2022-11-03 TATF Meeting Notes

2022-11-03 TATF Meeting Notes

Meeting Date & Time

  •   This Task Force holds TWO meetings weekly every Thursday at the following times (to cover global time zones - see the Calendar of ToIP Meetings):
    • NA/EU 07:00-8:00 PT / 14:00-15:00 UTC 
    • APAC 18:00-19:00 PT / 01:00-02:00 UTC

Zoom Meeting Recordings


NA/EU Meeting

APAC Meeting

Main Goals of this Meeting

Resolve issues and PRs to prepare to release the First Public Review Draft of the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification at Internet Identity Workshop Nov 15-17.

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
5 minAnnouncementsAllSkipped due to time constraints.
2 minReview of previous action itemsChairs
  • ACTION: ALL TATF members need to read the EasyCLA process document and decide on the CLA manager assignment for your organization in order to continue to make contributions to the TAS. You can also set it up to provide wildcard support for all representatives of your org (based on your email domain). See Elisa Trevino for access/help.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed will close issue #44 by checking with LF counsel Scott Nicholas as to what license should be stated in the LICENSE.MD file.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to begin a draft of a blog post announcing release of the Public Review Draft of the TAS.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to propose a storyline for a concluding section (or Appendix) that can incorporate all of the proposed diagrams in way that communicates the overall picture of the ToIP architecture from several views.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed will work with Wenjing Chu and Neil Thomson to propose any revisions to the spec text and/or footnotes to explain how, from a ToIP context, "message integrity" is inherent in "authenticity".
  • ACTION: Darrell O'Donnell to create a document (Google doc or Google Slides) in the ToIP Google Drive to begin collaboration on the Trust Registry Task Force 2.0.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to ask Elisa Trevino to cancel the TATF meetings on Thursday Nov 17 due to Internet Identity Workshop.

ToIP Technology Architecture Specification Review Topics

Discussion of progress on the working draft of the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification (TAS). Links to relevant documents and diagrams:

2 minsEasyCLA checkDrummond Reed 

Have all TATF members read the EasyCLA process document and set up their org?

DECISION: We will request EasyCLA to be turned on for the TechArch repo on November 9.

ACTION: Drummond Reed  and/or Judith Fleenor to tell Elisa Trevino to turn on EasyCLA for the Technology Stack WG now, and then for everyone by Nov 9. DONE. <== Elisa has already sent out the emails.

3 minsDCO problemDrummond Reed 

See PR #54 for an example. How do we fix this?

We don't need to worry about this once we turn on EasyCLA.

ACTION: Drummond Reed to confirm with Elisa Trevino that DCO will not be needed once EasyCLA is turned on. <== Elisa is checking on this.

5 minsPR #54 - Authenticity & IntegrityDrummond Reed 

PR #54 has been submitted to address Issue #10. Please review.

#1 6.1 wrt authenticity = Proposed resolution - added integrity as #2 - glossary still needs work eventually, will add a link to every term. Proposal to put into last call. 

WC: on the 2nd FN that talks about the availability personally feel that its a somewhat separate issue

DR: that's why its a footnote and not on the list 

SP: feels strongly that it should be there. Parties should be available so that a minimum standard

WC: at the end of the day, not a strong opinion, just a minor one

DR: you can go ahead and propose another wording or separate issue if you'd like

WC: proposes to add the phrase “another important property of the system is availability” other than having it as a trust criteria

DC: make note to revise PR - then into final call

#2 merge conflicts have been resolved, WC approved

AK: ok to merge

DECISION: Label PR #54 as Last Call.

5 minsPR #11 - Interop with legacy techDrummond Reed 

This PR from Daniel Hardman has been approved by Andor and Drummond Reed. Can we merge it?

DECISION: Merge PR #11.

10 minsIssue #31 - Figure 4 / New Proposed Appendix BDrummond Reed 

See this new Google doc for the basic outline of a new proposed Appendix B that would replace the current Figure 4.

Drummond reviewed the structure of spec, and given reviews are non-normative - Suggest adding a new section as Appendix B: Consolidated Views of ToIP Architecture

Proposed short intro and different views.

