2021-10-08 GHP Hospitality Group Meeting Notes


  • October 8, 2021


  • Nick Price (NetSys Technology Limited)
  • Monika Nerger (Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group - MOHG)
  • Lucy Yang (CCI)
  • Tood Wood(Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group - MOHG)
  • Toby Burger (Affindi)
  • Brian Patterson (Proof Market)


1 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy Notice

10 minsIntroduction of new membersKaliya Young
30 minsItem 1TBD
  • Notes
10 minsItem 2TBD
  • Notes
10 minsItem 3TBD
  • Notes
5 minsDiscussion - Webinars - next steps TBD
2 minsWrap-up / Action ItemsTBD



  • None


  • None


Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy

Notes for Oct 8th meeting 


Toby Berger - Affinidi

Monika - Mandarin Orient

Todd Wood - Mandarin Orient

Nick Price

Brian Patterson - 

Lucy Yang 

Introduction by Toby - conversation about GHP relative to Affinidi’s product

Affinidi does universal verification 

Brian - ProofMarket -Jan 2020

Recently shifted - user ceremonies related to 

Decryption of QR codes issued by health providers - 

Uses Bluetooth - large event organizers - trade shows 

Bluetooth can verify 10-20 credentials at a time. 


Working on this thread of the journey for different parts of the travel journey: 


Travel Providers is the terminology - instead of Travel Supplier

Buyers and Sellers of travel

Walk through and make detailed diagrams. 

How much to get on the bus and how to get on the bus. 

Good Health pass as a component of the frictionless journey 

Car Hire - Rail

End point is a hotel

Going to go to a Conference  - Business Traveler

Leisure Traveler as well. 

Either we decide to stop at arrival

If we continue - leisure and business needs to be addressed

Hotellier has influence on guests. 

Small location - Museum

Large amusement park - kids and family

Diagrams in each of the use-cases 

Stay consistent. 

Question for Brian and Toby 

How are you handling the issue of person’s name relative to to the health credential. 

Brian - what we do to verify authenticity - at point of registration we do user-identification - compared to health card data. 

At point of verification we don’t ask for ID - we have already done that - done an additional authentication - to prevent. 

At point of verification - user holds up phone - selfie picture - or gov ID. 

Hold up - 

Verifier app - does face match - secret word match - screen green. 

Next Steps 

Kids are key to this use-case

Nick - Not a fan of paper - not frictionless experience 

So easily mis-used

Toby - 


  • Sample Decision Item

Action items

  • Sample Action Item