2022-11-10 TATF Meeting Notes

2022-11-10 TATF Meeting Notes

Meeting Date & Time

  •   This Task Force holds TWO meetings weekly every Thursday at the following times (to cover global time zones - see the Calendar of ToIP Meetings):
    • NA/EU 07:00-8:00 PT / 14:00-15:00 UTC 
    • APAC 18:00-19:00 PT / 02:00-03:00 UTC

Zoom Meeting Recordings


NA/EU Meeting

APAC Meeting

Main Goals of this Meeting

Finish reviewing all issues and PRs and close as many as possible to prepare for the publication of the first public review draft of the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification V1.

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members: none
5 minAnnouncementsAllSkipped in the interests of time.
2 minReview of previous action itemsChairs
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed will close issue #44 by checking with LF counsel Scott Nicholas as to what license should be stated in the LICENSE.MD file.
    • Scott is preparing an answer for Drummond.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to begin a draft of a blog post announcing release of the Public Review Draft of the TAS.
  • ACTION: Darrell O'Donnell to create a document (Google doc or Google Slides) in the ToIP Google Drive to begin collaboration on the Trust Registry Task Force 2.0.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed  and/or Judith Fleenor to tell Elisa Trevino to turn on EasyCLA for the Technology Stack WG now, and then for everyone by Nov 9. DONE. <== Elisa has already sent out the emails.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to confirm with Elisa Trevino that DCO will not be needed once EasyCLA is turned on. 
  •  ACTION: Drummond Reed and Wenjing Chu to work together (including next week at the LF Member Summit in Tahoe) to discuss how to align the 3 diagrams with the spec and publish them in Appendix B as a resolution to Issue #31.
  • ACTION: Wenjing Chu will add a comment to Issue #4 and put it into last call.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to finish content for "Missing Content" issues 55, 56, 57.

ToIP Technology Architecture Specification Review Topics

Discussion of progress on the working draft of the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification (TAS). Links to relevant documents and diagrams:

5 minsLast Call PRs #54 and 59 (and issue #10)Chairs

5 day last call has expired; all we needed to discuss was the mechanics of merging. Andor merged.

5 minsIssue #18Wenjing Chu We agreed to close this issue.
5 minsIssue #22 and PR #62Wenjing Chu 

PR is submitted; Drummond has reviewed and approved. Just waiting on Daniel Hardman review (and anyone else).

5 minsMissing text sections (issues 55, 56, 57)Drummond Reed 

Please review these two Google docs ASAP!

  1. Evolution of the ToIP Stack
  2. Missing Sections in TAS
10 minsAppendix B - Issue 31

See this Google doc where we are drafting Appendix B.


  • Work on this is still underway and will continue between the NA/EU and APAC calls.

Drummond and Wenjing had a working session mid-day Thursday as they were at LF Member Summit together. Drummond then spent two hours preparing an updated version of Appendix B prior to the APAC call.


  • We spent 45 mins discussing the updated draft.
  • It was agreed that the new version that moved verifiable data registries to the far right side of the diagram was best because: a) they are Supporting Systems, and b) they can serve all the layers.
  • We had long discussions about the other figures and how they could best be aligned to create a clear progression of points.

ACTION: Jo Spencer and Darrell O'Donnell will do their best to work out new versions of the diagrams in Appendix B that are aligned to create a clear progression.

ACTION: Drummond Reed will then produce another draft of Appendix B — due to travel, ideally by EOD Friday November 11 — for final comment on Saturday Nov 12.

Terminology and GlossaryNeil Thomson 

Neil made the point that we MUST tackle putting the glossary in place. Drummond agreed and proposed that we make it a requirement to include a full glossary (and hyperlinked terms) in PR2.

ACTION: Drummond Reed to create a PR proposing a note for the Glossary section to include in PR1 explaining that the full glossary is coming in PR2.

5 minsPublishing PR1

Final production steps and deadlines agreed to on the call:

  1. Any comments on PR 62 must be submitted by EOD Friday 11 November.
    1. Wenjing Chu will finalize and merge on the weekend.
  2. Any comments on Missing Sections in TAS (the Google doc which supplies the missing text for issues 55, 56, and 57) must be submitted by EOD Friday 11 November.
    1. Drummond Reed will create PRs for issues 55, 56, and 57 and merged by EOD on Saturday 12 November.
  3. Drummond and Wenjing will prepare a proposed draft of Appendix B in this Google doc by EOD Thursday 10 December.
    1. We will post an update to the Slack channel.
    2. Any comments on that Google doc must be submitted by EOD Saturday 12 November.
    3. One of the Editors will then create a PR and merge it by 3PM PT on Sunday 13 November.
  4. After 3PM PT on Sunday 13 November, the Editors will use the #tswg-tech-arch-editors Slack channel to coordinate tagging a final release.
  5. After the final release, Wenjing Chu will produce a PDF of PR1 by 9AM PT Monday 14 November
  6. Any comments on Evolution of the ToIP Stack, which is a separate non-normative explanatory document, must be submitted by EOD Sunday 13 November.
    1. Drummond Reed will produce a PDF by 9AM PT Monday 14 November.
  7. After 9AM PT Monday 14 November, Drummond Reed will work with Judith Fleenor and ToIP website admin to post:
    1. A webpage describing the TAS, the Evolution of the ToIP Stack, the public review process, and how to comment.
    2. A blog post announcing the public review of the TAS.
  8. Public review will begin at Internet Identity Workshop #35 beginning Tuesday 15 November.

ACTION: All TATF members please review and comment on the issues and draft documents before the deadlines under the heading "Publishing PR1" in the Meeting Notes page.

5 minsPublishing PDF of PR1Wenjing Chu Wenjing will take care of this step.
5 minsDrafting ToIP website page and blog postDrummond Reed This is in process; see the production steps above.
5 minsTrust Registry Task ForceConfluence page updated for v2 work to begin: ToIP Trust Registry Query Protocol (TRQP) Specification Overview
5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 
ChairsNo meetings next week for IIW, however we will still meet the following Thursday, Nov 24, even though it is US Thanksgiving. The main topic will be Trust Registries.


  • None

Action Items

  • ACTION: Drummond Reed will prepare a PR and close issue #44 as soon as he has an answer from LF counsel Scott Nicholas as to what should be stated in the LICENSE.MD file.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to draft a ToIP website page and a blog post announcing release of the Public Review Draft of the TAS.
  • ACTION: Jo Spencer and Darrell O'Donnell will do their best to work out new versions of the diagrams in Appendix B that are aligned to create a clear progression.

  • ACTION: Drummond Reed will then produce another draft of Appendix B — due to travel, ideally by EOD Friday November 11 — for final comment on Saturday Nov 12.

  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to create a PR proposing a note for the Glossary section to include in PR1 explaining that the full glossary is coming in PR2.
  • ACTION: All TATF members please review and comment on the issues and draft documents before the deadlines under the heading "Publishing PR1" in the Meeting Notes page.