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Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Agenda Item
3 min
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Welcome & antitrust notice
Introduction of new members
Agenda review
Antitrust Policy Notice:Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
New Members:
5 min
General announcement / announcement via Slack
@drummondreed: First, can we set up the ToIP Glossary at the URL that we agreed on?
Second, will Spec-Up-T documentation/tutorials be far enough along that we could host a session on it at IIW (if the right folks to do that will be there)?Third, can we document (on the ToIP wiki) the process for any ToIP member to be able to: - Propose a revision to any term in the ToIP Glossary. - Propose a new term to the ToIP Glossary.
I realize on that last point that those ToIP wiki pages may just be pointers to subset of the Spec-Up-T documentation. That’s fine. I just want to have one place on the ToIP wiki to which we can point anyone to say, “Go here if you want to propose any changes to the ToIP Glossary”.
@Henk van Cann: -> we are a 100% supporter of this, but we need somebody from ToIP to arrange the subdomain.
Can we document (on the ToIP wiki) the process for any ToIP member -> Anyone can start filling a page in the wiki and redirect a few links to our Docusaurus documentation site of Spec-Up-T.
ToIP Glossary V1
Action: Kor Dwarshuis A YouTube instructional video on how to set up a spec-up-t project from the beginning would be great.
Action: We need links that are self-explanatory with version numbers in them. Because those links are what people are going to use to refer to the glossary as a whole and to specific terms. @kordwarshuis and @henkvancann could look into how the current fundamental tracking of commits could add to this concept. <base-url>/v1/#term:<term> <base-url>/latest/#term:<term>
Workshop Spec-Up-T based glossaries; planned: Oct 10 7PM-8PM CEST, 10AM PDT
Review of previous action items
Carly Huitema: If I am to contribute content, how do I do that? do I get added as a contributor, or do I fork the repo? In general: You fork the repo and offer PRs The various roles and their Use Case are described here:
Preview: Search with both harmonica open and closed. The number of hits will adapt. Use the left and right arrow keys to navigate through the hits. Kor Dwarshuis: Example: -search for blockchain -collapse definitons -see nr of search results adapt So the search adapts to the definitions being collapsed or not
We get stuck with the fact that if content writers use defs outside of the terms def directory of that ~, then <dd> is also created there and then my code is messed up because I do not yet know how to target the terms / defs. We suggest to limit: That is why we are just going to say →defs in one place Action: Kor Dwarshuis will solve this feature that we consider a bug in Spec-Up-T.
How to cope with multiple/singular versions of terms, with/without dashes. etc TEv2 tooling? Rieks has put a proposal in Slack in the July 1 CTWG chat. Already added as a draft to the Terminology Governance Guide. We will discuss this. This is a "Also Known As" challenge.