1) Task Force Reports, 2) New GitHub processes, 3) Github Contributor License Agreement (CLA) Setup, 4) Internet Identity Workshop Session Planning
Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Agenda Item
3 min
Start recording
Welcome & antitrust notice
Introduction of new members
Agenda review
Antitrust Policy Notice:Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
New Members:
Michael Palage: Started of as an engineer, went into an intellectual property attorney, and for last 20 years have been deeply involved in "all things ICANN". First met Drummond and Scott Perry as part of the CULedger Advisory Panel. Has also been working with GAIN and GLEIF. One of his colleagues, Jacques Latour at CIRA asked for Michael's help with trust registry work. That is an area of his current focus and thus the trigger than made him finally decide to join.
Jacques Latour: CTO at CIRA runs the .ca registry in Canada. He is leading the DIACC team on their Trust Registry WG.
5 min
General announcements
Updates from TSWG members of general interest to the group.
FIDO Authenticate is starting in Seattle today and Drummond and Dmitry Barinov, CTO of Digital Trust Services at Avast.
Michael mentioned that he is not able to attend the FIDO Authenticate conference, but recommends that Drummond try to meet with Jaromír Talíř <jaromir.talir@nic.cz> as they are an ICANN registry and very involved with eIDAS 2.0.
Judith wanted to remind everyone that this Wednesday, 10AM PT, is our All-Member Meeting that will be our bi-monthly summary of Working Groups and Task Forces.
Also, we won't be holding the All-Member Meeting in November because it falls in the middle of Internet Identity Workshop.
Michael mentioned that KuppingerCole has opened up their calls for participation for the next European Identity Conference. Judith agreed that the ToIP Foundation will put in at least one presentation proposal.
ACTION: Judith Fleenor to put the submission of a European Identity Conference presentation or panel proposal on the agenda for the next Communications Committee meeting.
2 min
Review of Action Items from the previous meeting
ACTION:Darrell O'Donnellto work withAndre Kudrato get links for the most relevant papers from last week's Rebooting the Web of Trust (RWOT) conference.
ACTION:Judith Fleenorto work withDarrell O'DonnellandElisa Trevinoand the rest of the TSWG to define and put in place a process for how a Working Group or Task Force can transition fromearly-stage developmentusing lightweight collaboration tools like Google docs to aformal and rigorous system-of-recordbased on GitHub and pull requests (PRs).
We intended to "feather in" Trust Registry Task Force (TRTF) meetings into the same time slot as weekly TATF meetings starting this coming week.
ACTION: Darrell O'Donnell to prepare a summary of the charter of the Trust Registry TF 2.0 for discussion at this coming Thurday's Technology Architecture TF meetings.
Rodolfo Miranda gave an update that they are currently discussing the compact version of ACDC credentials and Sam is currently developing the ACDC presentation exchange protocol.
Judith reported that Wenjing gave the second half of a presentation about the reasons for the TF and made a proposal for how we might need to change our design principles to support the AI and Metaverse mission, and what action items to work on next.
Now that the Technology Architecture TF has moved the Technology Architecture Specification (TAS) to GitHub, it is putting the following processes in place to manage issues and facility asynchronous collaboration:
GitHub Discussions — this has now been turned on for our TAS Github repo. This will make it much easier to seperate non-issue discussions from true issues.
Github Issues Management — this wiki page contains our current process for processing and closing issues, including the labels we are using.
Github Repo Management — this page is a placeholder for our process for merging Github PRs and publishing versions of GitHub documents.
Andor explained that he is actively working on a PR to put in place the standard Github files covering Governance, License, Code Owners, Contributors, and Code of Conduct.
Antti Kettunen explained that he is working with Andor to develop the Github PR and publishing process and they will document it as soon as they have consensus.
Drummond explained that, even though a lot of work has gone into GitHub processes over the last several weeks, the focus will now move to the actual content of the TAS to prepare for the First Public Review Draft being released by Nov 15th.
Drummond explained that the need for the Technology Architecture TF to publish the First Public Review Draft of the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification V1 means that we need to put the Linux Foundation Contributor License Agreement (CLA) process in place. Drummond advised that all TSWG members study that document, shared by our Program Manager Elisa Trevino, as it details what will be needed.
ACTION: Drummond Reed to prepare a summary slide on the CLA process for Judith Fleenor to put into the presentation deck for this coming Wednesday's All-Member Meeting.
We should start thinking about what sessions TSWG members want to hold at Fall IIW.
We ran out of time for this topic.
ACTION: Drummond Reed to put IIW session planning on the agenda for the next meeting.
5 min
Review decisions/action items
Planning for next meeting
Action Items
ACTION: Judith Fleenor to put the submission of a European Identity Conference presentation or panel proposal on the agenda for the next Communications Committee meeting.
ACTION:Judith Fleenorto work withDarrell O'DonnellandElisa Trevinoand the rest of the TSWG to define and put in place a process for how a Working Group or Task Force can transition fromearly-stage developmentusing lightweight collaboration tools like Google docs to aformal and rigorous system-of-recordbased on GitHub and pull requests (PRs).
ACTION: Darrell O'Donnell to prepare a summary of the charter of the Trust Registry TF 2.0 for discussion at this coming Thurday's Technology Architecture TF meetings.
ACTION: Drummond Reed to prepare a summary slide on the CLA process for Judith Fleenor to put into the presentation deck for this coming Wednesday's All-Member Meeting.
ACTION: Drummond Reed to put IIW session planning on the agenda for the next meeting.