

A series of whitepapers and implementation plans which may include the following

General ecosystem description

A whitepaper outlining the general approach and solution. White Paper: Decentralized Resource Identifiers in the Research Landscape

Current use of identifiers in the research ecosystem

Description of current state of the art models e.g. DOI, ORCiD, Genbank accession numbers etc. - contribution being made to academic publication

Use cases and requirements

Descriptions of potential use cases and ecosystem requirements. In process on google docs

Deliverable 3

Pros/Cons description of DID solutions

Deliverable 4

Examples of ecosystem requirements to help organizations form their own

Deliverable 5

Examples of governance structures for organizations that will enable the resource identifiers. See ToIP Governance Metamodel Specification

Deliverable 6

A workflow of how an organization would build this ecosystem and what a potential ecosystem end would look like

Deliverable 7

Technical architectures with guidance on how to determine costs