WC: If we have 3 different views, the pictures we produce won’t be consistent with the text we wrote. We should have 1 model with different views. So different views about the same model. Doesn’t think we are there yet, though. Some views will be in conflict with the text.

Sankarshan: we need to clarify these are different views

NT: let's build an actual model - lets go with what we have right now as different views, but they need to be resolved by 1 model.

AK: Different views should all fit together with no logical inconsistencies.

DR: Different views but same model.

WC: Wholesale problems - might have to rewrite text to make section consistent.

AK: need to align views and models

JF: likes having different views represented

ACTION: Drummond Reed and Wenjing Chu to work together (including next week at the LF Member Summit in Tahoe) to discuss how to align the 3 diagrams with the spec and publish them in Appendix B as a resolution to Issue #31.

5 minsIssue #22 - "interface" and "protocol"Wenjing Chu 

What do we need to do to close this issue?

ACTION: Wenjing Chu will propose a PR to close Issue #22 per the discussion comments.

5 minsIssue #18 - Figure 6Wenjing Chu 

What do we need to do to close this issue?

ACTION: Wenjing Chu will propose a PR to close Issue #18 per the discussion comment.

5 minsIssue #4 - Inclusion of Intermediary SystemsWenjing Chu 

It appears the issue was raised before the addition of section 9 on Intermediary Systems. Thus is this still an issue or can it be closed?

The consensus is that this issue is outdated and no changes are needed.

ACTION: Wenjing Chu will add a comment to Issue #4 and put it into last call.

5 minsMissing Content issuesDrummond Reed 

Three sections still need content:

  1. Section 11 (issue #55)
  2. Section 12 (issue #56)
  3. Appendix C (issue #57)
  4. Evolution of the ToIP Stack (companion document linked from Appendix C)

ACTION: Drummond Reed to finish content for "Missing Content" issues 55, 56, 57.

2 minsEditorial Issues


We will also need to add:

  • Table of Contents (is there a Markdown tool for this?)
  • Section 13: References
  • Licensing info
  • Feedback info

Internet Identity Workshop SessionsAll

APAC: We had a very good discussion about sessions to hold at IIW:

  • First day: Wenjing Chu presentation on the ToIP Technology Architecture Spec
  • First day: Sam Smith: The Authentic Web (will include the trust spanning protocol)
  • Neil Thomson: Authentic Data, Human Experience (present recording by Nicky Hickman) and moderate discussion, possible session on Data interoperability (e.g., VC schema transformation)
  • Drummond Reed: The Trust Spanning Protocol - if needed
  • OpenWallet Scope and Structure
  • Daniel Bachenheimer: ToIP and OpenWallet (and FIDO2)
  • Judith Fleenor: ToIP Interoperability Certification Framework (Allan, Drummond) - Third Day
3 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 
ChairsNext week will be our final meeting before release of the First Public Review Draft at Internet Identity Workshop.


Action Items

  • ACTION: Drummond Reed will close issue #44 by checking with LF counsel Scott Nicholas as to what license should be stated in the LICENSE.MD file.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to begin a draft of a blog post announcing release of the Public Review Draft of the TAS.
  • ACTION: Darrell O'Donnell to create a document (Google doc or Google Slides) in the ToIP Google Drive to begin collaboration on the Trust Registry Task Force 2.0.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed  and/or Judith Fleenor to tell Elisa Trevino to turn on EasyCLA for the Technology Stack WG now, and then for everyone by Nov 9. DONE. <== Elisa has already sent out the emails.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to confirm with Elisa Trevino that DCO will not be needed once EasyCLA is turned on. 
  •  ACTION: Drummond Reed and Wenjing Chu to work together (including next week at the LF Member Summit in Tahoe) to discuss how to align the 3 diagrams with the spec and publish them in Appendix B as a resolution to Issue #31.
  • ACTION: Wenjing Chu will add a comment to Issue #4 and put it into last call.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to finish content for "Missing Content" issues 55, 56, 57.