving so we will have a light and casual meeting.
2 min
Review of previous action items
ACTION:Drummond Reedwill closeissue #44by checking with LF counsel Scott Nicholas as to what license should be stated in the LICENSE.MD file.
Scott is preparing an answer for Drummond.
ACTION:Drummond Reedto begin a draft of a blog post announcing release of the Public Review Draft of the TAS.
Tim: "managed" vs. "unmanaged" as terms to consider.
Governments are leaning in - "identity" has been backed off; credentials becoming more important; Trust Registries getting attention
Signing - reverse consequence (limited innovation and created vendor capture)
Raised a concern about DIDDocs and the attack vectors.
The role of government is to be light in some areas (e.g., where the private sector should lead) but create some guardrails to protect government and citizen interests.
Findy (Finland?) has formal government involvement and is starting with a broad understanding that the bounds aren't quite clear but directionally align with ToIP.
A ranging discussion on state of the project. The following is a synopsis as input to....
How does ToIP Tech Arch get from here (Dec 1) to Interop in 18 to 24 months?
SSI in transition. Tough to know which existing tech, or in-development tech, to bet on for building ToIP Tech Arch interop in 12-24 months
Tough for devs/teams switching tech or joining ToIP to know where to start.
For bleeding edge ToIP tech, it’s hard to keep up, as dev teams focus is “do” vs “explain”
ToIP stack + new tech changing SSI, but in transition:
Some dev on new tech, some developing on existing, planning for transition to new “in the future”
Cooptition reality - existing tech vendors promoting their variation, but that may not be the future.
e.g., KERI vs 100++ DID Methods, DID Auth
Is there an identified list of prioritized tech “gaps” and/or do we need one?
Does VC interop (including within the same VC ecosystem (e.g., travel, health)) have a road map?
Naive perception - same-old resistance to “anyone else’s ‘standard’”
Potentially insurmountable semantic differences (e.g,, VCs are sufficiently different the information isn't compatible)
Top reason ToIP Interop with fail?
Need to start an Interop immediately, which is continually updated.
There will likely be multiple paths, but that’s OK
Need a Use Case driven development priorities roadmap, starting with a “base” use case the framework as a whole, plus independent areas that can be worked in parallel (e.g., Trust Registries, DIDAuth, …)
This constantly evolves and reprioritizes as needed
Needed for both bleeding edge dev teams and “fast followers” looking to learn/build ASAP
Need pragmatic “how to get up to speed” guides, pre-built dev sandboxes to get started
For new dev on existing tech (whether as future or as “test mules”)
Capture what dev orgs/vendors have ToIP-compatible “dev sandboxes”
Encourage dev orgs/vendors to build future sandboxes
Need explainers to follow bleeding edge work to build the “how to” guides and cooperation from devs to “explain to the explainers”