EFWG 2021-02-25 Meeting

EFWG 2021-02-25 Meeting

Meeting Schedule

  • Bi Weekly at 11am est.


Agenda Items

1 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeChair
4 minIntroduction of new membersChair
20 minLiquid Avatar Verifiable Credential Ecosystem introduction

RJ Reiser

10 minYOMA Ecosystem Task force - Nomination to create a new task forceJohannes Wedenig, Wesley Furrow
10 minInternet of Research Task Force -  Research Identifier White Paper nomination for Draft deliverableCarly Huitema
10 min

White Paper Task Force status - 

Karen Hand

Presentation Files

Meeting - Recording 

Agenda & Notes

  1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy
  2. Introduction of new members
    1. Catherine Millett (ETS)
    2. Welsey Furrow (UNICEF)
    3. Barbie Singla (Molecular You)
  3. Introduction to Liquid Avatar
    1. work over the past 3y with identity and digital identity is now being aligned with verifiable credentials
    2. joining forces with ecosystems is the desired path forward eg. Good Health Pass, Lumedic etc
    3. digital identity (person, entity, thing) - consumer centric GTM
    4. assurance levels/certification ; offline with paper
      1. Scott Perry more detail about the ecosystem and governance authority (which were unclear in the announcement)
      2. Karl Kneis what does 'tying to identity' mean in this context? Also, will there be a ToIP Interoperability Profile (TIP) for this?
      3. Chaker Al-Hakim (1) security aspects of the data provided by the user - perhaps similar to credit reporting companies (2) user login + password - is that the only way or is an identifier based approach on user phone/device is being considered
  4. Yoma Ecosystem Task Force - Johannes Wedenig 
    1. Brief overview of proposed YOMA  (Youth Agency Marketplace) Ecosystem task force
    2. Scope to include key aspects for Technology and Governance
    3. Deliverables
      1. Technology - aspects captured, framework, machine readable, universal token
      2. Governance - Yoma Governance Framework v1, governance authority, youth participation
    4. Questions/Comments
    5. Karl Kneis   - Is nomination to create Task Force and Wiki page has been created
    6. Drummond Reed  - when would you like V1 of governance framework developed
      1. Q3/Q4 will have legal organization and that is the time horizon we are aiming for
    7. ravidilse Have you decided your token utility? (Lohan Spies - FYI)
      1. For moment - token is an advanced ledger system and voucher - an accounting system and want to move to another level
        1. needs to meet demand for impact and youth ability to establish place in market
        2. Currently being financed and supported by grocery businesses
    8. Approved by EFWG - Yoma Ecosystem Task Force - please sign up on Wiki page
  5. Research Identifier Whitepaper
    1. was originally created for NDRIO; further refined to make it generally available for ToIP to publish
      1. ToIP contact needs to be included in the whitepaper (OPEN item)
    2. relevant links
      1. Whitepaper draft flow

      2. Whitepaper in google docs

      3. Whitepaper in Confluence wiki

    3. Formalised as a DRAFT deliverable by EFWG - will be presented for final approval in 2w at the next meeting
  6. Digital Trust Marketplace FAQ
    1. discussion around how to engage the broader community and the authors especially in light of the recent report from the Ontario government
      1. PDF → Google Doc to enable participation/engagement
      2. Dropbox Paper to enable participation/engagement